2020年高考英语 Unit 6 Good manners总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 大纲人教版第一册 精品 下载本文


I finished my work ahead of time.after which I sat some time reading the newspaper.我提前干完了我的活,随后我坐着看了一会儿报纸。5.在非限制性定语从句中,指人的关系代词作宾语时,只能用宾格whom;不能用who替换,也不能省略。 eg: Do you know Tom,whom we talked about?你认识汤姆吗?我们谈到过他。 This book。which you can get at any bookshop,will give you all the information you need.这本书会给你提供所有你需要的资料,它在任何一家书店都能买到。(非限制性定语从句中引导词在从句中作宾语,无论指人还是指物都不能省略。)

考题1 (典型例题 分) The famous basketball star, tried to make a come-back, attracted a lot of attention. A. where B. when C. which D. who

考题2 (zoos, 济南模拟,1分) is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. h B. As C. That D. Which

考题1点拨:答案为D。先行词是the famous basketball star,在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语,所以用关系代词who。

考题2点拨:答案为B。非限制性定语从句中,as作主语,置于句首,所以不能选which。句意为:“正如人人所知,月亮每月围绕地球转一周。” IV.专题探究 由点及面 由表及里 专题探究:about的用法小结

专题详解: about是在英语中常用到的一个词汇,可用作介词或副词.在学习中要弄清楚其词性,然后才能清楚其搭配及意义。 1.动词+about+sth.

about在此表示“论及,谈起,涉及.着手”等意思:arrange about 安排.argue about辩论。ask about询问,bring about带来,chat about闲聊,care about在意,complain about抱怨,go about着手,hear about听说,inquire abOUt打听,know about了解,quar— rel about争论,read about读到,see about负责处理.set about开始。spea k_about谈起,talk about谈论,think abOUt考虑,trou— ble about担心,tell about讲述,worry about着急。 eg: She inquired about my brother.她向我打听有关我弟弟的情况。 I must set about my packing.我必须开始收拾行装。 What are you chatting about?你们在聊什么呢?


about在此意思是“为……,对……”,接表原因的词:be anxious about为……着急,be bad about对……感到不舒服,be careless about不关心…….be concerned about关心……'be crazy about 为……发狂.be excited about为……感到激动'be happy about为……而高兴.be mad about为……发疯.be nervous about对……感到紧张.be particular about挑剔……,be thoughtful about对……考虑周到的.be uneasy about为……感到不安。 eg:What。have you been busy about today?今天在忙些什么? You are certainly very thoughtful about others.你为别人想得太周到了。


come about发生,get about(疾病、谣言)流行,turn about转身,leave about到处乱放,put about传播(不实的消息等),put one— self about使……发愁。 V.考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊

回顾1 测试考点9 (典型例题 made a call to my parents yesterday. To my

disappointment, of them answered it.

A. either B. none C. neither D. nobody

1.c 点拨:因parents指两人·又因To my disappointment 可知父母二人都未接电话.故选C。

回顾2 测试考点 4 ( 典型例题 ) The classroom is big enough , but

we'll have to move if we have more students. A. for the moment B. on the moment C. in a moment D. for a moment

2.A点拨:for the moment暂时.目前;无B这种搭配;in a moment立即,很快;_for a moment片刻。一会儿。

回顾3 测试考点9 (典型例题)We asked John and Jerry, but of them could offer a satisfactory explana- tion.

A. either B. none C. both D. neither


回顾4 测试考点 11 (典型例题)The Internet has brought big chances in the way we work.

A. about B. out C. back D. up

4.A点拨:bring about带来:bring out使显示;bring back带回来;bring up培养;呕吐。句意为:“因特网给我们的工作方式带来巨大变化。”

回顾5 测试考点 11 (典型例题分)In order to change attitudes employing women, the government is bring-ing in new laws. A. about B. of C. towards D. on

5.c 点拨:表示对某人/某事的态度要用介词to/towards。 Ⅵ.2020年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机 一、考情预测


预测根据:course是高考大纲中明确规定要求考生四会的一个单词,且课后的单词表中标出用作名词,意为“一道菜;过程;课程”,但大多数学生因为熟知in/during the course of短语,而容易忽视其他的意思。


预测2:与moment有关的短语辨析及the moment用作连词

预测根据:与momem有关的短语有:for a moment一会;立刻,for the moment目前;现在,at the mo ment此刻,还有the moment用作连词,引导时间状语从句。这些是高考的重点.也是学习的难点。

命题角度预测:与moment有关的短语辨析及the moment用作连词,引导时间状语从句,一般会放在单项填空中进行。要求考生准确分清以上几个词组及会使用the moment相当于连词使用的语法现象。预测3:辨析:would,should love,like to do

预测根据:口语中表达“想要做某事”,经常用到的一个句型就是would,should love,like to to sth..并且此句型可以在后面的不定式中出现灵活运用,用would,should love,like to have done sth.表示“本来想要干某事”。 eg:

1 would love to have gone to the cinema last night.昨晚我本想去看电影。 命题角度预测:此句型会放在单项选择中进行考查,通常以对话的形式设置于一个语言

环境,然后考查此句型的一般形式,对过去本来想干某事的表达及直接用would,should love,like to作答语的省略句式。



命题角度预测:非限制性定语从句会置于单项填空、完形填空或短文改错中进行考查,为了增加考查的难度,有时在先行词或主句之间加上一些插入成分,以混乱考生的思维。这时要清楚非限制性定语从句的使用原则和关系词的选择规定。 预测5:话题预测

本单元的话题是Good manners,要求学生了解好的餐桌礼仪,会表达如何道歉及对别人的感激之情,因此在完形填空或阅读理解中,有关餐桌礼仪的话题会出现;而书面表达中,写一封道歉或表达感激之情的书信的可能性较大。 二、考题预测

[备考1]测试考点8 How I wish I a large house with a beautiful garden. A. has B. had C. will have D. had had


[备考2]测试考点 9 --What is it in the box?

A. None B. No one C. Nothing D.Nobody 2.c 点拨:nothing是对what问句的筒略回答。

[备考3]测试语法 She is always complaining, makes the others unhappy. A. that B. which C. who D. it


[备考4]测试考点7 How about going out for a walk after supper? A. Without B. No.way C. No doubt D. I can't agree more 4.D点拨:前面用how about提出建议.后用“再同意不过了”进行回答。 [备考5]测试考点 6 --Do you want to go shopping? --ld , but Im too busy. A. love B. love going C. love to D. love to go

5.C: 点拨:I'd love t0.是I'd love to g0 shopping.的省略形式。 [备考6]测试考点 5 On my way home, I my teacher.

A. dropped B. dropped in C. dropped on D. dropped in on

6.D点拨:drop in顺路走访,是个不及物动词词组,如后有宾语。须加介词on(后接人)或at(后接地点)。

[备考7]测试考点 9 --What's in the box? It's so light that little Tom can lift it.

A. Nothing B. No C. None D. No one 7.A 点拨?回答What's…?用Nothing。

[备考8]测试考点 8 The test is coming, I you suc cess. A. hope B. wish C. think D. believe 8.B点拨:表示祝愿用wish。