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年级 七 课题 _Unit 3__Is this your pencil?_(SectionA)

1掌 握 下 列 新 词 汇 this,that,pencil,pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case , dictionary, backpack. 2.掌 握 句 型:① --Is this your pencil? --Yes, it is. ② –Is that his book? --No, it isn’t. ③ –How do you spell it? --W-A-T-C-H. 3.指 示 代 词this/that的用 法。 3.询 问 物品 属 性 的 句 型 是 What’s this/that… 一.预 习 感 知 短 语 翻 译 an English book/ dictionary your first name his pencil case her eraser in English 谢谢 ____________________ 在学校上学 请原谅 重 点 句 型 : 翻 译下 列 各 句 Is this/ that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. This/ That is my eraser. This/ That isn't my eraser. What's this/ that in English? It's a notebook. How do you spell it? Can you spell it, please? Spell it, please. 二、合作探究 1.Is that your backpack?那是你的双肩背包吗? ①这是一个一般疑问句。在含有am,is,are的一般疑问句中,要把am,is,are放在______位置,句末用标点符号____号,读时用_____(升/降)调.如,_____(am/is/are)you Mark? ②that为指示代词,表示―_______‖,一般用来指时间或空间上离说话人较远的人或物,this表示―________‖,指时间或空间上离说话人_______的人或事物.this和that作主语时,be动词用___.如,That girl_____(am/is/are)my sister. ③由指示代词this,that作主语的疑问句,回答时,常用____代替this或that.如,-Is that your pen? -___________(肯定回答).-What’s this in English? -_______a book. ④ It 可代替一切没有生命的单数名词. 如, --What’s your phone number, John? --_________123-9698. 2.Excuse me,Sonia.打扰了,索尼娅. Excuse me,意为―_____________________‖.常用于打扰别人.如, 借东西,问路, 插话,中途离开等场合. 准备打扰别人时,即―事先‖要表示歉意时用Excuse me. 而Sorry和I’m sorry 指事后做错了事,心中难过,有愧于某人或某事,而表示道歉.如, --______. Are you Mark? –No, I’m not. --________. A.Excuse me B. Sorry. 3.What’s this in English?这个用英语怎么说? 这里的 in是介词, 表示―_______‖,用某种语言用―介词in+语言‖,如,in Chinese 用汉语。In 还表示―在…… 里面‖,如,My pen is ______my pencil case.我的钢笔在文具盒里. 4.be动词有am, is, are的变化, 与主语保持一致,规则如下: 我(I)用am , 你(you)用are is跟着他(he)她(she)它(it),单数用is ,复数用are .

学习 目 标 学 习 导 航


年级 七 课题 _Unit 3_Is this your pencil?_(SectionA) 主备教师 尹良萍 审查人 谢玉红 时间 _2012 年10__月____ 一.重新排列字母,组成单词,并翻译。 1.necpli _______ 2.searre _______ 3.bapackck_________ 4.uerlr_______ 5.nictodiary _________ 6.kobo________ 二.单项选择 ( )1. This is________eraser. A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )2. —Is that your book? — __________. A. That isn't B. It isn't. C. Yes, that isn't D. No, it isn't. ( )3. This_________my key. A.be B. isn't C. not D. no ( )4.—Is this your backpack? — ___________. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isn't. C. No, it is. D. It isn't. ( ) 5. _______is my ruler,________is her pencil. 检 A.It,it B.This,that C.That,this D.It, that 出A栏各句的答语。 三..从B栏中选A B 测 ( )1. What's this in English? A. Nice to meet you, too. ( )2. Is it your dictionary? B. P-E-T-E-R. 反 ( )3. I'm Gina. Nice to meet you. C. Yes, it is. ( )4. What's your last name? D. It's an ID card. ( )5. How do you spell it? E. Smith. 馈 四.Exercise:(看图填空) 1.---What`s this in English? 2. ---_______________eraser? ---_____________________. ---No, it isn`t. It`s a backpack. ---_____________________? ---How do you spell it ? 我 的 收 获 初中英语导学案

--- D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y. ---_____________________.

