10套A级(三级)英语考试真题及答案(05年12月~10年6月) 下载本文

You gain entry to the trains by inserting your ticket into the barrier machine (检票闸机). Wait for the ticket to reappear and put it away safely: you’ll need it again. After your trip, you insert your ticket into the barrier in order to leave. Please note that each ticket is time coded on entry, and you are advised not to spend more than half an hour in addition to travel time, because tickets can expire (失效).

Moving stairs that take you to the platform and train destinations are marked clearly. Trains run frequently. Do remember, eating and drinking are forbidden in MRT stations and trains. 56. What purpose does the MRT serve?

To provide a(n) way to get about the city. 57. Why is there an extra cost of 50 cents for a tourist ticket? For the tourist to keep the ticket as .

58. Why should people keep the ticket after boarding the train? Because they will when they leave. 59. What will happen if passengers stay in MRT over half an hour in addition to travel time? Their tickets will .

60. What is forbidden when people take the underground train? They are not allowed to .

Part IV Translation — English into Chinese (25 minutes) Directions: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translate English into

Chinese. Each of the sentences numbered 61 to 65 is followed by four choices of suggested Chinese translation marked A, B, C and D. Mark the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph numbered 65 in the corresponding space on the Translation / Composition Sheet.

61. An engineer is needed by the company to manage the work of installation teams, and to provide engineering assistance when problems occur.

A. 公司需要一位工程师来指挥安装工作,并在出现问题时提供工程指导。 B. 公司聘用了一位工程师,让他做安装工作,同时还要解决工程方面的问题。 C. 公司需要聘用工程师来帮助公司安装设备,提供工程援助以及解决出现的问题。 D. 公司需要一位工程师来领导安装小组的工作,并在出现问题时提供工程方面的帮助。 62. If you are a small firm and you are confident you know the risk assessment, you can do it yourself.

A. 如果你们公司规模小,并自信对风险评估很了解,你们可以自己进行这项工作。 B. 如果你拥有一家小公司,并有信心去理解这项工作,你自己可以作风险评估。 C. 如果你自信熟悉这项工作,你的小公司就可以自己去冒险进行投资。 D. 如果你是一家小公司,而且熟悉风险投资,你就可以自己去投资。

63. In the world today any damage to society, whether at the local or at the global level, will not remain unnoticed.

A. 在当今世界,社会受到局部或全面损害的程度还是难以确定的。 B. 在当今世界,对社会所造成的任何局部或总体损害都依然未被察觉。

C. 在当今世界,对社会的任何损害,无论是局部的还是全球性的,终究会被察觉出来。 D. 在当今世界,对社会造成的任何破坏,不管从局部还是全局来看,都不会不被注意到。 64. You must sign to accept the terms and conditions as the application will only be processed with the applicant’s signature.

A. 您必须先阅读有关条款才能签名,因为申请表必须经过申请人签名才能办理。 B. 您必须签名以示接受这些条款,因为申请表必须附有申请人的签名方可受理。 C. 您必须在收到所列条款之后才能签名,因为申请表只有经申请人签署才能生效。 D. 您必须在收到所列条款之后才能签名,因为申请表一旦经申请人签名就即刻生效。 65. We have learned from our Embassy that you are interested in importing Chinese silk products. We are a long-established exporter of silk products in China and we have a very good reputation both at home and abroad. Our products sell well all over the world and highly valued by our customers for their excellent quality and fine workmanship (工艺).We are looking forward to your early reply.

Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a

letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Some information and the e-mail form are given to you. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet.

假如你是某公司餐饮部经理Peter Jones,于2006年6月18日发一封信给办公室主任Brown Smith,内容是:

从下周一开始,员工食堂关闭一周,进行重新装修。上午和下午在一楼接待厅将有餐饮公司使用推车提供饮料和三明治。附近的饭店每天中午12点至1点为员工提供午餐。 Words for reference

重新装修 n. redecoration v. redecorate 推车trolley

接待厅reception hall 餐饮公司catering firm 餐饮部经理 catering manager


2006 年 6 月

Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A

1. W: When do you need to have the letter typed?

M: The sooner, the better. I’ve got to mail it tomorrow. Q: What are they talking about?

