hnd - 商法outcome1考试 - 答案 下载本文

1 Sources of modern Scots Law.

Statute law, common law and European Union law

2 How do you describe the doctrine of judicial precedent? Examples of judicial precedent.

It means that a judge can make law when there aren't legislation or precedents for him to use to deal with the case in his hand. In doing so, the judge or judges listen to arguments of all parties to decide which view of law is right. This case is called test case. They make their decision and then future judges should follow the reasoning in the test case . Not all the judges have the authority to make precedents. Junior judges usually can not do this. Ruling made by superior court must be followed by lower court.

3 Which is more powerful: the Westminster Parliament or the Scottish Parliament? Why?

The Westminster Parliament is superior. On the one hand, Scottish Parliament passes laws within the power conferred by the Westminster. On the other hand, the Westminster can abolish Scottish Parliament by passing an act.

4 What is a statute?

A statute is where a legislation is written down. A legislation made by parliament is called Act of Parliament, and also known as a statute.

5 Name five Acts of Parliament. The licensing (Scotland) act 1975 The divorce (Scotland) act 1976

Abolition of poundings and warrant sales act 2001 Dog fouling (Scotland) act 2003

The health and safety at work act 1974 Sale of goods act 1979

Employment rights act 1996

Protection of children (Scotland) act 2003

6 What are the main differences between civil and criminal law in Scotland? Criminal law is to maintain law and order by punishing criminals. The punishments includes imprisonment and fine and so on.

Civil law is to resolve legal disputes between individuals such as divorce, personal injury, contractual disputes, sale of goods, etc.

Criminal and civil cases are dealt with by different courts, who use different proof rules and follow different procedure.

7 What is a crime? (You should list four examples of criminal behaviour)

A crime is a kind of behaviour which threatens or destroys social security and should be punished by the state.

Murder, rape, treason, theft, manslaughter, robbery, bribery, fraud, etc.

8 Examples of a civil dispute.

Contractual disputes, employment disputes, debt recovery, divorce, personal injury, land diputes

9 If any conflicts between Scots and European Union Law, which one should the Scottish Courts follow? Why? European Union law.

The UK is now a member of the EU. In order to enjoy the benefit as a member, the UK must obey the EU law. The UK has passed an act to confirm its membership and accepted that the EU law shall be superior to its domestic law.

10 List the four most important institutions of the European Union and Which of them has law-making powers? 1 The Council of Ministers. 2 The European Parliament.

3 The European Court of Justice. 4 The European Commission.

The Council of Ministers and the European Parliament has law-making powers.

1 Examples of The European Union can make legal rules.

Regulations, Directives, Decisions, Recommendations and Opinions 2 “the primacy of European Union Law”?

It means that when there is a conflict between EU law and Scots law, a Scottish court implements the EU law instead of Scots law.

4 What is ?legislation??

Legislation refers to laws passed by the parliaments. These laws are Acts of Parliament. Besides, there is delegated legislation, which is made by bodies lower than the parliaments and authorized by the parliaments.

5 Which of the two legislative bodies is more important?

The Westminster Parliament is more important than The Scottish Parliament.

6 What does the XXX (Scotland) Act mean?

It means that this legislation is made by Scottish Parliament and applys to Scotland only.

8 What is the burden of proof in a criminal trial which a prosecutor must

achieve in order to convict the accused?

The prosecutor must clearly prove the accused is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt.

9 What is ?common law??

Common law is an important part of the unwritten law of Scotland. It includes judicial precedents, custom, equity and institutional writings.





3这是更强大的威斯敏斯特议会或苏格兰议会?为什么呢? 威斯敏斯特议会优越。一方面,苏格兰议会通过威斯敏斯特赋予的权力范围内的法律。另一方面,威斯敏斯特可以取消苏格兰议会通过一种行为。






民法是解决个人,如离婚,人身伤害,合同纠纷,商品销售等之间的法律纠纷 刑事和民事案件是由不同的法院,谁使用不同的证据规则,并按照不同的程序处理。

7,什么是犯罪? (您应该列出四种犯罪行为的例子)

犯罪是一种行为,威胁或破坏的社会保障,应当由国家处罚。 的谋杀,强奸,叛国,盗窃,杀人,抢劫,行贿受贿,诈骗等。




为什么呢? 欧盟的法律。


英国已通过一项法案,确认其成员,并接受欧盟法律应优于其国内法。 清单10的四个最重要的的机构,欧盟,他们已制定法律的权力? (1)部长理事会。 欧洲议会2。 3,欧洲法院。 4欧洲委员会。



法律,法规,指令,决定,建议和意见 2“欧盟法”的首要地位? 这意味着,当有一个欧盟法律和苏格兰法律之间的冲突,苏格兰法院实现欧盟法律,而不是苏格兰法律。





6 XXX(苏格兰)法是什么意思?


8,什么是在刑事审判中,检察官必须实现以判定被告的举证负担? 检察官必须清楚地证明被告有罪的,是超越任何合理怀疑。

