1.Õ½ÂÔ¶¨Ò壺սÂÔÊǹØÓÚÒ»¸ö×éÖ¯³¤Æڵķ½ÏòºÍ»î¶¯·¶Î§£¬ËüӦʹ¸Ã×éÖ¯ÔÚ²»¶Ï±ä»¯µÄ»·¾³ÖÐͨ¹ý×ÊÔ´µÄÅäÖÃÀ´»ñÈ¡¾ºÕùÓÅÊÆ¡¢Âú×ãÊг¡µÄÐèÇó²¢ÊµÏÖÓйØÀûº¦ÍÅÌåµÄÆÚÍû¡£ Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a changing environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholder¡¯s expectation.
1£©long-term direction£º³¤ÆÚ·½Ïò 2£©advantage£º£¨¾ºÕù£©ÓÅÊÆ
3£©scope of an organization¡¯s activities£º×éÖ¯µÄ»î¶¯·¶Î§ 4£©match activities with environment£º»î¶¯Óë»·¾³ÏàÆ¥Åä
5£©bounded rationality and resources scarcity£ºÓÐÏÞÀíÐÔºÍ×ÊÔ´µÄϡȱÐÔ 6£©values and expectation£º¼ÛÖµºÍÆÚÍû
3.Õ½ÂԵĺËÐÄÎÊÌâÊÇÒ»¸öÆóÒµµÄ³É³¤·½ÏòºÍ×ÔÈ»ÑÝ»¯¡£The core problem of strategy is direction of growth and natural evolvement of an enterprise. How do firms behave£¿£¨ÆóÒµÈçºÎÐÐÊ£¿£©
Why is there great difference among the firms?(ΪʲôÆóÒµ´æÔÚ²îÒ죿) £¨ÆóÒµÀíÂÛÖ÷Òª½âÊÍÆóҵΪʲô´æÔÚ£¬¶øÕ½ÂÔÖ÷Òª½âÊÍÆóҵΪʲô´æÔÚ²îÒ죩
4.The Process of Strategy Management£ºÕ½ÂÔ¹ÜÀíµÄ¹ý³Ì
General management and strategic management£º×ÛºÏ/È«Ãæ¹ÜÀíºÍÕ½ÂÔ¹ÜÀí
general management is basic management and its management knowledge has wide scope of application.×ۺϹÜÀíÊÇ×î»ù±¾µÄ¹ÜÀí£¬ËüµÄ¹ÜÀí֪ʶÓÐ׏㷺µÄÓ¦Ó÷¶Î§¡£
strategic management is special management and it uses the knowledge of general management, focusing on the strategic issues.Õ½ÂÔ¹ÜÀíÊÇÒ»ÖÖÌØÊâµÄ¹ÜÀí£¬ËüʹÓÃ×Å×ۺϹÜÀí·½ÃæµÄ֪ʶ£¬²¢¹Ø×¢ÆóÒµµÄÕ½ÂÔÎÊÌâ¡£
5.Õ½ÂÔ¹ÜÀíÐèÒª½â¾öµÄÈý¸öÎÊÌ⣺Three problems strategic management should to solve 1£©How about the station and environment of the enterprise?ÆóÒµËù´¦µÄÊг¡µØλºÍ
2£©What enterprise is it going to be?ÆóÒµ×¼±¸×öʲô£¿ 3£©How to reach its given aim?ÔõÑù´ïµ½¼È¶¨Ä¿±ê£¿
£¨ÐÂppt£©3 key questions£º
1) Where is the organization now?ÆóÒµÏÖÔÚËù´¦µÄλÖÃ
2) If no changes are made, where will the organization be in a few years?Èç¹û×é֯ûÓÐ×ö³öÈκθı䣨±ä¸ï£©£¬¼¸Äêºó£¬ÆóÒµËù´¦µÄλÖÃÔÚÄĶù£¿
3) If the answers are not acceptable, what specific actions should management undertake? Èç¹û´ð°¸ÄÑÒÔ½ÓÊÜ£¬¹ÜÀíÓ¦¸Ã×ÅÊÖ²Éȡʲô¾ßÌåµÄ´ëÊ©£¿
6.Õ½ÂÔ¹ÜÀí¶¨Ò壺սÂÔ¹ÜÀíÊÇÖ¸Ò»¸ö×éÖ¯ÔÚ·ÖÎöºÍÁ˽âÄÚÍⲿ»·¾³µÄ»ù´¡ÉÏ£¬È·¶¨Õ½ÂÔ·½Ïò£¬Öƶ¨ÓÐÖúÓÚʵÏÖÄ¿±êµÄÕ½ÂÔ²¢¼ÓÒÔʵʩ£¬¾¡×î´óŬÁ¦Âú×ã×éÖ¯ÀûÒæÏà¹ØÕߵĹý³Ì¡£Strategic management is the process through which organizations analyze and learn from their internal and external environments, established strategic direction, create strategies that intended to help achieve established goals, and execute those strategies, all in and effort to satisfy key organizational constituencies, which are called stakeholders.
