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Band practice had just ended. Jimmy and Ben started packing up their 1 . Before Kevin could put his trumpet into the box, he 2 a music stand. It fell and hit right on his trumpet. \

Jimmy picked up the trumpet and checked it 3 before handing it to Kevin. \already has a lot of dents (凹痕). One more won't matter.\

\ \ \

A bunch of \ Maybe he could pretend (假装) he felt sick. But he didn't like 6 .

Maybe he could get his baby brother, Jace, to take all of Grandpa's attention. Or maybe Grandpa wouldn't ask him to play this time.

When 7 finally arrived, Kevin still hadn't figured out what he was going to do. \


After dinner, Grandpa asked Kevin to play 9 classics—Ode to Joy and Oh, Susanna. I think you are 10 than at your age.

Any other time, Grandpa's praise would have made Kevin feel great. But not this time. \11 about the dent,\

To Kevin's surprise, Grandpa smiled, \them a lot. You can't always protect them. The 13 thing is that you told me.\

Grandpa pointed to the scratches opposite the dent Kevin had made. \over it 14 one night.\

\(笨拙的) one in the family?\

Grandpa laughed, \someday you'll have your own.\

Grandpa handed the trumpet back to Kevin. \

Kevin lifted the trumpet and filled the room with happy noise. 1. A. crayons 2. A. thought of 3. A. carefully 4. A. uncle's 5. A. maybes 7. A. Monday 8. A. truth 9. A. one 10. A. happier 11. A. excited 12. A. me 13. A. important 14. A. as usual 15. A. unless

B. instruments C. balls B. looked for B. easily B. father's B. thanks B. Tuesday B. excuse B. two B. taller B. sorry B. him B. sad B. although

D. collections

C. fixed up D. knocked into C. happily D. secretly C. grandpa's D. brother's C. regrets D. OKs C. lying C. Friday C. joke C. three C. crazy C. you C. funny C. if

D. comparing D. Saturday D. plan D. four D. strange D. her D. boring D. before

6. A. communicating B. sharing

C. healthier D. better

B. without doubt C. in time D. by accident

【答案】 (1)B;(2)D;(3)A;(4)C;(5)A;(6)C;(7)D;(8)A;(9)B;(10)D;(11)B;(12)C;(13)A;(14)D;(15)B;


(1)句意:吉米和本开始收拾他们的器械。根据 Band practice had just ended可知乐队练习结束了,所以应该是把乐器收起来,A用彩色蜡笔画,B乐器,C球,D收集品,故选B。

(2)句意:在凯文把喇叭放进盒子之前,他撞倒一个乐谱架。根据It fell and hit right on his trumpet可知鼓架子倒了,砸到了小号,由此可知应该是碰到了,A想,B寻找,C修复,D碰倒,故选D。




(6)句意:但他不喜欢撒谎。上文提到 Maybe he could pretend(假装) he felt sick ,或许可以假装生病,由此推测是不喜欢说谎,A交流,B分享,C说谎,D比较。故选C。 (7)句意:周六终于到来,凯文还没有想出他要做什么。根据上文“And he’s coming over this weekend.”可知爷爷会在周末回来,而只有Saturday属于周末,A周一,B周二,C周五,D周六,故选D。

(8)句意:凯文本来可以告诉他真相,但他愣住了。根据表现出心理活动的单词“froze”可知,凯文想要说出真相但是害怕被责罚。A真相,B借口,C玩笑,D计划,故选A。 (9)句意:吃过晚饭后,爷爷要凯文演奏两首经典乐曲。根据后文的 “Ode to Joe”和“Oh, Susanna”可知选two合适。A一,B二,C三,D四,故选B。

(10)句意:我觉得你比我在你这个年龄时演奏得更好。由下文爷爷的表扬可知,爷爷觉得凯文比他小时候演奏的更好。A更快乐,B更高,C更健康,D更好,故选D。 (11)句意:“我为这个凹痕感到抱歉,”他解释发生的事情。根据下句话的凯文向爷爷解释了事情的经过可知,凯文必定对弄坏爷爷的喇叭表示歉意。A兴奋,B抱歉,C疯狂的,D陌生的,故选B。


