高考英语3500单词配套练习 下载本文

10. Fifty f___________ (渔民) were killed in the thunderstorm.

2. 单项选择

1. --- I feel so bad about upsetting your plans. --- Oh, _____. It really doesn’t matter. A. come on B. forget it C. go ahead D. it depends 2. Would you mind going to ______ the kids from school? A. carry B. fetch C. take D. obtain

3. We can advise the manger, but in the end, it is he who has the ____________ say. A. female B. fond C. final D full 4. The jacket’s fine, but the trousers ___________. A .are fit B. aren’t fit C. fit D. don’t fit

5. ________ the instructions very carefully when ______________filling in the form. A. Follow B. Following C. Followed D. To follow 6. Because of _________ competition, prices of food are likely to drop. A. federal B. fierce C. friendly D. fundament

7. It __________ wonderful to lie on the beach and enjoy the sunshine. A. feels B. is felt C. is feeling D. is to feel. 8. It’s ___________ in this house. Can’t I turn on the heating?

A freezing cold B. frozen cold C. freezing coldly D. frozen coldly 9. He hopes his wife can come back and make a ____________ start. A. foggy B. fierce C. fresh D. flexible 10. ___________, everything ___________ all right in the end. A. Fortunate; worked out B. Fortunately; worked out C. Fortunate; figured out D. Fortunately; figured out

3.选词填空 (写到作业本上)

form fool forecast fear fee fellow field fine firm function 1. Police that there may be further terrorist attacks. 2. The entrance to the park have gone up by 50%. 3. He said a named Leroy was the best pilot.

4. Cole is the most famous expert in the of engineering. 5. The driver was $300 for careless driving. 6. Corey was always a believer in God.

7. You can’t me --- I know he’s already given you the money.

8. According to the weather , it’s going to stay hot for the rest of the week. 9. The alarm system was not when the paintings were stolen.

10. Love and trust should the basis of a marriage.

4.句子翻译 (写到作业本上)





5)我不能把注意力集中在工作上。 (focus)






第10课时 1.单词拼写

1) favorite 2) feather 3) festivals 4) foreigners 5) frequent 6) forehead 7) freedom 8) former 9) flight 10) fishermen 2.单项填空

1--5 BBCDA 6--10 BAACB 3.选词填空

1) fear 2. fees 3) fellow 4) field 5) fined 6) firm 7) fool 8) forecast 9) functioning 10) form 4.句子翻译

1.What are you frightened of? 2.He forgot to turn off the lights.

3.He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.

4.He folded the newspaper and handed it to me. 5.I can’t focus my attention on my work. 6.Have you fixed a date for your wedding? 7.The college was founded in 1840 by Henry. 8.Blood flowed from a cut on his forehead. 9.He does not fit the job. /He is not fit for the job. 10.Tom hasn’t finished reading the novel.


第11课时 (funeral --- harvest)


(1) We parked our car in an underground g__________ near the hotel. (2) I feel really g______________ at forgetting her birthday again. (3) After g_______ from high school, Jayne went to engineering college.

(4) The fight started when one of the fans made rude g_______________ at a player. (5) My friend offered to pay my plane fare, which was very g___________ of him. (6) The f__________ (葬礼) will be held at St. Martin’s Church. (7) I helped him choose the f___________ (家具) for his house. (8) The boy likes eating h____________ (汉堡包) in KFC. (9) The g_______________ (政府) has promised to cut taxes. (10) Of all the courses, I like ______________ (地理) lessons best. 2.词形变化

1) No pains, no ____________ (gain).

2) ___________ (general) speaking, the more expensive the MP3 player is, the better it is. 3) He is a ____________(gift) musician.

4) The chemicals are ___________________ (harm) to the environment. 5) The guilty man was ____________ (hang) for murder

6) As the weeks passed, I ____________ (gradual) accepted the idea of him leaving. 7) Money is not the key to ______________ (happy). 8) Vitamins are important for healthy ___________ (grow).

9) I was looking forward to working under her expert ____________ (guide).

10) Ducks, _____________ (goose), chickens and also pigeons were kept on the farm. 3.单项选择

1. --- Do you understand? --- Yeah, we’ve ________ it A. got B. gained C. grasped D. guessed

2. I missed a _____________ opportunity to become a millionaire. A. gold B. golden C. handsome D. generous 3. As the weeks __________, I became more and more worried.

A. went on B. went away C. went by D. went out 4. Don’t be hard ________ Jack; after all, he’s a child. A. on B. to C. for D. with

5. Some people find the idea of relativity difficult to ___________. I can’t understand it, either. A. give B. handle C. seize D. grasp 6. Regular exercise is a good habit for kids to ___________. A. develop B. break C. become D. grow 7. Can you give me a ___________? I need some help. A. hand B. game C. harmony D. gift

8. _________ it happens, I know someone who might be able to help you. A. When B. As C. With D. Whatever

9. Her confidence ____________, and soon she was able to go out driving on her own. A. gained B. grew C. greeted D. glared 10. She had _______ sat down when the phone rang. A. nearly B. badly C. generally D. hardly

4.选词填空 (写到作业本上)

hand down hand out give away glance at grow up go about hang up grow into get over give in 1) Don’t worry about Henry --- he’ll soon the problem.

2) As the sad news, Sue tried to smile, but her voice her . 3) Although I disagreed, I had to to dad --- he’s usually right anyway. 4) The man ____________ his watch and told us the time. 5) The ring was ____________ to her form her grandmother. 6) He was leaflets to members of the audience. 7) At the end of the telephone conversation, I said goodbye and _______. 8) That little girl a lovely young woman. 9) Boys, what do you want to be when you ____________?

10) I want to learn German but I don’t know the best way to ___________ it.

