b1中小学英语教师课堂用语 下载本文

知识改变命运 百度提升自我

本文为自本人珍藏 版权所有 仅供参考 Classroom English


Ⅰ 开始上课


1. T: Hello, everyone! 大家好! S: Hello, Miss White. 你好,怀特小姐。 2. T: Good morning, boys and girls! 孩子们,早上好! S: Good morning, Mrs. Black! 布莱克夫人,早上好! 3. T: Good afternoon, kids! 下午好,孩子们! S: Good afternoon, Mr. Red. 雷德先生,下午好。 4. T: Good evening, Class 3! 孩子们,晚上好! S: Good evening, Ms. Green! 格林夫人,晚上好! 5. T: How are you today? 你好吗? S: Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢。你呢? T: I?m fine, too. Thank you. 我也很好,谢谢。 6. T: How are things with you? 你好吗? S: Not too bad, thanks. 还不错,谢谢。 7. T: How are things with you? 你好吗? S: Not too bad, thanks. 还不错,谢谢。 8. T: How are you feeling today, Billy? 你好吗, 比利? S: I?m very well, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢。你呢? 9. T: I hope you are all feeling well. 我希望大家都挺好。 S: Same to you.

Introducing Yourself 自我介绍

1. T: Let me introduce myself. My name is Ann and I come from America. I?m your new English teacher and I?ll be teaching you English this year. And how about you? Can you introduce yourselves? 首先作个自我介绍。我叫安,从美国来,是你们的新英语教师,今年我将教 你们英语。你们呢?请作个自我介绍,好吗?

S: I?m Lilly and I?m twelve years old. I am from China and I like English

very much. 我叫丽丽,今年十二岁,我从中国来,我非常喜欢英语。

2. T: I?ll just tell you a bit about myself. My name is Miss Smith and I?m from England. I?m your new English teacher. Can you introduce your neighbour to me?

我先介绍一下自己。我叫史密斯,来自英国,是你们的英语老师。你能介绍一下你的 同桌吗? S: Yes. She is Rose and she is eleven years old . She is from Chongqing.


Checking Attendance 点名

1. T: Quiet now, please. I?m going to call the roll. Lilly? 请安静,我开始点名了。丽丽?

S: Yes. 到。

2. T: Now! Let?s call the roll. Peter? 现在开始点名。彼得? S: Here. 到。

知识改变命运 百度提升自我

3.T: Right! Let?s see who is absent. Billy? 我们看看谁迟到了。 S: Present. 到。

4.T: Is everyone here? 大家都到齐了吗? S: Yes, I think so. 我想是的。 5.T: Are we all here? 大家都到齐了吗? S: No, I think Lilly is away. 不,丽丽没到。 6.T: Is anybody absent? 有人迟到吗?

S: Yes, Lilly is. 是的,丽丽迟到了。 7.T: Who is missing? 谁缺席了? Who isn?t here?

S: Sorry, I don?t know. 对不起,我不知道。 8. T: What?s wrong with Lilly today? 丽丽今天怎么了? S: Maybe she is ill. 她可能病了。 9. T: What?s the matter with you? 你怎么了? S: I have a bad cold. 我感冒了。 T: Are you feeling better? 好些了吗?

S: Yes. Thank you. 好些了,谢谢。 T: Right! Back to the register. 我们继续点名。 10. T: Did you oversleep? 你睡过头了吗? S: Yes. I?m sorry. 对不起。

T: Go to bed earlier tonight. OK? 今晚早点儿睡,好吗? S: Yes, sir. 好的,老师。 T: I see. Well, sit down and let?s get started. 我知道了。请坐下,我们开始上课。

S: Thank you . 谢谢。

11. T: Have you been ill? 你病了吗?

S: Yes. I had a cough. 是的,我咳嗽。 T: Are you better now? 现在好点了吗? S: Yes. Thank you. 是的,谢谢。

