义务教育英语课程标准(2019年英文版) 下载本文


English Curriculum Standards for compulsory Education (2017-year Edition).

Ministry of Education of the people's Republic of China.


Part one Preface II. Basic concepts of the curriculum III. Ideas for curriculum design Part II Curriculum objective I. overall objective

II. Hierarchical objectives Part III grading criteria I. language skills

II. Language knowledge III. Emotional attitudes 4. Learning strategies V. Cultural awareness

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I. nature of the curriculum


Part IV implementation of recommendation I. pedagogical recommendations II. Evaluation recommendations Appendix

III. Recommendations for the preparation of teaching materials Appendix 1 list of speech items Appendix 2 Grammar item Table Appendix 3 Glossary

Part I Preface.

Nowadays, the world is in the period of great development and great adjustment, showing the development trend of world multi-polarization, economic globalization and informatization. As a big country with peaceful development, China bears an important historical mission and international responsibilities and obligations. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It has become an important tool for international exchanges and scientific, technological and cultural exchanges. Learning and using English plays an important role in absorbing the achievements of human civilization, drawing lessons from advanced foreign science and technology, and enhancing the mutual understanding between China and the world. Offering English courses in the compulsory education stage can lay the foundation for improving the whole national literacy of our country, cultivating the talents with creative ability and cross-cultural communicative ability, and improving the international competitiveness of the country and the international communication ability of the people.

The establishment of English courses in compulsory education is of great significance to the future development of young people. Learning English will not only help them better understand the world, learn advanced scientific and

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cultural knowledge, spread Chinese culture, and enhance their mutual communication and understanding with the young people of other countries. It can also provide them with more opportunities for education and career development. Learning English can help them to form an open and tolerant character, to develop the awareness and ability of cross-cultural communication, to promote the development of thinking, to form a correct outlook on life, values and good humanities. Learning English can provide students with the ability to participate in knowledge innovation and scientific and technological innovation in the future, as well as lay the foundation for them to better adapt to the multi-polarization of the world, economic globalization and informationization in the future.

I. the nature of the curriculum.

The English curriculum at the stage of compulsory education is of the dual nature of instrumentality and humanism. As far as instrumentality is concerned, English curriculum undertakes the task of cultivating students' basic English literacy and developing their thinking ability, that is, students can master basic knowledge of English language and develop basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English through English courses. Form the ability to communicate with others in English, further promote the development of thinking ability, for the future to continue to learn English and other relevant scientific and cultural knowledge in English to lay the foundation. As far as humanity is concerned, English curriculum undertakes the task of improving students' comprehensive humanistic quality, that is, students can broaden their horizons, enrich their life experiences, form cross-cultural consciousness, enhance their patriotism and develop their innovative ability through English courses. Form a good character and a correct outlook on life and values. The integration of instrumental and humanistic English curriculum is conducive to the lifelong development of students to lay the foundation.

II. The basic idea of Curriculum.

(1) pay attention to quality-oriented education and embody the value of language learning to students' development;

The main purpose of English curriculum in compulsory education is to lay a foundation for students to develop their comprehensive language ability and to create favorable conditions for them to continue to learn English and to develop in the future. Language is not only a tool for communication, but also a tool for thinking. Learning a foreign language can promote people's mental development, help students to understand the diversity of the world, experience the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign cultures to form cross-cultural awareness, enhance international understanding, and carry forward the spirit of patriotism. Form the sense of social responsibility and innovation consciousness, improve humanities accomplishment.

(2) for all students, pay attention to the different characteristics and individual differences of language learners.

Compulsory education is an important part of education for all. The English curriculum at the stage of compulsory education should be open to all students and embody the student-centered thinking. The development needs of all students should be taken into account in the aspects of teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching process, teaching evaluation and the utilization and development of teaching resources. English curriculum should be a process in which students construct their knowledge, develop their skills, broaden their horizons, enliven their thinking and show their individuality under the guidance of their teachers. Due to the differences in age, personality, cognitive style and living

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environment, students have different learning needs and characteristics. Only to meet individual needs to a large extent, it is possible to obtain the maximum overall teaching efficiency.

(C) overall design objectives, taking full account of the progressivity and continuity of language learning.

English learning has obvious characteristics of progressiveness and continuity. Language learning lasts a long time and needs to accumulate gradually. The English Curriculum Standard for compulsory Education (hereinafter referred to as \Standard\and the English Curriculum Standard for Senior High Schools, which converge with it, set the objectives of the English curriculum for the basic education stage at nine levels. The aim is to embody the organic cohesion of primary, junior middle and senior middle school courses and the gradual development of students' English language competence, so as to ensure the integrity, progressiveness and continuity of English curriculum. English teaching and evaluation activities should be organized in accordance with the students' language proficiency and the corresponding grade requirements.

