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identify problems with the appraisal system and work toward corrective action.

Finally ,how will evaluation results be used ? To what degree ( if any ) will they affect pay increases , promotions ,assessments of training needs ,and expectations established for future ratings ? What primary purpose will they serve ? It is essential that they yield information of use to decision-makers. However , the kind of information decision-makers need will vary , so pay particular attention to the priorities set in the appraisal system itself . HRP practitioners can make a major contribution to employee appraisal by coordinating this priority-setting process and communicating priorities to supervisors and employees. 中文翻译?

指导教师意见 5771001803090012095 579036822859633082 5771001803090012386 576137399735760696 5771001803090013594 578077579902515512 5771001803090012387 577164982601818051 5771001803090012138 572131192158918326 5771001803090012359 579036822361076053 5771001803090012356 576135286143791742 5771001803090012355 575087869704693279 17088100343355274 101229944325833379 17088100343355275 101866732938832008 签名: 17088100343356107 101581152501500522 月 日 17088100343356108 101000180059871732 17088100343354295 101074194142687017 17088100343356184 101878660869628802 教研室意见 17088100343356185 101775831174086674 17088100343356109 101086014373572846 17088100343356110 101152207216014916 17088100343355237 101027041605702709 17088100343355238 101229364861425414 17088100343356169 101862204402635718 17088100343354928 101760654089788804 教研室主任(签章): 月 日 评审小组意见 参加评审人员(签字): 月 日