2020智慧树,知到《翻译入门(吉林联盟)》章节测试[完整答案] 下载本文

最新资料欢迎阅读 fleet was destroyed, stolen or privatised, making the whole European project no longer sustainable.” 译文:但它的公告读起来就像是对欧洲人的控诉:“4个月内,我们的自行车有60%遭到毁坏、盗窃或被据为己有,这让整个欧洲项目无法维系下去。” A:对 B:错 正确答案:A

8、判断译文是否正确原文:China”s bike-riding sector, which spawned the industry”s global leaders Mobike and ofo, also struggles with vandalism.译文:中国的共享单车行业也受到破坏行为的影响--中国产生了该行业的全球领导者摩拜和ofo。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:A

9、判断译文是否正确原文:Now at the centre of the Trump administration”s China trade policy is an investigation launched into Beijing”s intellectual property regime.译文:如今,处于特朗普政府对华贸易政策核心的是对中国的知识产权制度发起的调查。 A:对 B:错


最新资料欢迎阅读 正确答案:A

10、判断译文是否正确原文:However, many of those plans are causing anxiety or are actively opposed by some leading US companies which see their growth prospects as closely tied to China, the second-largest economy in the world.译文:然而,许多此类计划正在引发焦虑,或者遭到了美国一些领先企业的强烈反对,这些企业认为自身的增长前景与全球第二大经济体中国密切相关。 A:对 B:错 正确答案:A 第五章

1、选择最佳译文 : The United Nations is no stronger than the collective will of the nations that support it. A:联合国没有支持它的各成员国的集体意志强大。



D:联合国的作用没有各支持国的集体力量强大。 正确答案:C

2、选择最佳译文:In some poverty-stricken areas now, not


最新资料欢迎阅读 a few people are found failing to achieve food security. A:现在在一些贫困地区,还有相当多的人被发现未达到食物安全。

B:现在在一些贫困地区,许多人的食物还没有保障。 C:现在在一些贫困地区相当数量的人仍还没有解决温饱问题。 D:现在在一些贫困地区不是很多人在温饱问题上没有实现。 正确答案:C

3、选择最佳译文: Watching television, of course, is an evening ritual for people throughout the world. A:晚上看电视当然已成了人们的习惯,全世界都如此。 B:晚上看电视当然已成了全世界人民的习惯。

C:晚上看电视当然已成了全世界人民的仪式。 D:晚上看电视当然是全世界人的晚上仪式。 正确答案:A


A:There is a staff of 400 in this research institute, of whom 20 are senior research scientists. There are 7 laboratories, 1 small library and related factory where there


最新资料欢迎阅读 are 120 workers.

B:The research institute has a staff of 400, of whom 20 are senior researchers. It has 7 laboratories.1 small library and 1 related factory that has 120 workers.

C:The research institute staffed with personnel of 400, of whom20 are senior research fellows, has 7 laboratories, 1 small library and 1 related factory with 120 workers.

D:There is 400 staff in this research institute, of whom 20 are senior research scientists. There are 7 laboratories, 1 small library and related factory where there are 120 workers. 正确答案: C

5、选择最佳译文:5. 科学是讲求实际的。科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。

A:Science deals with things in a practical way. Science means honest,solid knowledge, allowing not an iota of falsehood. and it involves Herculean efforts and grueling toil. B:Science stresses reality. Science is honest learning, allows not an iota of falsehood and needs hard work. C:Science stresses reality. Science is honest knowledge. Free from falsehood, and it needs Herculean efforts and grueling toil.

D:Science stresses practice. Science is honest knowledge.