(基础模块上unit11) 下载本文

10. with confidence 11. start to

12. too … to … 13. lose confidence 14. give up …

15 set a good example to 16. try one‘s best to do 17. think …over

18. have difficulty (in) doing sth 19. as much as possible 20. be afraid of 21. take it easy 22. at first

23. at the beginning

Step5: Homework:

Read the text as much as possible

Remember the new words: difficult----improve

(基础模块下unit3) 第三课时

Step1: Revision

Let us have a dictation about some new words and phrases Read the text one by one

Step2: language points

1. They just keep on learning by themselves and put what they have learned into

practice in their job with confidence.

keep on doing?“持续不断,坚持??”。

eg: He kept on doing his homework for 4 hours. Prices _____________________


put?into practice“把??付诸实践”。

eg: We have to put our idea into practice.我们得把我们的想法付诸实践。

2. When we first start to study English, many of us think English is too difficult to learn.


eg: The question is too difficult to answer. The boy is ___________________ the heavy box


3. So some of us lose confidence or even give up. lose confidence“失去信心”。 eg: She lost confidence in life.

________________, and you’ll succeed.


give up...“放弃??”。

eg: He has given up playing football.他已经放弃踢足球了。 Have you ________________?


4. The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example to us in learning English.

set a good example to?“为??树立好榜样”

eg: The boy studied very hard and set a good example to his classmates. It is my duty as a teacher to _______________________.


5. The more you read,the more you learn.


eg: The more words you have got,the easier English becomes. __________ he gives his children, _________ they want.


6. When you meet new words, don't feel bored, just try your best to think them

over, understand and remember them.

try one's best to do...“尽某人的最大努力去做??”。 eg: We must try our best to learn English well. He __________________ finish his job.


同义词组:do one's best“尽力”“竭力”

I shall do my best to help you in every way.我将竭力在各个方面帮助你。 think.., over“仔细考虑,慎重思考??”。在该结构中如果是代词做宾语应放在中间;若是名词做宾语,可以放在中间,也可放在think over的后面。又如: Please think over what I have said.请仔细考虑我说的话。

7. Many students find it difficult to understand spoken English.

find it + necessary/important/difficult/easy...+to do?“认为做??十分必要/重要/困难/容易”。这里it是形式宾语,动词不定式是真正的宾语。 eg:I find it easier to translate English into Chinese.

8. Take it easy at first.首先要放松。

take it easy“放松,不紧张,不着急”

eg: Just take it easy and tell us what happened.

Step3: Homework:

Remember the all new words Remember the language points

(基础模块下unit3) 第四课时

Step1: Revision

Let us have a dictation about some new words and phrases Read the text one by one

Step2: Translate some sentences

1. 她流利的英语使得我们感到吃惊。

_______________________________________________________ 2. 你听的越多,你的听力就提高得越快。

___________________________________________________________ 3. 据说那位科学家就出生在这个小村庄。

______________________________________________________________ 4. 她的身体太弱不能爬山。

_________________________________________________________________ 5. 我发现要通过这次考试很难。


Step3: Practice

Finish the exercises on p21 Useful Words and Expressions Put the following phrases into English 1) 有机会做某事 2)一直不断做某事 3) 失去信心 4)树立好榜样 5) 尽量去做某事


7) 尽可能?? 8)放弃 9) 别紧张


Step4: Homework:

Read the text

Remember the new words

(基础模块下unit3) 第五课时 Step1: Revision

Let us have a dictation about some new words and phrases Step2: Grammar:


Step3: Exercises

Make compound words with the words given in different columns and then tell the Chinese meaning. Example: bed + clothes bedclothes book boy sea head hand day friend sun play home cell girl bed school foot tea shop moon cake ball phone ship friend student mate room light ground time mark pot town shake side master keeper Example: hard + working hardworking easy part English man home well world warm wide good middle blue three eyed sick speaking time going looking famous known aged spread made. hearted legged

Unit3单元练习 语音知识:从A, B, C, D四个选项中,找出其画线部分与给出单词画线部分读音相同的选项。 1. confidence A. promote B. contest C. method D. customer 2. attend A. graduate B. sale C. dangerous D. material 3. repeat A. breath B. deaf C. increase D. pleasure 4. example A. exam B. excellent C. effort D. helpful 5. improve A. move B. model C. color D. total 二、词汇与语法知识:从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选择出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

6. She keeps on learning English all the time. So far, she ________ three books of

New Concept English.

A. has learned B. have learned C. had learned D. learn

7. --You do some reading in the library every afternoon, don't you? --No, but sometimes. I wish I ________.

A. had time to B. had time to do C. have time to D. have time 8. It seldom rains here,_________ ?

A. is it B. isn't it C. does it D doesn't it 9. The salesgirls' perfect English makes Xiushui Market __________

A. a higher fame B. more famous C. more famously D. a better name