2017届高考英语二轮复习第3部分阅读理解完形填空语法填空短文改错限时规范训练11 下载本文





In 1959,when Jean Harper was in the third grade,her teacher gave the class an assignment to write a report on what they wanted to be when they grew up.

Jean's father was a crop duster pilot in the little farming community in Northern California where she was raised,and Jean was very interested in airplanes and flying.She poured her heart into her report and included all of her dreams.She wanted to crop dust,make parachute jumps(跳伞),and be an airline pilot.Her paper came back with an “F” on it.The teacher told her it was a “fairy tale” and that none of the occupations she listed were women's jobs.Jean was devastated and humiliated.

One day in her senior year of high school,her English teacher Mrs Dorothy Slaton gave the class an assignment.“If you had unlimited money,unlimited access to the finest schools,unlimited talents and abilities,what would you do?” Jean felt a rush of her old enthusiasm,and with excitement she wrote down all her old dreams.The teacher leaned forward over her desk and said,“You do have unlimited abilities and talents.When you leave school,if you don't go for your dreams,no one will do it for you.You can have what you want if you want it enough.”

The hurt and fear of years of discouragement went away because of what Mrs Slaton had said.Jean felt excited and a little scared.She stayed after class and went up to the teacher's desk.Jean thanked Mrs Slaton and told her about her dream of becoming a pilot.Mrs Slaton half rose and slapped the desk top.“Then do it!” she said.

So Jean did.It didn't happen overnight.It took her 10 years of hard work.It wasn't in Jean's nature to stand up for herself when someone refused or humiliated her.Instead,she would quietly try to find another way.

She became a private pilot and then flew planes as a co-pilot (副驾驶员).In 1978,she became one of the first three female pilot trainees ever accepted by United Airlines and one of the only 50 women airline pilots in the nation at that time.Some years later,Jean Harper became a Boeing 737 captain for United Airlines.

1.When Jean Harper was in the third grade, . A.it was common for women to be airline pilots

B.her father advised her to be a pilot like him in the future C.she was unsure about what she wanted to be when she grew up D.she was deeply hurt by her teacher's comment on her dreams

2.What was Mrs Slaton's reaction when she learned about Jean Harper's dream? A.Encouraging Jean to do what she wanted to. B.Offering Jean as much help as she could. C.Persuading Jean to give up her dream.

D.Making Jean aware of all the possible difficulties. 3.What is the last paragraph mainly about? A.How Jean Harper achieved her flying dream. B.Jean Harper's great achievements in flying.

C.The hardships Jean Harper experienced when trying to be a pilot. D.Jean Harper's determination to pursue her dream.

4.What gave Jean Harper enough strength and faith to pursue her dream? A.Her father's influence on her. B.Mrs Slaton's support.

C.Her decision to stand up for herself.

D.A teacher's humiliation when she was in the third grade.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇人物传记,介绍了Jean Harper如何在英语老师的鼓励下,实现了当一名飞行员的梦想。

1.解析:选D。细节理解题。由第二段中的“Jean was devastated and humiliated.”和第四段中的“The hurt and fear of years of discouragement”可知答案为D。

2.解析:选A。细节理解题。由第三段中Mrs Slaton所说的话“You do have unlimited abilities and talents.When you leave school,if you don't go for your dreams,no one will do it for you.You can have what you want if you want it enough.”和第四段中的“Then do it!”可知答案为A。

3.解析:选B。段落大意题。最后一段主要讲述了Jean Harper在飞行方面的成就,所以答案为B。

4.解析:选B。推理判断题。文中提到的Jean Harper的两位老师,一位打击她的梦想,让她几乎对此丧失信心;另一位老师给她无限的信心,让她相信自己,坚持追寻梦想,所以答案为B。


Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discoveries concerning a new therapy against malaria (疟疾),artemisinin (青蒿素).Artemisinin,

the most effective drug that can combat malaria today is “a gift from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to the world”,said Tu Youyou,in her presentation at Nobel Lectures in Physiology or Medicine in Stockholm.

In the half-hour lecture,Tu detailed a vivid story in the 1970s of how a group of Chinese researchers despite various challenges successfully developed a cure to treat malaria.Drawn from valuable research experiences in developing artemisinin,Tu believes “Chinese medicine and pharmacology (药理学) are a great treasure house”,which “should be explored and raised to a higher level”.

“Since ‘tasting hundreds of herbs by Shen Nong’,China has accumulated considerable experience in clinical practice,integrated (整合) and summarized medical application of most nature resources over the last thousands of years through Chinese medicine,” Tu said.“Adopting,exploring,developing and advancing these practices would allow us to discover more novel medicines beneficial to the world healthcare,” Tu stressed.

“The sun along the mountain bows; The Yellow River seaward flows; You will enjoy a grander sight; By climbing to a greater height!” Tu quoted (引用) a poem from China's Tang Dynasty in her speech.“Let's reach a greater height to appreciate Chinese culture and find the beauty and treasure in the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine!” she said.

“I enjoyed it very much.It's a fascinating story when she recalled how she went back to TCM and found this method which is very important for mankind,” Lars Heikensten of the Nobel Foundation told Xinhua.“It's a truly enjoyable moment.”

“She made a very mature comparison between modern pharmacology and Traditional Chinese Medicine,which I think is extremely important and well worth pursuing in future to find treasure from TCM in developing new drugs,” Lindsten,a retired professor and former Secretary-General of Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine,told Xinhua.Another expert Birgitta Rigler,head of the Rehabilitation Clinic in Dandryd's Hospital in Stockholm,said,“I am quite sure we will have future medicine that comes from nature!”

“Chemical industry may be faster in developing new drugs,but perhaps nature-based things are more durable,”she said.

5.Tu Youyou considers artemisinin is “a gift from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to the world” because .

A.Tu won the Nobel Prize

B.artemisinin is a kind of TCM

C.Tu developed artemisinin from Chinese medicine and pharmacology D.artemisinin is a cure to treat malaria

6.The underlined word “novel” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”. A.artificial C.natural

B.new D.traditional

7.Tu quoted a poem from China's Tang Dynasty in her speech in order to . A.draw attention to treasure Chinese culture and Traditional Chinese Medicine B.go beyond the mountain before her C.appreciate Chinese culture D.climb to a higher building

8.According to what the foreign experts said,TCM . A.only exists in fascinating stories B.can treat more than malaria C.comes from nature

D.can be useful in developing new drugs

【解题导语】 本文介绍了中国第一位获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的科学家屠呦呦以及她从传统中医药中发现的对人类抵抗疟疾最有效的青篙素。屠呦呦在获奖演讲中提出要重视传统中医。

5.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句Drawn from valuable research experiences in developing artemisinin,Tu believes “Chinese medicine and pharmacology are a great treasure house”...可知,屠呦呦在发现青蒿素的过程中借鉴了传统中医。故选C项。


7.解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第四段最后一句Let's reach a greater height to appreciate Chinese culture and find the beauty and treasure in the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine!可推知,屠呦呦在演讲中引用唐诗《登鹳雀楼》的目的在于提醒人们要更进一步欣赏中国文化,发现传统中医的美和财富。故选A项。

8.解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后三段不同外国专家的观点 ...how she went back to TCM and found this method和 ...is extremely important and well worth pursuing in future to find treasure from TCM in developing new drugs ...以