22. What is special about “16th Annual Smithsonian Photo Contest”? A. It gives a theme. C. It has an age limit.
B. It offers a grand prie. D. It has two categories.
23. Which competition ass for entries in electronic form? A. The HG Wells Short Story Competition. B. 16th Annual Smithsonian Photo Contest. C. Embracing Our Differences.
D. 16th Annual Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest. 24. Who may get The Margaret Reid Prie after winning the contest? A. Short story writers. C. Art designers.
As a teenager, I terroried my mother. We often quarreled about whether or not I would empty the dishwasher, tae out the trash, or clear the dinner plates. My brothers referred to these infamous screaming matches as World War III every time a battle began. The fights lasted as long as my mother could put up with my sharp tongue and snide remars, after which I was sent to my room without dinner.
Now we don’t argue anymore. It’s not because I’ve matured, gotten married, and left my parents, house, but because my mother cannot utter (发出) enough words to form sentences. Her brain is a mess that cannot communicate lie a room full of people speaing different languages with no interpreter.
At fifty-four, she was diagnosed with early-onset Alheimer’s disease and now, four years later, she is completely dependent on my family and me to function. We feed her, dress her, bathe her, drive her around, and pray that the disease progresses slowly.
Alheimer’s has changed both the relationship we share as a mother and daughter and the fundamental beliefs that guide my life. I now believe that I am fortunate to have the opportunity to give bac to my mother with the same love and devotion she always shared with me.
I visit her as often as my schedule permits, Sometimes I share stories with her, reducing any details to basic terms that she can understand. Sometimes we sit in silence and comment every now and then about how good the coffee is. “Maes you feel good,” she tells me, taling about the coffee, and I want to say the
B. Photographers. D. Poem writers.
same thing about the time spent with her. I am so grateful for these moments, for the eperiences we share, and for the chance to mae up for the way I treated her years earlier. The funny thing is that she may never remember those arguments.
25. What does the underlined word “matches” probably refer to? A. Games.
B. Remars.
C. Arguments.
D. Moments.
26. What changed the relationship between the author and her mother? A. Her basic beliefs. C. Her being mature.
B. Her mother’s disease. D. Her mother’s devotion.
27. How does the author feel when telling the story? A. Sad.
B. Funny.
In most situations, bystanders’ responses lie disapproving glares, uninvited comments or pieces of advice to a child’s angry behavior can add to the stress of the situation. But sometimes bystanders truly understand, and sometimes their words or actions can mae a positive difference. One mom eperienced this firsthand.
This mom was noticeably pregnant and traveling alone with her young son at a Los Angeles airport. Then things had taen a turn for the worse.
The boy, about 18 months old, was in the midst of what Beth, a Faceboo user, referred to as a “total meltdown.” He was running all over the place, icing, screaming, and flopping down (趴) on the floor, dead set on not getting aboard the plane. His mom did her best to calm him down, but, according to Beth, “she couldn’t pic him up because he was so upset. He ept running away from her, then lying down on the ground, icing and screaming again.” Finally, the mom came to her wit’s end. She sat down on the floor net to her son, buried her face in her hands, and began to cry.
Then the most amaing thing happened.
A group of si or seven women, Beth included, circled around the mother-son pair and did something to help. Beth sang him “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider.” Another offered an orange. Another gave him a toy she had on hand. Another helped get his cup out of Mom’s bag. Yet another tended to Mom by offering her a water bottle. With the help of these incredible women, the id and his mother calmed down and were able to board
C. Anious.
D. Thanful.
the plane.
And then life moved on. All of the strangers went their separate ways without speaing of what had happened. But Beth said it was something she’d never forget. “We were strangers, gathering to solve something,” she wrote. “It occurred to me that a circle of women, with a mission, can save the world.” 28. What reaction of the bystanders is proper to a child’s angry behavior? A. Understanding and trying to help. C. Commenting on the situation.
B. Offering parents some advice. D. Stopping the child by glaring.
29. What does the underlined part “came to her wit’s end” probably mean? A. Burst into tears. C. Gave in to her id.
B. Felt totally at a loss. D. Ran away from her id.
30. What were the group of women lie? A. Professional.
B. Courageous.
C. Calm.
D. Considerate.
31. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the tet? A. To describe a great volunteer Beth. C. To show how strangers can help out.
Though the harmful effects of plastic on wildlife and human health are well-documented, this material is hard to avoid. Nearly everything we touch, from grocery bags to drin bottles, to food pacaging, contains plastic. Now, Amsterdam’s Eoplaa supermaret is maing it a little easier for consumers to reduce consumption of single-use plastic bags and containers, which are blocing our landfills at alarming rates, with a special plastic-free aisle (通道). Believed to be the world’s first, the aisle has 700 products on sale including rice, beans, yogurt, chocolate mil, cereal, snacs and meat.
While items still require pacaging, everything is housed inside reusable or recyclable containers made of glass, metal or cardboard. The unique idea was given to the grocery-chain officials by U-based environmental group A Plastic Planet, which taes the lead to advocate for at least one plastic-free aisle in supermarets around the globe. The non-profit has even created a signature “plastic-free” mar to help consumers identify eco-friendly pacaging. “This is a consumer-led campaign,” said a group co-founder Sian Sutherland. “We’re a grassroots organiation. So obviously we’re woring with industry and the government,
B. To introduce some incredible women. D. To appeal to people to care for children.
but most importantly, we represent the public.”
Eoplaa, which plans to roll out the plastic-free aisles across its 74 stores by the end of the year, is not the only company trying to reduce plastic waste. In Berlin, the Original Unverpact grocery store has been trying to change customer habits since 2014 by selling everything, from grains to produce and even soaps without plastic pacaging. The supermaret, which requires customers to bring their own reusable containers, even sells chewable toothpaste that needs no tubes.
Though it is encouraging to see companies trying to mae a difference, for real change to happen, consumers have to avoid products encased in plastics, even if it means giving up their favorite food or drin. As Sutherland put it, “Plastic food and drin pacaging remains useful and yet a destructive presence on the earth for centuries afterwards.”
32. What does Eoplaa want to do by setting up a plastic-free aisle? A. Cut down managing cost. C. Mae shopping much easier.
B. Reduce plastic-pacaging. D. Increase the amount of sales.
33. Which of the following can mae a real difference? A. Consumers. Companies.
34. What does Sutherland thin of plastic pacaging in the future? A. It will be of no use to consumers. C. It will disappear in this century.
B. It will eist for a long time. D. It will replace other containers.
B. Supermarets.
C. Organiations.
35. What might be the title of the passage? A. Plastics are Harmful to the Environment. B. Non-profits Can Help the Supermarets. C. Consumers Should Change Shopping Habits. D. Supermarets Tae Action for a Cleaner Planet. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
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