年级 七 课题 _Unit3_Is this your pencil?_(SectionB) 主备教师 尹良萍 审查人 谢玉红_ 时间 _2012 年10_月____ 1.单词: baseball computer game key ring watch ID card notebook pen do call at lost found please school. 2. .进一步掌握指示代词this,that的用法. 学习 句型: A: What`s this in English? B: It`s a watch. 目 标 A: How do you spell watch? B: W-A-T-C-H. (重点) 代 3. 学会写寻物启事和失物招领(难点). 一、 预习感知 读读译译 s backpack____________ pencil sharpener______________ dictionary ___________watch _____________ mp basketball___________ computer game______________ring__________ notebook _________ID card _________ 翻译下列短语 1.请给玛丽打电话:635-9802 _____________________ 2.lost and found ________________________ 3.in the lost and found case _________________ 4 a set of keys ____________________ 5. her ring 6.一套,一副 7.在学校上学 8. his computer game 学 二.合作探究 1.Call Alan at 495-3539。拨打495-3935找艾伦。 call意为―给(某人)打电话‖。―call sb at + 电话号码‖意为―拨打……号码找某人‖。如,Please call Mary _________238-7890. 习 2. Is that your computer game in the lost and found case?在失物招领箱里的电脑游戏是你的吗? in the lost and found case为介词短语,意为―____________________‖,在此句中作后置定语,修饰前面 的computer game.介词短语作定语通常要后置. 导 3.My school ID card.我的学生证. School是名词,ID card 也是名词.这是名词作定语修饰名词,表示类别.① 一般情况下不管被修饰词是单数还 是复数,修饰词总是用单数形式.如, There are two _______ in our school. A.books shops B.book shop C.book shops D.books shop ② 但man(男人),woman(妇女)作 定语时,被修饰词如果是复数形式, 航 man和 woman 也要变为复数形式。如,a man teacher 一个男教师 two men doctors 两个男医生。 4.Please 的用法. Please 意为―__________‖, 用于请求或命令,通常放在祈使句的句首或句末.如,Come in ,_____________. 请进. _____________sit down.请坐. 5.Found: 意为招领启事. Lost: 意为寻物启事. 问题 发现 初 中 英 语 导学案

年级 七 课题 _Unit 3__Is this your pencil?_(SectionB)

主备教师 尹良萍 审查人 谢玉红 时间 _2012年10__月__ 一、单项选择 ( )1.Tom is his ________ name. A.last B.first C.family D.Chinese ( )2.Is this your backpack? ________. A.Yes, it’s B.Yes, it is C.No, it not D.No, its not ( )3.How do you spell pen? ________. A.This is a pen B.It’s a pen C.P— E— N D.Yes. P--- E— N ( )4.Is that your watch? ________. A.Yes, I am B.No, I’m not C.Yes, that is D.No, it isn’t 二、根据下表中的人物姓名,选用正确的物主代词填空。 Ask Answer 1. What's your name? My name is Sonia. 2. What's ________ name? ______ name is Tim. 3. What's _______ name? ______ name is Kate. 4. What's your teacher's name? ______ name is Liu Yun. 5.What's the bird's name? _______name is Polly John 三. 翻译下列句子 1.What’s this? It's a watch. 2.How do you spell it? 3.那是你的篮球吗? 4.那是什么? 是一本书 ___________________ 5.这是他的尺子吗? 是的,它是 6.这是你的铅笔刀吗?是的。它是,是我的铅笔刀。 ---Is this ___________ __________________ ? ---Yes, ________ ___________. __________ _________ ______________ 7.那是她的戒指吗?不是的,是他的戒指。 ---Is that ___________ ______________ ? ---No, ___________ ___________. ________ ________ _________. 8.这个用英语怎么说?这是一个桔子。 ---__________ ___________ in English ? ---________ ________ ____________. 四、我会写 在学校大门口丢了手表,请帮助他写一个寻物启事。他的电话号码是:495-3537. 初中英语导学案

年级 七 课题 _Unit 3__Is this your pencil?_知识反馈

主备教师 尹良萍 审查人 谢玉红_ 时间 _2012年10__月__

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