外贸实务英语课程习题与测试题 - 3 下载本文

a. document against payment after sight b. document against payment at sight c. documentary collection d. document against acceptance

89. As to the seller, the risk of D/P, D/A and L/C can be arranged (from great to small) as followings: __________

a. D/A, D/P and L/C b. L/C, D/P and D/A c. D/P, D/A and L/C d. D/A, L/C and D/P

90. In the following terms of settlement, which is the most risky one for the seller? __________

a. T/T in advance b. D/A c. D/P at sight d. D/P after sight 91. “Shipping Weight and Landed Quality” means__________

a. to make inspection at the port/place of destination b. to make inspection at the port/place of destination

c. to make inspection in the exporting country and make reinspection in the importing country.

d. to make inspection at the port/place of shipment to take shipped weight as final and make reinspection at the port/place of destination to make take landed quality as final.

92. Among those inspection methods, the most commonly used one is______

a. to make inspection at the port of shipment b. to make inspection at the port of destination

c. to make inspection in the exporting country and make reinspection in the importing country.

d. to make inspection at the port of shipment to take shipped weight as final and make reinspection at the port of destination to make take landed quality as final.

93. An exporter delivered the goods according to the stipulation of contract, and submitted clean B/L to the

importer. After receiving the goods, the importer found that the goods are damaged because of the damage to the outside packing. There is also a sea protest showing that the damage is due to heavy weather. Whom should the importer claim to? __________

a. Shipping company b. Insurance company c. Seller d. Buyer

94. When__________ happens, the party that fails to perform the contract is allowed to relieve liabilities of the


a. war b. world market price goes up c. manufacture fault d. currency devaluation

95. In international commodity sales, the commonly used way to stipulate force majeure clause is __________

a. in a general way b. without stipulation c. in a way to list the scope d. in a comprehensive way

96. The necessary condition of settling disputes through arbitration is that __________

a. the seller and buyer have an arbitration agreement or an arbitration clause in the contract b. the seller and buyer have contract

c. the case can’t be settled through conciliation d. one party comes to nothing through litigation

97. Which descriptions of arbitration award are not correct? __________

a. The award is usually final.

b. The seller or buyer can sue in a law court about the award.

c. If the award is not executed by one party, the other may ask the competent court to enforce it. d. The award is binding upon both parties.

98. If the sales contract between a Chinese company and a Japanese B company stipulates that the arbitration shall

be conducted in defendant’s country. Which place may carry on arbitration if the Japanese company is the complaint. __________

a. Beijing b. London c. Tokyo d. New York

99. An arbitration clause should specify the following points except for___________

a. an arbitration agency b. a location for arbitration a. the number of arbitrators d. an arbitral award

100. In international trade, the best method of settling disputes is __________

a. negotiation b. lawsuit c. arbitration d. litigation 101. If a B/L can be transferable, it must be a ___________

a. clean B/L b. transshipment B/L c. order B/L d. on board B/L

102. Based on whether the goods are loaded or not, the B/L can be classified into _____

a. clean B/L and unclean B/L b. direct B/L and transshipment B/L

c. straight B/L and order B/L d. on board B/L and received for shipment B/L

103. _____ is issued by the shipping company after the goods are actually shipped on board the designated


a. Shipped B/L b. Clean B/L c. Received for shipment B/L d. Liner B/L 104. _____ means that there is no definite consignee of the goods.

a. Blank B/L b. Order B/L c. Straight B/L d. Direct B/L

105. Under_____, only the named consignee at the destination is entitled to take delivery of the cargo.

a. Blank B/L b. Order B/L c. Straight B/L d. Direct B/L

106. ______ merely confirms that the goods have been handed over to and are in custody of the shipowner.

a. Shipped B/L b. Clean B/L c. Received for shipment B/L d. Liner B/L 107. Combined transport B/L differs from Through B/L in that_______.

a. only one carrier is involved in Through B/L

b. only one carrier is involved in Combined transport B/L c. combined transport B/L is always connected with sea d. through B/L is not connected with sea

108. Air waybill differs from B/L in that ____

a. air waybill is not a negotiable title to goods b. air waybill is a receipt of goods c. it is evidence of dispatch d. both a and b

109. Under CIF, freight on the B/L is marked as_______.

a. Freight Prepaid b. Freight Collect c. Freight Pre-payable d. Freight Unpaid

110. Which one of the following bills of lading can be transferred only after endorsement? _______

a. Straight B/L b. Bearer B/L c. Order B/L d. Ocean B/L

111. The insurance policy or certificate will be issued by the insurance company after the insured


a. freight b. premium c. cost d. expenses

112. According to the practice of the international insurance market , cargoes are generally insured for

__________of CIF value

a. 110% b. 120% c. 130% d. 140%

113. The insured amount for a CIF contract usually covers the following except for ___________,

a. freight b. insurance premium c. expected profits d. import duties 114. The insured amount will not be marked up in __________

a. insurance policy b. insurance certificate c. open policy d. combined certificate

