上海市静安区2017-2018学年高三第一学期期末教学质量检测英语试题 下载本文


高三英语试卷 2018.01


1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。

2. 所有答题必须涂(选择题)或者写(非选择题)在答题纸上, 做在答题纸上一律不得分。

3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名

I. Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a questions will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the questions you have heard.

1. A. Air conditioner B. Stove C. Suitcase D. Mobile phone 2. A. A nurse B. A manager C.A flight attendant D. A secretary 3. A. On the day of Black Friday, he has nothing to do. B. He will buy nothing during the coming shopping day. C. His salary will be increased before Black Friday. D. He prefers to save money rather than spend. 4. A. 6 B. 8 C. 12 D. 16

5. A. People should carefully study information they get from various experts. B. There’s no need to turn to experts for health suggestions.

C. Ordinary people should be invited on TV to talk about healthy life. D. Experts help a lot in promoting healthy life style. 6. A. The professor failed everyone at the term end. B. The professor criticized him for failing the exam. C. The professor thought highly of him

D. The man failed the science course for the term 7. A. Jenny has graduation ceremony. B. They go for a movie. C. They have family dinner. D. Nothing happens

8. A. Medicine B. Math C. History D. Chinese 9. A. It’s wonderful in all aspects.

B. It’s good on the whole with one shortcoming. C. It’s totally disappointing D. It’s of average quality

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10.A. Buying the expensive cake is foolish B. The cake is worth the price. C. The taste of the cake is misleading. D. Eating the cake hurts people’s intelligence.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passage and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passage and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Children looking for future husband and wife for their parents. B. Children trying to earn wedding fund for their parents. C. Children making plans for their parents’ wedding day D. Children taking part in their parent’s wedding ceremony. 12. A. Wedding dress B. Wedding style

C. Food for wedding D. Honeymoon destination 13. A. The difficulties modern marriage meets.

B. The good relationship between British children and parents. C. The unconventional weddings in modern Britain. D. The new marriage concepts combined with traditions. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. For how long the event will last.

B. The site address to purchase the event ticket. C. The past achievements the lecture had made D. The location where the lecture is to happen 15. A. Stand out and hold a poster for the event. B. Cover other event ads with your event ad. C. Rent school channel to introduce the event.

D. Use modern communication media to spread the event 16. A. Tips on advertising campus events.

B. Food work wonders to attract campus event attendees. C. The rise of modern social media on campus

D. Challenges to prepare for a high-quality campus event Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation 17. A. Academic and professional prospects B. life conditions on campus C. Tuition and geographic advantages. D. Ranks among all the universities

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18. A. Strong program background. B. Low living expenses. C. Circle of contacts on campus D. Agreeable weather

19. A. Because they can hire talents from UCLA. B. Because foreign talents can be employed C. Because their companies are near beaches D. Because their bosses are from UCLA 20. A. Moving to live with his parents. B. Pursuing graduate study at UCLA.

C. Accepting the offer from Chicago University D. Keeping comparing the two Universities

II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Today, Mandatory(强制的) recycling is a hard sell in the United States, where the economy runs largely along free market lines and the current landfilling waste remains inexpensive and efficient.

Plain and simple, recycling still costs more than landfilling in most place. This fact, (21)_________(couple) with the disappearance of the so-called” landfill crisis” of the mid-1990s, means that recycling has not caught on , which runs (22)_________ some environmentalists’ wishes.

However, many cities have found ways to recycle economically. They have cut costs by automating sorting and processing. They’re also found profitable markets for the recyclables(可回收物) (23)_________ cast-off items are acceptable or even welcome. Increased efforts by green groups(24) _________ (educate) the public about the benefits of recycling have also helped. (25)_________ _________ _________ uneconomical recycling seems to some people, some cities, such as Pittsburgh, San Diego and Seattle, have made recycling mandatory. In these cities, recyclables are banned from both household and business garbage. Families (26)_________ recycle all basic recyclables, such as paper , cardboard , glass and plastic. To business with garbage containers ‘polluted’ with more than 10 recyclables, warning (27)_________ (issue). If they fail to take action, fines are expected.

New York, a national leader on recycling, decided to stop its least cost-effective recycling programs (plastic and glass) in 2002. But rising landfill costs ate up the $ 39 million saving expected.

As a result, the city brought back plastic and glass recycling and committed to a 20-year contract with a recycling firm, Hugo Neu Corporation, which built the (28)_________(advanced)

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recycling facility in the country.

