沪教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语第二次月考试卷(I)卷 下载本文


姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、 单项选择 (共25题;共50分)

1. (2分)Smoking can help you relax. But _______ it is also bad for your health. A . or B . so

C . on the other hand D . then

2. (2分) is it from your home to school? A . How far B . How long C . How soon D . How often

3. (2分)The movie is boring. He ______ it. A . loves B . doesn't stand C . can't stand

4. (2分)—Tom said that he would go swimming with you today. —________, he didn't come. A . However B . Besides C . Luckily

5. (2分)Today is my mother's birthday, I want ____some flowers ___ her. A . buy, for B . to buy, of C . to buy, for D . to buy, to

6. (2分)The school had an activity to _____Mother's Day,and each child drew a picture of his or her own mother.

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A . describe B . celebrate C . question D . discuss

7. (2分)--- Do you like Song Xiaobao's talk show?

--- Yes. His talk show is very funny. It always makes people . A . laugh B . laughed C . laughing D . to laugh

8. (2分)—Let's go to the community if it tomorrow. —But nobody knows if it tomorrow. A . won't rain; rains B . doesn't rain,rains C . doesn't rain; will rain D . won't rain; will rain

9. (2分)—How many do you need? —Three,please.

A . bags of rices B . bag of rices C . bag of rice D . bags of rice

10. (2分)It's difficult to make your dream come true excitingly and imaginatively.

A . although B . once C . if D . unless

11. (2分)She _____ an English magazine when I came in.

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you can live bravely, A . reads B . has read C . will read D . was reading

12. (2分)——I'm sorry I ______ my exercise book at home. ——Don't forget _______ it to school tomorrow, please. A . forgot, to take B . left, to bring C . forgot, to bring D . left, to take

13. (2分)_____ spending our vacation in a hotel, why not go hiking in the countryside? A . Instead of B . Because of C . Thanks to D . As for

14. (2分)The farmer _______ us _______ his farm. A . leaded; to B . led; to C . leaded; in D . led; in

15. (2分)Lucy told Mr. Lee that he in Shanghai in 2000. A . lives B . will live C . lived D . has lived

16. (2分)Three years ago my parents encouraged me keyboard, but for some reason, I gave up.

A . study B . to study

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C . studied D . studying

17. (2分)I'm surprised that John is only 25. I thought he was ________ for he seems to be in his thirties.

A . old B . older C . young D . younger

18. (2分)He likes dogs, but she likes cats ________. A . lot B . lots C . a lot of D . a lot

19. (2分)—_________riding our bikes to the park? —Good idea. A . How about B . Why not C . Would we like D . Let's

20. (2分)If it ________, I'll go to the zoo. A . won't rain B . don't rain C . doesn't rain D . rain

21. (2分)— ______ the boys enjoy _______ the World Cup? — Yes, they_______.

A . Does, watching, does B . Do, watch, do C . Do, watching, do

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