7.How it evolved£ºÔõÑù·¢Õ¹£¿
Strategic management in many organizations tends to evolve in four phases from basic financial planning to forecast-based planning, to what people refer to as strategic planning (strategy formulation only), and finally to full-blown strategic management (including implementation and control). Ðí¶à×éÖ¯Õ½ÂÔ¹ÜÀí·¢Õ¹µÄËĸö½×¶Î£º 1£©»ù±¾²ÆÎñ¹æ»® 2£©Ô¤²â£¨¹æ»®£© 3£©Õ½ÂԹ滮£¨Õ½ÂÔÖƶ¨£© 4£©Õ½ÂÔ¹ÜÀí£¨°üÀ¨Ö´ÐкͿØÖÆ£©
8.»·¾³ºÍѧϰÐÍ×éÖ¯£ºenvironment and learning organization Dynamic and complex environment£º¶¯Ì¬¡¢¸´ÔÓµÄÊг¡»·¾³
learning organization¡ª¡ªAn organization that is skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge
and insights.ѧϰÐÍ×éÖ¯£¬¸Ã×éÖ¯Éó¤´´Ôì¡¢»ñÈ¡ºÍ´«µÝ֪ʶ£¬Í¬Ê±ÐÞÕý×ÔÉíµÄÐÐΪ£¬ÒÔÊÊӦеÄ֪ʶºÍ¼û½â¡£
9.Factors of strategic management£º 1£©Product ¨C market scope£º²úÆ·-Êг¡·¶Î§
(which specifies the particular industries to which the firm confines its product -market position )£ºÔÚÖ¸¶¨µÄÌض¨ÐÐÒµ½ç¶¨²úÆ·-Êг¡¶¨Î»/λÖà 2£©Growth vector ( or the product-market matrix )£ºÔö³¤ÏòÁ¿
(which indicates the direction in which the firm is moving with respect to its current product -market position£©£ºÏò¹ØÓÚÏÖÓвúÆ·-Êг¡Î»ÖÃÕýÔÚÒƶ¯µÄ·½Ïò 3£©Competitive advantage£º¾ºÕùÓÅÊÆ
£¨which seeks to identify particular properties of individual product markets that will give the firm a strong competitive position. £©Ñ°ÕÒ¸öÈ˲úÆ·Êг¡¶ÀÌØÆ·ÖÊÊôÐÔ£¬»á¸øÆóÒµ´øÀ´Ç¿ÓÐÁ¦µÄ¾ºÕùÓÅÊÆ¡£
10.Õ½ÂԲ㼶£º The strategy hierarchy
Level 1: Corporate strategy in concerned with the overall purpose and scope of the organization to meet the expectations of owners or major stakeholders and add value to the different parts of the enterprise.
Level 2: Strategic business strategy is about how to compete successfully in a particular market.
Level 3: operational strategies are concerned with how the component parts of the organization in terms of resources, processes, people and their skills effectively deliver the corporate- and business-level strategies direction.
ÍøÂç²ãÕ½ÂÔ£ºnetwork strategy.Áè¼ÝÔÚÈý´óÕ½ÂÔÖ®ÉÏ£¬´¦Àí¸÷×éÖ¯¼äµÄ¹Øϵ¡£
11.A strategic business unit is a semi-autonomous unit within an organization. It is usually responsible for its own budgeting, new product decisions, hiring
decisions, and price setting. An SBU is treated as an internal profit Centre by corporate headquarters. Each SBU is responsible for developing its business strategies, strategies that must be in tune with broader corporate strategies. Õ½ÂÔÒµÎñµ¥Î»ÊÇ°ë×ÔÖεĵ¥Î»ÔÚÒ»¸ö×éÖ¯¡£Ëüͨ³£¸ºÔð×Ô¼ºµÄÔ¤Ë㡢вúÆ·¾ö²ß,×ö³öÕÐƸ¾ö¶¨µÄ,¼Û¸ñÉèÖá£Ò»¸öµ¥Î»±»ÊÓΪһ¸öÓɹ«Ë¾×ܲ¿ÄÚ²¿ÀûÈóÖÐÐÄ¡£Ã¿¸öÒµÎñµ¥Î»¸ºÔðÆäÒµÎñ·¢Õ¹²ßÂÔ,²ßÂÔ±ØÐëÓë¸ü¹ã·ºµÄÆóÒµÕ½ÂÔ±£³ÖÒ»Ö¡£
13.Õ½ÂÔÖƶ¨µÄµ¼»ðË÷£ºÕ½ÂÔÖƶ¨Í¨³£²»ÊÇÒ»¸ö³£¹æµÄ,³ÖÐøµÄ¹ý³Ì,µ«ÍùÍùÊÇÓÉ´¥·¢Ê¼þ,ÈçÐÂCEO»òÐÔÄܲî¾à¡£Strategy formulation is typically not a regular, continuous process but is often initiated by triggering events, such as a new CEO or a performance gap.
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2.High-performing companies tend to have an organizational identity that is understood by both internal and external stakeholders.¼¨ÓÅÆóÒµÇ÷ÏòÓÚÓµÓÐÒ»¸ö±»ÄÚÍⲿÀûÒæÏà¹ØÕ߶¼Àí½âµÄ×éÖ¯Éí·Ý/ÈÏͬ¡£
On the inside, a well-established organizational identity can provide guidance