(4) emphasizing the process of learning and paying attention to the practicality and application of language learning.

Modern foreign language education pays attention to the process of language learning, emphasizes the practicality of language learning, advocates that students should contact, experience and understand the real language in the context, and learn and use language on this basis. English curriculum advocates the adoption of language teaching approaches and methods that both emphasize the language learning process and improve the students' learning effectiveness, so as to create as many opportunities as possible for the students to use the language in the real context. Encourage students, under the guidance of teachers, to discover language laws through experience, practice, participation, inquiry and cooperation, to gradually master language knowledge and skills, to constantly adjust their emotional attitudes, and to form effective learning strategies, Develop the ability of autonomous learning.

(5) to optimize the evaluation method, with emphasis on the evaluation of students' comprehensive language ability.

The evaluation system of English curriculum should be conducive to the development of students' comprehensive language use ability. It should be evaluated by adopting multiple and optimized evaluation methods to assess the development level of students' comprehensive language use ability, and stimulate students' interest in learning by means of evaluation. Promote the development of students' autonomous learning ability, thinking ability, cross-cultural awareness and healthy personality. The evaluation system should include formative evaluation and summative evaluation. The evaluation in daily teaching focuses on formative assessment, focusing on the performance and progress of students in the learning process; the final assessment focuses on the students' comprehensive language use ability. Including language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness and so on.

(6) enriching curriculum resources and expanding English learning channels.

Language learning requires a great deal of input. Rich and diverse curriculum resources are especially important for English learning. According to the needs of teaching and learning, English curriculum should provide English learning resources that are close to students, life and times. We should creatively develop and make use of the fresh English learning resources in real life, and actively use audio-visual, radio, television, books, newspapers, magazines, Internet

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information, and so on, to expand the channels for students to learn and use English.

Ⅲ. The idea of curriculum design.

The general idea of English curriculum design is: under the guidance of the scientific concept of development and advanced foreign language curriculum concept, based on the national conditions, comprehensive consideration of the current situation of English education in China, starting from the stage of compulsory education; To establish a student-oriented, systematic and progressive English curriculum system. This curriculum system aims at fostering students' comprehensive language application ability, according to the law of language learning and the development needs of students in the compulsory education stage. From the language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness of the five aspects of the design of the overall curriculum objectives and grading goals. These five aspects are interrelated and complement each other, which makes English curriculum attach importance not only to the cultivation of students' basic language knowledge and basic skills, but also to the optimization of the learning process, so as to guide students to form effective learning strategies and certain cultural awareness. Cultivate positive emotional attitudes and values.

According to the above design idea, the compulsory education stage English curriculum take the elementary school 3 grades as the starting point, take the junior middle school graduation as the end (namely compulsory education 9 grades), and with the senior middle school stage English curriculum links up. The English curriculum of the entire basic education stage (including compulsory education and senior high school) is divided into nine levels according to the ability level, forming a gradual and sustainable development of the curriculum. The aim of setting graded courses is to reflect the learning needs and cognitive characteristics of students of different ages, and to make English courses with integrity, flexibility and openness, using the international grading methods for reference.

In the nine-level target system, the first to the fifth level is the goal requirement of the compulsory education stage. Level two is the basic requirement to be met at the end of the sixth grade, and grade five is the basic requirement to be reached at the end of the ninth grade. Grades 6 to 9 are the target requirements for ordinary high schools. Among them, level 7 is the basic requirement for high school graduates, and levels 8 and 9 are designed for high school students who are willing to further improve their English proficiency. Of the nine levels of targets, levels I, III, IV and VI are transitional levels. The setting of grading objectives is conducive to teaching and evaluation in the implementation of the curriculum, but also provides a basis for the flexibility and openness of the curriculum.

The levels in the curriculum grading objectives are not entirely equivalent to the grades in the basic education stage. However, the grading goal provides the instruction requirements for the teaching and evaluation of grades 3, 6, 7, 9 and senior high school, and the compilation of teaching materials, which is conducive to the overall implementation of the curriculum. In the period of compulsory education, schools offering English courses from the third grade, the fourth grade should complete the first level goal, the sixth grade should complete the second level goal, the schedule of classes should reflect the principle of short time and high frequency as far as possible, and guarantee three or four teaching activities per week; The total weekly class time shall not be less than 80 ~ 90 minutes. Grades 7, 9 and 9 completed the goals of levels III, IV and V respectively, and the weekly class hours were carried out in accordance with the national curriculum plan.

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