施心远主编《听力教程》3 - (第2版)Unit - 15答案 下载本文

The issue of intellectual property will be less a problem at MIT because many people feel that they ought to be disseminating knowledge and quality of education.

The MIT course offerings are expected to attract \widely in the United States, although visitors to the sites will not earn college degrees.

The start-up cost of the on-line program is estimated between seven and ten million dollars. MIT President is confident that more than sufficient philanthropic contributions will be coming his way. MIT has the reputation and prestige that commands attention. It also has a loyal following among its vast legions of alumni.

Part2 Passage

Terror in the Night

1. Tracy and her boyfriend Rick drove a Ford pickup to the campground and

had just pitched their tent when another camper stopped by.

2. The campsite was flooded by headlight beams; someone was screaming at

them from outside the tent.

3. As the sun rose, Rick walked back to the camp, where he met two trappers

who drove him seven miles to a phone.

4. Tracy lost her footing and dropped through the torrent, smashing her head on

a rock and knocking herself unconscious.

5. As the sun burst across the desert, the new day brought a brilliant sunrise

and welcome sounds: the sound of passing cars.

Tracy and her boyfriend Rick drove a Ford pickup* to the Burnt Corral campground and had just pitched their tent when Larry Pritchard, another camper, stopped by. He had come to make sure the city slickers* were settling in comfortably.

Everyone seemed friendly, including the stranger in the blue Chevy pickup who ambled up as Rick and Tracy sat around their campfire the second night. \Robert Comer. Your friend's up at our place partying. Come on over.\

Tracy and Rick declined the invitation, but welcomed Comer.

\was screaming at them from outside the tent. Confused, Rick and Tracy stumbled toward the bright lights. As Rick exited the tent, he was pushed face-first into the dirt. Tracy recognized the man: Robert Comer. Beside him stood a stocky* woman, pointing a rifle at them.

Comer shoved Rick and Tracy into the Ford, leaving the woman behind. Putting his pistol to Rick's head, Comer turned to Tracy and said, \have to kill him.\

\his gun, hogtied* Rick, covered him with a blanket and kicked him into the brush. \into the starless night. It was 2:30 a.m.

As the sun rose, Rick walked back to the camp, where he met two trappers* who drove him seven miles to a phone. At the campsite, officers discovered Larry

Pritchard's body beneath a pile of firewood. He had been shot through the head, and his throat was cut. \God\Rick thought, \is with a homicidal maniac.\Assisted by military helicopters, authorities began scouring* the area. Their overriding fear:

Tracy would not be found alive.

Apparently believing he had intimidated* Tracy into submission, Comer turned to chopping firewood. Only minutes later, Comer returned and noticed Tracy had vanished.

At midday Tracy came upon a waterfall that blocked her escape. Edging her way out onto the slick rocks, Tracy lost her footing and dropped through the torrent*, smashing her head on a rock and knocking herself unconscious. Mercifully, the shock of the freezing water quickly revived her, and she struggled to the bank.

Night brought another miracle: a sky full of stars.

As the sun burst across the desert, the new day brought a brilliant sunrise and welcome sounds: an orchestra of birds and later, in the distance, the most beautiful music of all - the sound of passing cars. Tracy staggered down the road, rejoicing, still running from Comer 24 hours after her escape.

Eight hours after Tracy's rescue, police discovered Comer's abandoned pickup truck. An hour later, they found Comer behind a bush.

Comer was sentenced to 353 years for armed robbery, kidnapping and sexual assault, among other charges. He was sentenced to death for the murder of Larry Pritchard.

Exercise A Pre-listening Question

Do you know any camping hints? Camping Hints Preparation

? Check the weather forecast for the area.

? Plan your trip - know about the area and how to get there.

? Take enough food, clothing, and equipment to keep you comfortable in case of emergency.

? Notify others of where you will be, and when you plan to be home, in case someone needs to find you. Reminders

? Prevent animals from getting into your food. ? Keep a few logs in your tent to keep them dry. ? Always bring extra matches.

? Be careful with your campfire - keep it small. ? Be a good neighbor - control your noises.

? Be respectful of your state forest - keep the trees and shrubs alive and growing. The \Impact\Camper follows these guidelines to insure that today's forest and campground resources are available to tomorrow's users:

? If you carry it in, please carry it out. This will eliminate litter. ? Protect water sources from contamination.