高一英语下学期期末考试题(带答案)1 下载本文


本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,满分150分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项:




第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


1. What’s wrong with the man’s watch?

A. It goes slowly. B. It goes too fast. C. It doesn’t work sometimes. 2. When will the speakers meet? A. At 2:00.

B. At 4:00.

C. At 6:00.

3. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Neighbors.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Classmates.

4. What will the woman do?

A. Give Tom some medicine. B. Take Tom’s temperature. C. Have a look at Tom’s mouth.

5. Why did the woman make Mr. Jones angry? A. She asked the answered question again. B. She didn’t finish her work in 20 minutes. C. She asked the same question three times. 第二节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)



6. How many people are eating out tonight? A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

7. Why would the man’s wife prefer a seat by the window? A. She loves the fresh air.

B. She likes to enjoy the night view. C. It’s the non-smoking area. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. Where is the woman probably speaking?

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A. In a changing room. B. At a school café.

C. At an information center.

9. What sport would the man like to play? A. Basketball.

B. Tennis.

C. Football.


10. What has the man been doing recently? A. Studying for his MBA.

B. Travelling on vacation.

C. Trying to open a store in San Diego.

11. How is the business in the woman’s company? A. Unsatisfying.

B. Worse than before.

C. Great.

12. What are they going to do next? A. Have dinner.

B. Talk about business.

C. Have some drinks.


13. What are the speakers going to do tonight? A. See a movie.

B. Have a meeting.

C. Attend a party.

14. What kind of food does the woman prefer? A. Chinese food.

B. Mexican food.

C. American food.

15. How are the speakers going there? A. By bus.

B. By bike.

C. By subway.

16. What do we know about Tina? A. She lives in the city.

B. She is a humorous and nice girl.

C. She and the woman went to the same school. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17. How did the first man feel when he was invited to the party? A. Excited.

B. Confident.

C. Worried.

18. What advice did his friend give him? A. Don’t drink too much. B. Just follow his example.

C. Don’t make a fool of himself by asking silly questions.

19. Why did the first man lose control of himself by the end of the party? A. He had drunk too much.

B. he was too pleased with himself.

C. He couldn’t stand the uncomfortable silence. 20. What can be inferred about the second man?

A. He knew more about Shakespeare than the first man did.

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B. he knows nothing about Shakespeare like the first man. C. He was very humorous.

第二部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

21. Jane did ____ good job in the exam and as _____ reward, her parents took her to Beijing last September. A. a; the

B. a; a

C. 不填; a

D. 不填; the

22. Great changes _____ in China in the past 30 years and many Chinese are living a happy life today.

A. took place B. were taken place C. have taken place

D. have been taken place

23. Charles Darwin explained the _____ of species on earth in his book that came out in 1859. A. ancestor

B. origin

C. belief

D. custom

24. We visited the museum, _____ was set up in memory of those killed in the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake. A. which

B. that

C. where

D. when

25. Christmas used to be a western festival, but now it _____ by people all around the world.

A. is celebrating

B. is to celebrate

C. is celebrated D. has been celebrated

26. Though _____ of the danger of hiking in such weather, the young men still wouldn’t give up their plan. A. reminding

B. reminded

C. being reminded D. having reminded

27. The English teacher _____ at our party and sang us a song, which greatly added to our joy. A. put off

B. set off

C. broke up

D. turned up

28. —I met your boss in the street this morning. —Ah? You _____ be joking. He flew to Europe yesterday! A. must

B. should

C. could

D. might

29. The boy went to school as usual the next day after the accident, _____ nothing had happened at all. A. in case

B. so that C. even if

D. as though

30. All the people in the hall held their breath, _____ for the great moment. A. waiting

B. being waited

C. waited D. to be waiting

31. — Would you like some more fried chicken? — _____ It would make me gain weight.

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A. Why not? B. Good idea. C. No, thanks. D. What for?

32. David, I’m _____ of watching television; let’s go for a walk. A. afraid

B. tired

C. certain D. fond

33. —I hate people telling lies.

—Me, too. I believe those who lie and cheat will never _____ it. A. get along with C. get away with

B. keep up with D. come up with

34. _____ life exists on any other planet in the solar system still remains a question. A. Why

B. Whether

C. How

D. Where

35. Water, _____ we cannot live, exists in the form of liquid, gas or solid. A. from which

B. on which

C. by which

D. without which



After a long day at school,I walked home with my heavy schoolbag.Sleepy and 36 ,I threw my things on the couch and grabbed something from the 37 to eat.I passed by the living room and wished I could watch TV,but I knew my 38 would take me the whole night.I took my schoolbag and went 39 to my room.I tried to understand chemistry and 40 sleepiness at the same time.I tried to keep my eyes 41 and I wanted something to cheer me up.

Later, I 42 the sound of the front door opening.And I waited for it—the sound of my mom singing. Though she sang off-key(跑调),__ 43 made me excited that she was here.I ran down to_44_ my mom.We hugged e ach other and talked for a while.I like it when my mom was happy.Her 45 seemed to flow down to me and I got the strength to 46 the stress again.

50 for two hours on her way back home.When I 51 my school life with her work life, I should not be the one to 52 .At least I have some interesting things to do at school, but one mistake at work can cost my mom her job.I 53 that my mom has a positive attitude and lives her life with a joyous heart,which encourages me to do my work well, 54 there may be difficulties.Seeing her happy makes me feel 55 ,too. 36.A.heavy B.busy C.hungry D.unlucky 37.A.classroom B.kitchen C.bedroom D.apartment 38.A.dream B.supper C.homework D.experience 39.A.downstairs B.outside C.upstairs D.inside 40.A.break off B.put off C.get off D.fight off 41.A.opening B.opened C.open D.closing

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