T: Sit down and we can start. 请坐,我们开始上课。 S: Thank you, Miss Yang. 谢谢,杨老师。

Getting Ready for Learning准备上课

1. Time for class. 该上课了。 Class begins. 开始上课。 2. Let?s start our lesson now. 现在开始上课。 Let?s begin our class.

3. I think we can start now. 现在我们可以上课了。 Is everybody ready to start? 大家做好上课的准备了吗? 4. I?m waiting to start. 开始上课了。

I?m waiting for you to be quiet. 请安静,开始上课了。 5.T: Who?s on duty today? 今天谁值日? S: I am. 我。

6. T: What day is today? 今天星期几? S: Today is Monday. 星期一。 T: What is the day before Tuesday called?

知识改变命运 百度提升自我

S: It?s Monday. 星期二前一天叫什么? 7. T: What?s the date today? 今天几月几号? S: It?s September the first. 九月一号。

8. T: How?s the weather today? 今天天气怎样? S: It?s fine. 很好。 T: What about tomorrow? 明天呢? S: It?s sunny. 晴天。

T: Was it fine yesterday? 昨天也是晴天吗? S: No, it was windy yesterday. 不,昨天刮风。 9. T: What?s the weather like today? 今天天气怎样? S: It?s raining. 今天有雨。 T: What?s the weather like tomorrow? 明天天气怎样? S: It?s cloudy. 明天多云。 T: What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天气怎样? S: It was overcast. 昨天阴天。 T: Excellent! 回答得真不错! 10. T: Is it cold or hot? 今天是冷还是热? S: It?s hot. 今天很热。 T: What temperature is it? 今天几度? S: It?s 29 C. 29 C。

11. T: What month is it? 现在几月份? S: It?s June. 六月份。

T: What month follows after July? 7月过了是几月份? S: It?s August. 八月份。

12. T: What season is it? 现在是什么季节? S: It?s spring. 春天。

13. T: Who?s on duty today? 今天谁值日? S: I am. 是我。 T: Come to the front and make a duty report. 请到前面来做值日报告。

S: Today is Monday, March 3. Everybody is here. The weather is fine… 今天是三月三日,星期一。大家都到齐了。今天天气很好。 T: Good. Go back to your seat, please. Thanks. 好,请回到座位上去,谢谢。

14. T: Who can retell the text / story? 谁来复述课文? S: Let me have a try. 我来试试。 T: Come on up here. 到这儿来。 15. T: Which group can act out the dialogue? 哪组能表演这个对话?

S: Our group. 我们组。 T: Please. 请。

Ⅱ 英语课堂组织常用语

Encouragement and Praises 鼓励和表扬 1. Think hard. 好好想一想。

知识改变命运 百度提升自我

Think it over.

Think for a moment. 想一会儿。 2. Guess, please. 请猜一猜。 3.Go on, please. 请继续。 4. Be brave . 勇敢点。 Don?t be shy. 别害羞。 Don?t be afraid. 别害怕。 Don?t worry. 别担心/着急

5. Speak up, please. 请大声说出来。 6. Not really. 不完全正确。

Not quite, try again. 不完全正确,再试一次。 Have another try. 再试一次。

7. Good try, but not quite right. 很好,但还不完全正确。 Better, but still not quite right. Anyone?


8. I?m afraid that?s not quite right. 恐怕不完全对。 You can?t say that, I?m afraid. 恐怕不能那么说。 You can?t use that word here. 这儿不能用那个词。 9. Have a go. 试一试。 Have a try.

10. Don?t be afraid to ask questions. 要大胆提问题。 Don?t be afraid of making mistakes. 不要怕出错。 11. Hold to the end. 坚持下去。 Keep on.

12. Don?t give up. 不要放弃。 Don?t be discouraged. 不要灰心。 13. Take it easy. 别慌。 14. You?re right! 正确! That?s right! 对的! Quite right! 非常正确! Right! 对的! 15. That?s good! 好! Good!

Very good! 很好! Quite good! 非常好! 16. Much better. 好多了。 17. That?s it! 对的! 18. Nearly! 基本正确! Almost right.

19. Well done! 干得不错! Good job! Beautiful job! Great job!

20. Excellent! 太棒了! Great! Super!