2018-2019学年度外研版六年级英语第二学期期末测试题及答案 下载本文


姓名 班级


I. Look, listen and number. 看图、听录音、用数字标出朗读的顺序。(10分)

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( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

II. Choose the word you have heard. 选出你所听到的词语,将其编号填在题前的括号里。(7分)

( ) 1. A. stay B. study C. speak D. listen ( ) 2. A. fifth B. first C. fast D. fever ( ) 3. A. bigger B. biggest C. big D. bag ( ) 4. A. interested B. interesting C. wonderful D. fantastic ( ) 5. A. rules B. rulers C. blue D. noon ( ) 6. A. left B. right C. light D. night ( ) 7. A. weekdays B. weekends C. weeks D. where

III. Listen to the questions and choose the best answers. 从A、B和C 选项中找出你所听到的英语句子的最佳答语。(8分)

( ) 1. A. You can get there by bus. B. I helped them to tidy things.

C. I usually go shopping.

( ) 2. A. By bus. B. With my parents C. Tomorrow morning. ( ) 3. A. It’s not far. B. About an hour. C. By car.

( ) 4. A. Yes, I did. B. No, there weren’t. C. No, I wasn’t. ( ) 5. A. Thanksgiving Day. B. Mother’s Day. C. Christmas Day. ( ) 6. A. We listened, spoke, read and wrote. B. Yes, we did.

C. We learn English by listening, speaking, reading and writing.

( ) 7. A. Yes, of course. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I don’t. ( ) 8. A. I’m going to Tianjin. B. I go to Beijing. C. I went to Shanghai.

IV. Listen and write. 听一段短文,将听到的词语写在横线上,一空一词。(5分)

Some scientist were ________in a spaceship in outer space. The scientist looked out of the _______. They could see the planet Earth. It looked ______ a blue and white ball. Now we have many _______of our planet from outer space. Some scientists _____ very powerful cameras. The photos were very clear. The scientists were surprised at what they saw. What ____ they see? Can you guess? In the photos, they saw land, blue sea and white clouds. Some scientists said they could see a long, dark line on the yellow earth. They thought it ____ the ______Wall of China—— the ________wall in the world. Do you_______ so?

二、根据图意找出正确的单词或词组,将其字母编号写在括号内。 (10分) A. CN Tower B. write English C. make a mess D. healthy food E. Sydney Opera House F. act in drama G. turn left H. work in groups I. go down the street J. be late for school

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1. There (be) some orange juice in the bottle. 2. We ________________(visit) Chinatown in Singapore tomorrow. 3. The capital city of America is (call) Washington D.C. 4. Thank you for (invite) me to your house. 5. You must take good care of young _____________(child). 6. I (see ) him at the shopping center last Sunday. 7. The panda wants to enjoy __________(she) at Disneyland. 8. The CN Tower is one of the __________ (tall) towers in the world. 9. Would you like (swim) with us?

10. Please ask and answer questions ____________(active).


1. 你想问问Kate, 她假期做了什么,你这样问:

What _______ you __________ during your holidays?


I __________ to Sanya.

2. 你这样向小明询问银行在哪:

is the ?

小明告诉你顺着这条街走就可以找到银行, 他说: Go this .

3. 彼得告诉我们他们一家要在中国待上两周,这样说:

We are going to in China two weeks. 4. 你这样向别人表达医院与邮局之间是一家超市, 你说:

There ____________ a supermarket ___________ the hospital and the post office. 5. 孔子让他的学生们问问题,他很明智地进行回答,这样表达:

Confucius let his students _________ questions and he _________ them wisely. 6. 你建议你的弟弟不要吃太多的快餐食品,你这样表达: You __________ eat too __________ fast food.

7. 你这样告诉大家五月是一年中的第五个月,母亲节在这个月里: ____________ is the ____________ month of the year. ____________ ____________ is in this month.


( ) 1. —Where _________you last Friday? —I _________at home. A. are, am B. were, was C. were, am D. was, am ( ) 2. She was ill _________ Tuesday.

A. last B. in C. at D. for

( ) 3. Hangzhou is in ______ Province.

A. Zhejiang B. Shandong C. Jiangsu D. Shaanxi

( ) 4. He listens to his teacher ____________. A. careful B. carefully C. care D. active ( ) 5. We can cross the street now. The light is .

A. green B. yellow C. red D. on ( ) 6. Please turn left at the ______ crossing. A. second B. two C. three twice ( ) 7. — can I get to the Water Park? — By bus or by subway. A. Where B. What C. When D. How ( ) 8. We can learn __________ about the history of Tianjin.

A .a little of B. many C. much D. a few

( )9. The old woman is telling _________ English story to the boy. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 10. Mary will go to Canada _________ May 20th. A. in B. on C. at D. to 六、用完整句回答问题。(10分)

1. How did you go to Shanghai?

_______________________________ 2. Are there any books in the box?

3. Which city is the capital of China?



4. What are they interested in?

_____________________________________ 5. What holidays are in June?



A: Hi, Jack. Let’s guess riddles(谜语). B: OK, Dick.

A: If o______ of us can’t guess, he must give some money to the o______. B: All right. But I’m not good at ________ riddles.

Because You’re more c______ than me, if you can’t guess, you s______ lose(输掉) fifteen pence(便士). But if I can’t, I will lose only five pence.

A: No problem! Let’s begin. Who will be the f______?

B: Of c_____ I. Listen, there is an a______. It has four legs, two of them can run, the other t_____ can fly. Tell me what it is.

A: Oh, I can’t guess it. I’ll give you fifteen pence. Tell me now, what is it? B: I can’t, either. So you’ll have to give me only t______ pence.
