The present thesis is the fruit of my two- and -half -year postgraduate study under the direction of Professor Guo Haoru, with the valuable assistance and helps from many professors from the Foreign Language Department of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the support and cooperation of the teachers and students from the first Aeronautical College of Air Force, where I had worked. I hereby express my sincere gratitude to these professors, teachers and students.
My first debt of gratitude is to my tutor— Professor Guo Haoru, for his insights, enthusiasm, and support. His continual encouragement and insightful suggestions are the indispensable impetus for me to write this thesis. And I have attempted to incorporate his insights into my thesis. His great patience in reviewing and correcting this thesis after the first draft is deeply appreciated.
I also wish to express my warm appreciation to Prof. GaoYuan, Li Fuyi, Wang Zhenya, Xiao Hui, Xu Guohong, Tang Dexin, Li Baokong and many others from the Foreign Language Department of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics for their help and instruction to me during my graduate time in BUAA, which will be always cherished.
I also want to express my thanks to Prof. Luo Dexi and Mr. Gong Xuezhong and to the students in the First Aeronautical College of Air Force, who took part in the experiment. They assistance and cooperation are indispensable to the success of the present study.
Finally, but by no means least, I want to express thanks to my wife and my daughter. Their ceaseless love and support for me are the source of strength, which makes me keeping forward courageously.
附:致谢中的常用英语句型(叶云屏等,2001:232-233) 。
a) Support for this program/project/study is provided by… b) Funding for this program is provided by…
c) I thank … for giving financial support for this study. e) Additional support is provided by…
f) Research for this paper was partially supported by… g) This research was funded by…
(2) 感谢提供资料的单位或个人
a) Data were supplied/provided by…
b) Permission to quote from material protected by copyright has been granted by… c) I thank … for the permission to quote from material protected by copyright.
(3) 感谢提出建议和帮助的个人
a) I thank… for comments on the manuscript.
b) In addition, I am grateful to … for their valuable suggestions, and to … for her patience
and good counsel.
c) For help in the technical assistance, I thank…
d) We thank the following people for their helpful comments on drafts of this paper: … e) In addition, I wish to thank … for his valuable suggestions.
f) For their encouragement, support, and research assistance, I would like to thank the
following individuals who have contributed substantially to the completion of this study/paper/work.
(4) 感谢不知名的审稿人
a. The anonymous reviewers have also contributed considerably to the publication of this
b. In addition, I would like to thank the anonymous reviewers who have helped to improve
the paper.
a. I also owe an obligation to …
b. Also I wish to thank … for their many courtesies. c. Thanks is also extended to … who … d. I wish to thank … for his …
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一、 顺序编码体系
Forecasts of the tracks of hurricanes have improved steadily over the past three decades [1] (p 621-p
, owing to a combination of better observations and much improved numerical models. … In contrast to the improvements in track forecasts, there has been comparatively little advance in predictions of intensity, in spite of the sophisticated numerical models [1] (p 630). The best intensity forecasts today are statistically based [2]. Most of the research literature on hurricane intensity focuses on the pre-storm sea surface temperature and certain properties of the atmospheric environment [3]…
[1] Landsea, C. W. & Pielke , R. A. Jr. “Normalized Hurricane Damages in the Unite States:
1925-92”. Weather Forcast, 1994, (13): 621-631.
[2] Bosart, L.F. et al. “Environmental Influences on the Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Opal
over the Gulf of Mexico”. Preprints of the 23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology 983-984 (American Meteorological Society, Boston, 1999).
[3] DeMarea, M. & Kaplan, J. “A Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme for Atlantic
Basin”. Weather Forcast, 1994, (9): 209-220.
2) 文后参考文献基本格式(MLA格式)
文献顺序编码体系多采用MLA格式, 下面介绍MLA 格式文后参考文献的基本格式。 (1) 书籍
Breyer, S. Breaking the Vicious Circle: Toward Effective Risk Regulation. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1995.
(2) 期刊或会议文章
Tytler, R. “Independent Research Project in School Science”. International Journal of
Science of Science Education, 1992, 14: 293-411.
(3) 收集在书中的文章
作者姓,作者名. 标题名(正体,引号).In编者姓名 (ed.) 书名(斜体).出版地:出版单位,出版年代,起止页码.
Canale, M. “From Communicative Competence to Communicative Performance”. In
Rechards, J. and Schmidt, R. (eds.) Language and Communication. New York: Longman, 1983, 274-301. (4)报告
Jones, D. and Evans. D. “Survey of Small Engineering Enterprises in Wales,” Report R72.
Welsh Council for Engineering , Cardiff, 1997.
(5) 学位论文
Yoder, C.O. “The role of Biological Indicators in a Water Quality Management Process”,
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, 1998.
(1) 如果同一本书有两个作者,则将两个作者用and (&) 连接;如果有三个以上作
者,则在第一作者后加et al.字样,表示“等人”。
(2) 如不是第一版,要注明版本。
(3) 如果参考的是译著,则把译者放在前面,译者后面注上(trans.),接着注上原
(4) 如果一本书是由主编收集的文章,则在主编后注上(ed.),为editor的缩写;如
(5) 参考的章节或页码,则注在出版单位之后。 现分别举例如下:
Foster, K.R. and Bernstein, D.E. Phantom Tisk: Scientific Inference and the Law. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 1993. (两个作者)
Berry, W. et al. The Hidden Word. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1989. (三个以上作者) Lorenz, Konrad. (trans.) On Aggression. By Marjorie Kerr Wilson. 1996. New York :
Bantam , 1969.(译著)