组织行为学 题库 第一章 下载本文


Which of the following fields has most helped us understand differences in fundamental values, attitudes, and behavior among people in different countries?

a. anthropology

b. psychology

c. political science d. operations research e. psycholinguistics

(a; Challenging; Anthropology; p. 15) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 46. The subject of organizational culture has been most influenced by which behavioral science


a. anthropology b. psychology c. social psychology d. political science e. corporate strategy

(a; Moderate; Anthropology; p. 15) {AACSB: Analytic Skills}

There are Few Absolutes in OB 47. Which of the following statements best describes the current status of Observational Behavior


a. They are based on universal truths. b. They can be used to predict human behavior only if the situation is clearly specified. c. There is general consensus among OB researchers and scholars on the simple concepts that

underlie most human behavior.

d. The cause-effect principles that tend to apply to all situations have been discovered. e. Cause and effect relationships for most human behaviors have been isolated. (b; Easy; Observational Behavior; p. 16) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 48. There are _____ simple and universal principles that explain organizational behavior. a. an infinity of b. absolutely no c. a confusing array of d. fourteen e. few if any

(e; Challenging; Observational Behavior; p. 16) 49. In order to predict human behavior with any degree of accuracy, what sort of variables must be

taken into account?

a. global b. general c. dependent d. non-reactive e. contingency

(e; Moderate; Contingency Variables; p. 16)

Challenges and Opportunities for OB 50. _____ is/are the number one reason that business travelers have cut back on their travel.

a. Lower profits

b. Shareholder interventions

c. Greater communications technology d. Better accounting principles e. Fear of terrorism

(e; Moderate; Responding to Globalization; p. 18)



Which of the following OB topics is not central to managing employees’ fears about terrorism? a. emotion b. motivation

c. communication d. leadership e. work design

(e; Easy; Responding to Globalization; p. 18) 5. Whereas _____ focuses on differences among people from different countries, _____ addresses

differences among people within given countries.

a. workforce diversity; globalization b. globalization; workforce diversity c. culture; diversity d. culturization; workforce diversity e. psychology; social psychology

(b; Challenging; Globalization and Workforce Diversity; p. 18) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 53. _____ is a measure of how organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender,

race, and ethnicity. a. Globalization

b. Workforce diversity c. Affirmative action d. Organizational culture e. Operational homogeneity

(b; Easy; Workforce Diversity; p. 18) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 54. In what way does current thought on workplace diversity differ from the older “melting-pot”


a. by recognizing that employees don’t set aside their cultural values, lifestyle preferences, and differences when they come to work

b. by realizing that people from diverse backgrounds will automatically begin to integrate into the larger workplace and community over time

c. by taking active steps to minimize the effect of cultural values and lifestyle preference within the workplace

d. by openly seeking a heterogeneous workplace and avoiding homogeneity wherever possible e. by using techniques such as structured workshops to show employees that behavior that is perfectly valid within their community may not be valid in the context of the workplace

(a; Moderate; Workforce Diversity; p. 19) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 55. In 2003, which group made up 46.7 percent of the U.S. labor force? a. people over the age of 65 b. Latino/as c. African-Americans d. men e. women

(e; Moderate; Workforce Diversity; p. 20) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity}



What is the probable consequence of the fact that women significantly outnumber men on U.S. college campuses?

a. Eventual parity in the number of men and women in the workforce. b. An increase in the number of technical positions filled by women. c. An increase in competition between men for professional and managerial jobs d. A steady increase in the number of technical, professional, and managerial positions e. A decrease in the competition for jobs in positions that have traditionally been filled by women. (b; Moderate; Workforce Diversity; p. 20) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 57. Increasingly, we can expect that women will be hired into _____ positions. a. menial b. traditionally female c. medical (nurse) d. socially-oriented e. professional

(e; Easy; Workforce Diversity; p. 20) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 58. What was the most significant change in the U.S. labor force during the last half of the twentieth


a. substantial decreases in the number of workers who are under 55 b. increases in the percentage of U.S. citizens of Hispanic origin c. increasing numbers of African-Americans at all levels within the workforce d. the steady increase in the percentage of workers that are men e. the rapid increase in the percentage of workers that are women

(e; Challenging; Workforce Diversity; p. 20) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 59. Which of the following statements is not an implication of increased workplace diversity? a. Managers should recognize differences between workers. b. Diversity training should be provided.

c. Employee benefits should be revamped to accommodate the different needs of different employees.

d. It is critical that all workers be treated alike.

e. Innovation and creativity in organizations is likely to increase.

(d; Challenging; Workforce Diversity; pp. 20-21) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 60. According to the textbook, when diversity is not managed properly, there is a potential for _____. a. higher creativity b. communication benefits c. labor cost inequities d. increased competitiveness e. higher turnover

(e; Moderate; Workforce Diversity; p. 21) {AACSB: Multicultural and Diversity} 61. According to management guru Tom Peters, almost all quality improvement comes from _____ of

design, manufacturing, layout, processes, and procedures.

a. modification b. stratification c. integration d. separation e. simplification

(e; Moderate; Quality Improvement; p. 21)



Today’s managers understand that the success of any effort at improving quality and productivity must include _____.

a. process reengineering b. quality management programs c. customer service improvements d. employees e. manufacturing simplification

(d; Moderate; Quality Improvement; p. 21) 63. The majority of employees today in developed countries work in _____.

a. manufacturing jobs b. service jobs c. MNCs

d. government agencies e. the military

(b; Moderate; Customer Service; p. 21) 64. Approximately _____ % of the U.S. labor force is employed in service industries.

a. 10 b. 25 c. 40 d. 60 e. 80

(e; Challenging; Customer Service; p. 21) 65. Service industry jobs include all of the following except _____. a. fast good counter worker b. sales clerk c. waiter d. nurse

e. production line worker

(e; Easy; p. Customer Service; p. 21) {AACSB: Analytic Skills} 66. Which of the following factors makes it imperative that organizations be fast and flexible? a. temporariness b. corporate excess c. truncated capacity d. advances in corporate strategy e. globalization

(e; Moderate; Temporariness; p. 23) 67. Given the climate of “temporariness” in modern organizations, employees must _____. a. continually update their knowledge and skills b. be prepared to stay in the same position for longer periods of time c. make closer connections to their peers d. foster friendship within the work environment e. limit their mobility if they hope to compete (a; Easy; Temporariness; p. 23)