115. It’s the same as the practice in international market that the period of the obligations of marine cargoes

insurance in our country is from __________

a. door to door b. desk to desk c. warehouse to warehouse d. port to port

116. The goods was exported under CIF, the whole goods disappeared because of the accident, then the


a. would not pay because of the goods not arriving at the destination b. should pay with all sets of shipping documents supplied c. may lodge a claim to the carrier d. may pay if the bank demanded he should

117. The followings are correct about the principles of insurance except for___________.

a. Any person who files a claim should have the insurable interest.

b. Loss of or damage to the insured goods shall be the direct result of the perils within the scope of the insurance cover

c. Details of the insured goods shall be provided on the principle of utmost good faith. d. In case of any loss or damage, the consignee should lodge a claim against the insurer. 118. The transferring of marine cargoes insurance contract means ___________.

a. the insured transfers his rights and obligations in the contract to another person b. insurance contract is transferred as the ownership of the goods transferred c. insurable interests are transferred d. the articles insured are transferred

119. Buyer’s request for additional coverage can be accepted on condition that such extra premium is for

___________ account.

a. the seller’s b. the buyer’s c. the insurer’s d. the insured

120. As per our contract, insurance shall be ___________ by the seller.

a. effected b. taken c. amended d. drawn

121. Which one of the followings transport documents is the title document of the goods in the foreign trade?


a. railway bill b. B/L c. consignment note d. packing list

122. If the expiry date of L/C is before Dec. 31st, and the latest shipment date is before Dec 10th, while the

expiry date for presenting documents is within 15 days after the transport documents being signed and the date of shipment is Dec 10th, then the latest date of the documents being negotiated is before __________ a. Dec. 10th b. Dec. 25th c. Dec. 20th d. Dec. 31st

123. If there are more than two modifications in L/C amendment, beneficiary__________.

a. may accept all, or refuse all b. can accept partially and refuse partially c. must accept all d. can only accept partially

124. The addressee of commercial invoice generally is the __________.

a. beneficiary b. applicant c. issuing bank d. seller 125. The description of goods on B/L __________.

a. should be exactly the same as L/C b. have to use the full name of the goods

c. can be generally called as long as it does not conflict with L/C d. should be exactly the same as commercial invoice

126. As to the following documents, which of them can not be refused by the bank. __________

a. Document submitted later than expiry date for presentation of document

b. Document submitted 15 days later than the date of shipment, but less than 21 days c. Document whose content is not in conformity with L/C d. There is discrepancy between the documents

127. The issuing date of B/L is July 15th, the expire date of L/C is August 15th and the period of time for

presentation of documents is 15 days after the date of shipment. If Insurance Policy is required by L/C, then its issuing date could be__________. a. 7.30 b. 7.15 c. 7.25 d. 7.10

128. Which is not correct about currency and the sum of money of L/C? __________

a. The capital and small letter of the sum of money on L/C must be unanimous (无异议的). b. The currency of L/C and contract must be unanimous c. The money of draft can’t exceed that of L/C

d. If More or Less Clause is stipulated in the contract, there should be relevant regulations on the sum of money of L/C

129. In L/C settlement, banker’s negotiation is merely based on __________.

a. application of opening L/C b. contract and documents c. documents and L/C d. goods and documents 130. The payer of the draft used in L/C settlement can’t be __________.

a. applicant b. issuing bank c. beneficiary d. advising bank

IV. Translate the following Chinese expressions into English.

1. 国际贸易 2. 世界贸易 3. 对外贸易 4. 海外贸易 5. 规模经济 6. 经济增长 7. 外汇 8. 汇率 9. 国外市场 10. 有形贸易 11. 无形贸易 12. 贸易差额 13. 贸易顺差 14. 贸易逆差 15. 贸易壁垒 16. 非关税壁垒 17. 财政关税 18. 保护关税 19. 配额 20. 自由贸易 21. 贸易形式 22. 代理 23. 经销 24. 对销贸易 25. 寄售 26. 投标 27. 委托人 28. 订购代理 29. 独立代理 30. 保付代理 31. 包销商 32. 一般经销商 33. 补偿贸易 34. 全部补偿 35. 部分补偿 36. 互购 37. 平行贸易 38. 转手贸易 39. 抵消贸易 40. 公开招标 41. 商品描述 42. 品名

43. 凭样品买卖 44. 对等样品 45. 原样 46. 参考样品 47. 凭规格买卖 48. 良好平均品质49. 上好适销品质 50. 品牌 51. 商标 52. 品质公差 53. 毛重 54. 净重 55. 公吨

56. 溢短装条款 57. 增减条款 58. 包装 59. 散装货 60. 大路货 61. 运输方式 62. 海洋运输 63. 班轮 64. 不定期轮 65. 铁路运输 66. 公路运输 67. 航空运输 68. 集装箱运输 69. 整箱货 70. 拼箱货 71. 集装箱站 72. 多式联运 73. 托运人 74. 收货人 75. 装运时间 76. 装运港 77. 目的港 78. 装运通知 79. 分批装运 80. 转运 81. 承保人 82. 保险公司 83. 保(险)费 84. 被保险人 85. 全部损失 86. 部分损失 87. 共同海损 88. 单独海损 89. 战争险 90. 罢工险 91. 平安险 92. 水渍险 93. 一切险

94. 偷窃提货不着险95. 保险范围 96. 保险单