5.句子翻译 (写到作业本上)











第11课时 1.单词拼写

1. garage 2. guilty 3. graduation/graduating 4. gesture 5. generous 6. funeral 7. furniture 8. hamburgers 9. government 10. geography 2.词形变化

1. gains 2. Generally 3. gifted 4. harmful 5. hanged 6. gradually 7. happiness 8.growth 9. guidance 10. geese 3.单项填空

1--5 ABCAD 6--10 AABBD 4.选词填空

1. get over 2. gave … away 3. give in 4. glanced at 5. handed down 6. handing out 7. hung up 8. grew into 9. grow up 10. go about 5.句子翻译

1) The girl has a gift for music.

2) He graduated from the school two years ago. 3) The child grasped his/her mother’s arm firmly. 4) Some people are greedy for money and power. 5) I guarantee that you’ll love the film.

6) He felt guilty about not visiting his parents often. 7) Jeff has been in the habit of taking a walk after dinner. 8) Did Tom hand in his homework on time? 9) I want to hang the picture by the door. 10)I happened to be out when you called.



1. 单词拼写

1) We need a new h____________, who will be in charge of our school. 2) There are strong winds and heavy rain in a h___________.

3) The i__________ of the killer is still unknown; the police are trying to find out who he is. 4) “To be on top of the world” is an i___________ that means “to be very happy”.

5) His h______ include reading, cooking, and enjoying drama; he enjoys doing many things. 6) Two h__________ (直升飞机) are called into help people trapped on the island. 7) Many overseas scientists are coming back to their h______________ (祖国) 8) There was a shooting i____________ (事件) near here last night.

9) Heavy i______________ (工业) was concerned in the north of the country. 10) People on a high i_____________ should pay more tax. 2.词形变化

1. Mother worry about whether their children are getting a __________ (health) diet. 2. I kept on struggling forward, even though I knew it was ______________ (hope). 3. It is _______________ (help) to discuss your problems with your friends.

4. The job of an air ___________ (host) is to serve food and drink to passengers on a plane. 5. It was a brilliant speech --- clear, precise and ___________ (humor).

6. When it comes to job interview, first ________________ (impress) are important. 7. Nigeria gained ____________ (independent) from Britain in 1960. 8. She was taken to hospital with serious head ____________ (injury). 9. It is __________ (legal) to sell tobacco to someone under 16. 10. Is it lunch time yet? I’m getting ____________ (hunger). 3单项选择

1. --- Stop walking up and down like that! --- I can’t ________ it --- I’m really nervous. A. hide B. help C. increase D. ignore 2. She had me _________ all kinds of jobs for her. A. doing B. to do C. done D. am doing

3. In the summer of 2006, the city of Chongqing was badly _________ by a drought. A. hurt B. howled C. hit D. hooked 4. India is the _________ of elephants and tigers. A. inn B. house C. host D. home

5. I want to know what you decide, so keep me _________. A. inform B. informed C. to inform D. informing 6. Can you imagine __________ across the big desert?

A. Tom going B. Tom goes C. Tom is going D. Tom to go 7. Everyone’s going to the church, __________.

A. includes you B. you’re included C. you included D. to include you 8. ________ the head teacher came in, the noisy students stopped talking.

A. Immediately B. At once C. Hurriedly D. In a hurry 9. I get the impression _______ we’re not wanted here. A. if B. that C. whether D. what

10. The traffic going into London was very _____________. A. huge B. high C. initial D. heavy 1.单词拼写

1. headmaster 2. hurricane 3. identity 4. idiom 5. hobbies 6. helicopters 7. homeland 8. incident 9. industry 10. income 2.词形变化

1. healthy 2. hopeless 3. helpful 4. hostess 5. humorous 6. impressions 3.选词填空 (写到作业本上)

help out hope for hold on head for hear from hurry up be independent of hunt for hold back at home 1. I watched his train into the distance and then my home. 2. Police want to anyone who has any information about the attack. 3. Organizing the school trip will be a lot of work so I need some volunteers to _________. 4. Make yourselves __________. Would you like a cup of coffee? 5. Liam decided to ignore the warning and just the best. 6. The kids were shells on the beach.

7. If you want tickets, you’d better ___________. There are only a few left. 8. Robert aimed to his parents by the time he was twenty. 9. The sad news came as a shock, but she struggled to her tears. 10. --- Is that Ann speaking? --- Can you ? I’ll try to find her. 5.句子翻译 (写到作业本上)

1.如果需要帮助, 尽管与我联系。










第12课时 7. independence 8. injuries 9. illegal 10. hungry 3.单项填空

1--5 BACDB 6--10 ACABD 4.选词填空

1. headed for 2. hear from 3. help out 4. at home 5. hoped for 6. hunting for 8. be independent of 9. hold back 10. hold on 5.句子翻译

1) Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help.

2) We’re sorry to inform you that your application has been rejected. 3) We were impressed by her performance. 4) Your opinion won’t influence my decision. 5) It wasn’t wise of you to ignore my advice. 6) It hurts when I try to move the leg.

7) Changes will be made if the situation doesn’t improve. 8) Research indicates that people’s eating habits are changing fast. 9) I have never tried to hide the truth about my past. 10) How much does it cost to hire a boat for a week?


第13课时(innocent – lemon)

1. 单词拼写

1). The teacher encourages his students to watch bees and other i__________. 2). Not all English learners want to become i______________ or translators. 3). IN the i___________ the author explains why he wrote the book. 4). She worked as a j_______ on The New York Times. 5). Jay’s in the k___________ washing the dishes.

6). Johnson is a scientist at the Massachusetts I___________ (学院) of Technology. 7). The country is made up of hundreds of i__________. 8). Some of my aunt’s j__________ has gone.

9). He regularly gives i____________ on modern French literature.

7. hurry up