2016届高考英语二轮复习精讲学案专题04动词及动词短语(原卷版) 下载本文

If you come across faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.

如果你发现你想要买的这辆自行车有瑕疵,但是你仍想买这辆,就让服务员降价。 5.get

get away from 逃脱,逃离 get away with 做了坏事而未受惩罚 get down to (doing) sth. 开始(做)某事 get in 进入,收割,达到 get over 克服,恢复 get across 理解,(使)渡过

get through 接通(电话),完成(工作),通过(考试)

After that,he knew he could get through any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.

在此之后,他知道只要尽全力就能成功应对一切紧急事件。 6.give

give away 赠送,给予,背弃,泄露,分发 give in 投降,让步,屈服 give back 归还,送回

give off 释放,放出(烟、光、热等) give out 用完,耗尽,分发,发放 give up 放弃,辞去

He said he wasn't disappointed at the result of the final exam, but the look on his face gave himself away.

他说他对期末考试的结果不失望,但是他脸上的表情出卖了他。 7.go

go against 违反,违背

go over 复习,重温,仔细检查,审阅 go by 走过,经过,(时间)消逝,过去 go out 熄灭,出去,外出

go without 没有……也行,没有……也能勉强应付

go through 通过,经受,浏览,仔细检查

I always start the day by going through my email. 我每天第一件事就是要看电子邮件。 8.hold

hold back 隐瞒;控制(情感) hold out 维持;抵抗;硬撑 hold up 使……耽搁 hold on 坚持;别挂(电话) hold together 团结一致 hold on to 保留,抓住不放

I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.

我目前要守住这套房子,这段时间房价涨得很快。 9.look

look back on... 回顾……,回忆…… look on 旁观,观望

look into... 往……里面看,浏览,调查 look out 留神,当心,注意,警惕,提防 look through 看透,仔细查看,浏览,翻阅,温习 look up仰视,往上看,(在字典或参考书中)查阅,查询

The authorities will look into the case further before they can come to a conclusion about it.

官方要对此案做进一步调查才能得出结论。 10.make

make the best of 充分利用 make up for 补偿,弥补 make out 辨认出 make fun of 取笑

make up one's mind 下定决心 make sense 有道理(意义),讲得通

make good/full use of 充分利用 make up 编造;组成;构成;补齐,凑足

The boy is working harder than ever,hoping to make up the time he has wasted playing online games.

为了把浪费在网络游戏上的时间弥补回来,男孩比之前学习更努力。 11.put

put away 将某物收拾起来,存钱,储存 put down 扑灭,镇压,记下 put forward 提出,建议 put off 延期,拖延

put on (戏)上演,穿上,戴上 put out 扑灭,熄灭,出版,生产 put up 挂起,张贴,搭起,建立 put up with 忍受,容忍

Why do we have to put up with Susan's selfish behavior? We have to teach her to care for others.


He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting up at a hotel for the night。

他决定当晚直接开车回家,而不住旅馆。 12.set

set about doing sth.=set out to do sth. 着手/开始做某事 set aside 留出,搁/放在一边

set off 出发,启程,引起爆炸,激起,引起 set out (for...) 动身去(……) set up 创立,设立,开办,竖起,支起

The couple set aside some money every month for their future use even though their income can only make ends meet.

这对夫妻每个月都存一些钱以备将来使用,尽管他们的收入只能使他们勉强维持生计。 例1、(2013·湖北,26)In much of the animal world, night is the time ________

for sleep—pure and simple.

A.set aside

B.set down

C.set off D.set up

答案:A 根据句意:在动物界,夜晚就是留出来睡觉的——单纯、简单。A. set aside留出来,B. set down记下,写下,C. set off出发,动身,D. set up成立,建立。可知A正确。


take in 吸收,接纳,欺骗 take on 呈现,雇用 take over 继承,接管,接替

take up 从事,开始,专注于,占去(时间、空间、地位等)

take off (飞机)起飞,脱掉(衣帽/鞋),成名,成功,事业转机,生意起色

Some insects take on the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. 有些昆虫为了自我保护会随着周围环境改变自身颜色。 14.turn

turn down 拒绝;调低 turn in 上交

turn out 结果是,证明是 turn over 移交,交给 turn up 出现;调高 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开 turn away 走开 turn to 求助于;翻到

—You look upset. What's the matter? —I had my proposal turned down again. ——你看上去很伤心,怎么了? ——我的建议再次被拒绝了。 考点三:动词的熟词生义