The company focuses on (29)_________ could cut costs. Automation has streamlined the sorting process, and easy access to rail has cut both the environmental and transportation costs. The new deal and new facility have made recycling efficient for the city and its residents (30)_________ (show ) once and for all that responsibly-run recycling programs can actually save money ,landfill space and the environment. Section B

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. shamed B. consequently C. criticism D. scarce E. authorities F. struggled G. original H. practical I. luxury J. blanketed K. assume

William Shakespeare came from a modest start, but finished life living in a(n) ____31_____ house in Stratford-upon-Avon, with a coat of arms and series of business investments to his name. So was William Shakespeare a businessman, as well as a writer?

Researchers have uncovered information from historical documents that point to Shakespeare being a greedy businessman, anxious to grab every penny whose practices caused ___32____ in his lifetime.

The academics believe that many of Shakespeare’s doubtful business dealings have been _____33___by people’s romantic view of him as a creative genius who made his money through acting and writing plays. The idea that Shakespeare gave the world such wonderful narratives, language and entertainment makes it uncomfortable to even ___34____ that he was simply motivated by his own thirst for financial interest.

Shakespeare was a grain businessman almost for his life time. He bought and stored grain and then sold it on to his neighbors at high prices.

In the late 16the and early 17th Century a bad weather gripped England. The cold and rain resulted in poor harvests and _____35____ severe lack of food. Referred to as the “ Little Ice Age”, the period was the time when thousands of people ____36_____ for survival. At that time, Shakespeare was under investigation for tax evasion(逃避) and later charged with storing grain when food was ____37_____.

One could argue that he did not do this without a conscience and that perhaps this is demonstrated in the way he portrayed one of his famous character Shylock in his play the Mechant of Venice. Many people claim Shylock personifies Shakespeare’s own self-hatred, who is eventually ____38____ for his greed as a money lender and all that he owns is seized from him. Perhaps with the _____39____ pursuing Shakespeare for his evil dealings during Little Ice Age, Shylock’s tragic fate was a real fear for Shakespeare.

Shakespeare’s ____40____ funeral monument at Holy Trinity Church was a bag of gram which implied that he prided himself on his role as a grain businessman as well as on his writing.

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It was not until the 18th century that the bag of grain was replaced by a pillow.

III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

The sights, sounds, and smells of the modern marketplace are rarely accidental. More likely they are tools of an evolving strategy of psychological marketing called “sensory marketing’ to create an emotional association to a(n) ____41____ product or brand.

By relating to people in a far more ___42____ way through everyone’s own senses, sensory marketing is able to affect people in a way that traditional mass marketing cannot.

Traditional marketing believes that consumers will systematically consider ____43__ product factors like price, features, and utility. Sensory marketing, by contrast, seeks to resort to the consumer’s life experiences and feelings. Sensory marketing believes that people, the consumers, will act according to their emotional urge more than to their ____44___ reasoning. By this way, an effective sensory marketing effort can result in consumers choosing to buy a lovely but expensive product, rather than a plain but cheap ____45____.

In the past, communications with customers were mainly monologues-----companies just “talked at” consumers. Then they evolved into dialogues, with customers providing ____46_____. Now they’re becoming multidimensional conversations, with products finding their won voices and consumers responding _____47____ to them.

Based on the implied messages received through five sense, consumers, without noticing the trend to apply human-like personalities to brands, leading to intimate relationship and, hopeful for the brands, persistent ____48____. And that’s the very thing brands are dying to fostering customers rather than instant trend or profits. And that’s the very thing brands are dying to foster customers rather than instant trend or profits. Most brands are considered to have either “sincere” or “exciting” personalities.

“ Sincere” brands like IBM and Boeing tend to be regarded as conservative and relative while “exciting” brands like Apple, and Ferrari are imaginative and __49______. In general, the consumers tend to form ____50___relationships with sincere brands than with exciting ones, this explains the relatively enduring history of the “Sincere Brands”.

Certainly, with the eyes containing two-thirds of all the ____51____cells in a person’s body, sight is considered the most important of all human senses. Sensory marketing uses sight to create a memorable “ sight experience” of the product for consumers which extends to packaging, store interiors, and printed advertising to form a (n) ___52____ image for the brand.

In other words, no aspects of a product design is left to ____53__anymore, especially color. Brand acceptance is linked closely with the appropriateness of the colors on the brand----- does the color ______54___ the product at all? If not, customers, though not realizing it themselves, will ____55____ the brands in all possible ways-sales, reputations, etc. Therefore, brands, isn’t it time now to study the new field of marketing?

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