【答案】 D。信息明示题。女士询问男士是否需要把信打印好,可见两人谈论的是 D“打印信件”。

2. M: Will you go with us to Kunming? It is a wonderful place. W: I’d like to, but I am afraid I do not have enough money. Q: What is the woman’s problem?

【答案】 B。信息明示题。女士想去昆明旅游,但是钱却不够,B与此意相符。 3. W: I’ve got a few things for Mary.

M: A few? It seems you have bought the whole supermarket for her. Q: What can we learn from this conversation?

【答案】 B。推理判断题。男士夸张地说女士已经给 Mary 买下了整个超市,由此可推想女士为 Mary 买了很多东西,因此选择 B。

4. M: Will you give me your e-mail address so that I can send you my reply? W: Why not call me since you have my phone number? Q: What does the woman mean?

【答案】 C。推理判断题。女士反问男士:既然有我的电话号码,为什么不打电话给我,可见女士想让男士给她打电话,也就是 C所说的 reply by phone。 5. W: How long will it take to get my computer fixed?

M: It shouldn’t be longer than three days. I will call you when it is OK. Q: What is the man going to do?

【答案】 A。信息明示题。女士询问男士她的电脑什么时候能修好,可见 A正是男士要做的事情。

Section B

Conversation 1 W: Excuse me?

M: Yes, ma’am. Can I help you?

W: Could you tell me where the bank is? M: It is upstairs across from the coffee bar. W: Thanks, do you know what time it opens? M: It should be open now. It opens at 8:00 a.m.

W: Good. And can you tell me how often the buses leave for the city center? M: Every half hour. And you’ve just missed one.

W: Oh, dear, then I’ll have to wait for another thirty minutes. Thank you very much. M: That is OK.

Question 6 and 7 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard. 6. Where is the bank?

【答案】 A。信息明示题。女士询问男士银行的具体位置,男士告诉她说 upstairs。 7. How often do the buses leave for the city center?

【答案】 D。信息明示题。女士询问男士去往市中心的公交车多长时间一趟,男士的回答

是 Every half hour。 Conversation 2

M: Hi, Jane, please take a seat. W: Thank you.

M: We are now considering your application. Are you interested in working in the Marketing Department?

W: Yes, I am very interested in marketing. It would be a new challenge for me. M: How do you feel about working on weekends?

W: Working on weekends? I haven’t thought about it, but I will definitely consider it. M: People in that department often need to do market surveys during the weekends. W: Then I will try my best to do that.

M: By the way, do you live far from the company?

W: No, it only takes me thirty minutes to come here by bus. M: That is fine. Thank you.

Question 8 to 10 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard. 8. In which department is the woman likely to work?

【答案】 C。推理判断题。女士回答说对市场营销很感兴趣,这就意味着她可能去做这份工作。

9. What is the special requirement for the job?

【答案】 B。推理判断题。男士说“People in that department often need to do market service during the weekends”,这就意味着这份工作的特殊要求就是要在周末加班。 10. How long does it take the woman to get to the company by bus?

【答案】 A。信息明示题。女士回答中的 thirty minutes 即 A中的 half an hour。

Section C

In the U.S.A, thirty percent of the adult population has a weight problem. To many people, the cause is obvious — they eat too much. But scientific evidence does not support this idea. Going back to the America of 1910, we find the people were thinner than today. Yet they ate more food. In those days, people worked harder physically, walked more, used machines much less, and did not watch television. Several modern studies have shown that fatter people do not eat more than thinner people. In fact, some investigations report that the fat people eat less than thinner people. Recently, a study of research group found the following interesting fact — thinner people are more active than fatter people. Therefore, those who exercise regularly can eat more and still lose a large amount of body fat. 11.【答案】 Thirty

【解析】 本题问美国有多少成年人面临肥胖问题,根据“thirty percent of the adult population has a weight problem”可得出答案。听力关键词:weight problem 或 percent。 12.【答案】 too much 【解析】 本题问大部分人认为什么是导致肥胖的原因,根据“the cause is obvious — they eat too much”可得出答案。听力关键词:cause 或 eat。 13.【答案】 harder 【解析】 本题问 1910年的美国人为什么比现在的美国人瘦,根据“In those days, people worked harder physically?”可得出答案。听力关键词:1910 或 thinner。 14.【答案】 active

【解析】 本题问最近的一项研究结论是什么,根据“found the following interesting fact —