perspective in looking at metaphors has initiated research boom in many neighboring disciplines. CMT has been extended to analyze literary works (Lakoff and Turner 1989), to study political discourse (Lakoff 1996), to explore the cultural differences, and so on and so forth. CM has also played a vital role in contemporary research on idioms and proverbs, being used to explore the conceptual motivation behind idioms and proverbs (Gibbs 1992; Gibbs at el 1996, etc). CMT has extended into Applied Cognitive Linguistics (Putz, Martin., Niemeier, Susanne., and Dirven, Rene. 2001) including EFL learning (Li 2003). CMT has also stimulated the development of further theories that are now popular in CL, including primary metaphor theory, blending theory, neural theory of concepts, etc. A large proportion of the research in CMT has been conducted on English, and also other Western languages, while a relatively small proportion has been done on Chinese. Nevertheless, research interest in CL has been booming in China. The opening years of this new century have seen three national cognitive linguistics conferences being held in this big country, and George Lakoff's series of ten lectures delivered in Beijing in April 2004, has further accelerated this fast growing interest in CL.
The aim of this theme session is to encourage Chinese researchers to use detailed systematic Chinese data to objectively examine the claims of CMT that have been made in relation to English and other Western languages. The requirements for an ABSTRACT are as follows:
(1) Your research must be based on an empirical study and on the systematic collection and examination of Chinese data.
(2) Contrastive analysis is encouraged.
(3) Research question(s) should be formulated and clearly stated.
(4) The aim of your research should either examine some claims/theories/conclusions existing in English, or propose something new. Both must be objectively based on Chinese data, and relevant to the theme.
(5) Methodology/Approach should be clearly stated.
(6) Expected results including theoretical contributions are also a MUST. (7) The Format of the ABSTRACT should observe the following:
The abstract should be 400-500 words (about one page), including examples and references. Electronic submissions as attachments in WORD document format are strongly encouraged. The document should have a title in English, containing a few keywords, and your name in PINYIN . Pls DO NOT give the title of your document in Chinese characters. The body of your e-mail message should include the following:
-author name(s) - affiliation(s)
- telephone number (office, home, and mobile)
- e-mail address
- fax number (if you have) - title of your paper
- specific area (e.g., subfields of cognitive linguistics, functional linguistics, discourse studies, etc.)
- three to five keywords - presenter's name
The ABSTRACT must reach the organizers before August 15, 2004. Abstract should be sent to one of the following e-mail addresses with the subject line containing \ ; ;
Authors will be notified by August 30 whether their abstracts have been selected for the theme session. The theme session proposal will then be submitted to the organizers of the ICLC9, who will notify us of acceptance or rejection by January 15th, 2005.
Foreign Language Department Beihang University Beijing (100083) P.R. China June 25,2004 Secretariat for Ninth International Cognitive Linguistics Yonsei University,Seoul KOREA Dear Dr. Li: In reply to your Call for Papers for a theme session at the Ninth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference July 17th-22nd, 2005 (Seoul, Korea) to be held on 20-21 Nov. 2000 at Indian Institute of Technology, I an submitting the abstract of my paper entitled “The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor—A perspective from Chinese”. I hope it is suitable for the symposium. Looking forward to your favorable reply. Yours faithfully , (Signature) Zhang Tian-qian Enclosure: Abstract of my paper. 论文作者应有的基本素养和论文的写作步骤
选题(Choosing a topic)
简要表明笔记的出处 笔记出处页码 笔记所属标题 Hu Zhanglin, linguistics: A Course Book.P.388 Discourse Teaching “Halliday studied Chinese in Peking University under Lo Chang-pei from 1947-49,and then in Lingnan University under Wang Li from 1949to 1950.” [d.q.] 直接引语 笔记的种类: 直接引语 笔记内容 的前引号 直接引语 的后引号
收集到足够的资料,并将资料归类后,下一步就是要拟订论文的框架,进行写作构思,思考论文内容的层次和布局,根据论文读者确定所写论文的风格和格式,提出论点(The Thesis Statement ),拟订写作大纲( Outlining)。
1)式提纲应冠以标题“Outline”; 2)在提纲的前面应列出中心论点; 3)使用正规的提纲符合 如:
I. 提纲个大部分用罗马数字
A. 各大部分下的首级部分用英文大写字母 1. 第二级子部分用阿拉伯数字 2.
a. 第三级子部分用英文小写字母 b.