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31 [美]玛丽. 31 [艾伦.布兰特丽,[美]克里斯.柯丽曼:《科技人才战:如何招募和留住人才》[M],北京,企业管理出版社,2001

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What problems exist with traditional employee-Appraisal Methods?

We have already described advantages and disadvantages of the most popular employee-appraisal methods. As we have seen ,none is foolproof ; rather ,each is characterized by its own unique drawbacks. Trait ratings tend to be highly subjective for assessing past performance and are of limited







performance .Output ratings are useful only for jobs with tangible outcomes. Critical incident ratings and behavioral anchored rating scales are expensive and time consuming to prepare . Management by objectives has been used improperly to force goals on employees without first going through the negotiation process so staunchly advocated by its proponents.

Nor are these problems the only ones . Others include mismatches or conflicts between the appraisal method and the purpose or goals of the organization , the way it

Is used , the person or people using it , and the uses to which results are put . In short , those who use appraisals are more important to the success of a system than the system itself.

It seems obvious that an appraisal system should be

compatible with the purposes and goals of the organization . However , that is not always easy or simple to do . One reason is that organizations rarely have a single purpose or goal. A business clearly exists to make a profit. Yet how is profit defined? More than simply for profit making, a business also exists as a social institution with responsibilities to the community , state , nation , and its employees. Goals can stem from each purpose ,and some goals conflict . Moreover, managers value some goals more than others . Hence , we should not be surprised that it is difficult to fit the performance of an individual into a crazy quilt of otherwise conflicting business purposes and goals . And what is to be done about the outstanding performer whose job is related to a purpose and goal area not highly valued by management?

Any appraisal system also suffers when it is not used as originally intended . For instance , evaluators who are not trained can spoil almost any appraisal system. Training is essential to

Communicate the purpose of the system; Ensure some consistency across raters;

Anticipate problems likely to come up during

administration of the system and grapple with solutions before the problems actually arise;


Deal with problems that do come up.

Most issues are related directly to the people carrying out the process. Workforce analysts must , on a regular basis , ask these questions about their managers or supervisors:

Are they motivated to appraise employee performance accurately?

Are they being held accountable for their ratings ? Do they perceive that outcomes of the appraisal process will be important ? (How do they feel appraisal outcomes will be used?)

Do they have a stake in outcomes ?(Do supervisors feel that low employee ratings reflect on their own ability ? Do supervisors feel that criticism of employees is avoided so as to preserve rapport with their subordinates?)

Do the results of the formal appraisal system match the results of the informal ones ? ( How well have supervisors been giving feedback to employees throughout the year ?) Answering these questions every few months will help you