【最新版】目的论视角下英语商标的翻译毕业设计 下载本文

Therefore, the realization of translation brief depends on the conditions of target culture rather than source culture. Phase three came up with the theory of translation action reference to the theory of communication and action, and he further developed the functional translation theory that is an interpersonal interaction. This theory is result-oriented and regards translation as the theory impelled by translation brief. Nord made a comprehensive summary about the theory of functional translation theory and continued to improve it. In the process of translation, he systematically explained what outside and inside factors should be noticed when analyze the text and how to work out a practicable translation strategy fit in with the translation brief based on the functions of the original text. And he places the purpose of translation in an important position, “Supposing the purpose of translation is to fulfill some certain functions, any obstacle that prevent the translation to get there is a translated mistake.” (Robertson, 2003: 28)

1.2 Rules of Skopostheorie

The Skopostheorie has three rules. “Skopos rule” as the top-ranking rule for any translation, means that a translational action is determined by its Skopos, or “the end justifies the means”. Vermeer believes that each text is produced for a given purpose and should serve this purpose [2]. Coherence rule and fidelity rule, the former means the target texts must be comprehensible to receivers in target language culture and the communicative situation in which the target texts are to be used, and the target text must be readable and acceptable. The latter means there must be an inter-textual coherence

between the source text and the target text. However, the degree and form of the fidelity depend on the aim of the target texts and the translators’ comprehension of the source texts. Loyalty rule mainly reflected in two aspects. The translator has moral obligations to the target text receivers and must explain the reason for what they have done. The other is the translator must be loyal to the original author. Of the three rules, Skopos rule is the predominating rule. Fidelity is considered less important than coherence and both are subordinate to Skopos rules.

Skopostheorie is an approach to translation which was developed in Germany in the late 1970s. Emphases of Skopostheorie mainly showed up in three aspects: 1) to explain the nature of translation; 2) to analyze the characters who participate in the process of translation; 3) to put forward the principles of functional translation. The forming and developing process of Skopostheorie experienced three phases. Phases one, Katharina Reiss brought the function category into the translation criticism for the first time and he made the language function, text type and translation strategy associated with each other, which developed the schemes of translation criticism based on the relation between source text and target text, thus presenting us with an embryo of functionalist approach. The ideal translation keeping in Reiss’s mind is the conceptual content; linguistic form and communication function are equal to the source text. However, in practice, he found that a number of equivalence will never come true, and these exceptions are caused by specific translation brief. So, the translation criticism can’t

only rely on the analysis of the source text, but consider whether the target text has its intended effect or not. Phase two, Hans. Vermeer broke through the source-oriented equivalence, on the basis of behavioral theory and regarding Skopos as the first rule in the process of translation, Skopostheorie was created.

Chapter 2 The Translation of English Brand Names Brand is the name, graph, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or services distinct from those of other sellers.

2.1 Features of English Brand Names

Brand is the name, graph, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or services distinct from those of other sellers. A brand is the most valuable fixed asset of a corporation and it has its unique features: 1) English brand names always only use a vocabulary and its letters are in all caps; 2) English brand names conform to the characteristics of their products; 3) English brand names are easy to remember and have their own characteristics; 4) Most of the English brand names have implied intentions and symbolic meanings [3].

2.2 The Necessity of English Brand Name Translation

With the rise of brand economy and the acceleration of economic globalization, the communication among countries is increasingly frequent. Therefore, companies do not limit their ambitions to the domestic markets. They are dedicated to expanding the international market as well. The internationalization of branding is the inevitable result due to the development of economy.

However, the original English brand is not the same as it in other countries or regions. Different countries or regions have different customs, cultures and language features, so the translation of the English brand name becomes particular important.

2.2.1 Promote Economic and Social Development

In today’s economic life, brand has the function of market and it is the market element which possesses an independent value. In addition, brand can not only protect and promote production, but also protect and promote assumption. The value of intangible assets carried by a brand is a sort of credit capital of companies. An international well-known brand is nearly the most important part for a company to accelerate transformation, to promote the operation model and market operation of companies, and to improve the level of economic market. The development of social economy will be healthier and faster.

2.2.2 Strengthen Cultural Communication

With the deepening of economic globalization, the process of internationalization of enterprises is being accelerated; especially the increasing of global trade, the cultural communication among different countries has a further development. However, people from different cultures found that it is hard to communicate with each other not only due to the language barrier but also affected by cultural styles. Therefore, it is difficult for a company to design a suitable brand. For customers, the first thing they come into contact with is the brand. So the most important thing for companies before their products enter into other countries or regions is to choose a