(13)句意:你不能总是保护他们。重要的是你告诉我的事情。结合上文爷爷阐述的道理可知这是凯文告诉他的重要的事情。A重要的,B悲伤的,C有趣的,D无聊的,故选A。 (14)句意:有一天晚上我偶然碰倒了它,弄上了这些划痕。根据下文“So I’m not the only clumsy(笨拙的)one in the family?” Kevin said.可知爷爷也有相似的经历,是不小心摔倒的。A平常,B毫无疑问,C及时,D偶然,故选D。




A college student stayed up all night studying for his zoology(动物学) test the next day. The following morning, 1 he entered the classroom, he saw ten birds on the desks. Each bird was 2 with a sack(麻布袋) and only the legs were outside.

The teacher told the students that the test would be to watch each pair of bird legs and write down the name and the living habits of each bird.

The student looked at each pair of bird legs. 3 of them looked the same to him. He began to get upset. He stayed up all night studying, but now he had to name birds by their legs. The more he 4 about it, the sadder he got.

He 5 not think of any answers after a long time. He went to the teacher's desk and said, \afraid I have to take the exam later. \desk and walked to the door.

The teacher was 8 .The class was so big that he didn't know every student's 9 , so when the student reached the door, the teacher 10 out, \your name?\

The student pulled up his trouser legs and said, \my legs?\

1. A. before B. while 3. A. Both

B. All

C. after C. Neither C. might C. When

D. since D. None D. should D. Where D. About D. future D. called

2. A. covered B. served C. connected D. shared 4. A. talked B. asked 5. A. could B. must 6. A. How

B. Why

C. thought D. heard

7. A. Against B. Through C. With 9. A. name B. address C. hobby 10. A. blew B. put A;(10)D;

C. cut

8. A. happy B. surprised C. thankful D. satisfied

【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)B;(4)C;(5)A;(6)A;(7)C;(8)B;(9)【解析】【分析】本文讲述了一个学生的考试题是通过观察鸟的腿来猜测鸟的名字,学生觉得太难了放弃了考试。

(1)句意: 第二天早上,他走进教室之后,看见桌子上有十只鸟。A在……之前;B在……期间;C在……之后;D自从;根据下句 he saw ten birds on the desks桌子上有一些鸟,应该是进入教室后看见的东西,故选C。

(2)句意: 每只鸟都被袋子盖住只有腿在外面。A覆盖;B服务;C连接;D分享;根据后面only the legs were outside. 只有腿在外面,前面应该是麻布袋盖着其他地方,故选A。 (3)句意: 对他来说,他们中所以的看起来一样。A两者都;B全部的;C两者都不;D没有一个,根据 He began to get upset 可知他开始心烦意乱是因为完全辨别不出来,10只鸟故排除A和B选项 , 故是他们全部是一样的,故选B。

(4)句意:他越想越伤心。A谈论;B问;C想;D听;根据上句He stayed up all night studying, but now he had to name birds by their legs他整晚都在学习,但现在他不得不用它们的腿来命名鸟类,后面应该是越想越伤心,指心理活动,故选C。


(6)句意:如何能通过鸟腿能辨别它们有什么不同。A怎样;B为什么;C何时;D哪儿,根据 by their legs 可知表示方式,故选A。

(7)句意:边说这些话,边把卷纸放到桌子上。with these words,表伴随,固定搭配,说着这些话,故选C。


(9)句意: 班级太大了,以至于他不知道每个学生的名字,所以当学生走到门口时,老师叫住他,\等一下,孩子,你叫什么名字?\A名字;B地址;C爱好;D未来;根据下文what's your name?你叫什么名?应该是不知道学生名,故选A。

(10)句意:班级太大了,以至于他不知道每个学生的名字,所以当学生走到门口时,老师叫住他,\等一下,孩子,你叫什么名字?\A吹;B放;C切;D叫;根据下句\moment, boy, what's your name?等一下,孩子,你叫什么名字?\应该是老师叫住他,