外研社现代大学英语精读5第二版-课后习题答案 下载本文

6. Old Chong was conducting an invisible orchestra which was created by his dreaming thought.

7. I practiced the piano under my mother’s instruction every day for the next year as my duty, but I played in an uncooperative way to show my rebellion.

8. When I said those words, I felt that some very nasty thoughts had got out of my chest, and I felt surprised. But at the same time, I felt good because those terrible thoughts had been suppressed in my heart for quite a while and they had got out at last.

9. I could feel that her anger had reached the point where her self-control would

collapse, and I wanted to see what my mother would do when she lost complete control of herself.

10. When the lid to the piano was closed, it shut out the dust and also put an end to

my misery and her dreams.

VI Phrases

1. 几乎不用首付现款

2. 过高的希望和达不到的期盼 3. 短路 4. 我家起居室的唯一摆设 5. 力气大得吓人 6. 自行其是 Sentences 1. 我的头发没有做出我要的大卷花,而是给我弄成一头乱蓬蓬的黑色小卷


2. 在她告诉我答案前,她对了对手中的杂志,看看“赫尔辛基”是否能这样


3. 她似乎被这音乐吸引住了。这钢琴曲不长,但有点狂乱,有着迷人的特


4. 如果她的才气和她的脾气一样大,她早就出名了。 5. 而我的妈妈挺起胸膛,吹牛说,“我们的问题比你的更糟糕。如果你让精


6. 我最喜欢练习的部分是花哨的谢幕行礼动作:先出右脚,脚尖点在地毯


7. 我朝观众望去,看到了我妈木然的面孔,爸爸的哈欠,林朵阿姨的尴尬


8. 一股凉气从头顶开始,然后一点点传到全身。但我却不能停止演奏,双


9. 她的脸部失去了表情,嘴巴紧闭,双臂无力地垂下。她退出了房间,神





I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

in the act of struggling with ( a problem, decision, task, etc.) a force producing motion or change program of things to be done

to have a lot of, as if full of holes after a shotgun blast decisively large number of people

(slang) to spend much of one's time; to frequent

to control someone, as to show him how to behave or act an isolated area of a specified type to become popular

extending far down in a revealing way


1. Yet Globalization is not something you can accept or reject; it is already a fact of life, which you will encounter and have to respond to every day.

2. Political groups with broad popular support have emerged to take advantage of people’s existing worries and uneasiness regarding foreign “cultural assault.”

3. ... in China, closed-door and open-door policy trends have long struggled for dominance. 4. The Chinese people should continue to live a backward life while we live comfortably with all modern conveniences.

5. Westernization... is a concept full of self-contradictions and held by people of very different backgrounds and views.

6. In trying to find out what future trends will be, you do not need to be fashionable yourself. 7. As an open and technologically advanced country with a large market for unusual things, America provided Tom Sloper with the necessary conditions to design a software program combining a new Western technology with the ancient Eastern rules of mah-jongg. And he was able to sell his product.

8. He was moving around, playing a game via the Internet, with people living in different time zones, hence their computer activity broke down the limits of time zones.

9. The Gucci store had not expected that in the first two weeks of its opening in Shanghai, business would be so good.

10. The means of showing repentance might be particular to the Jews, but the strong desire to receive forgiveness from God is common. VI.

1. 今天我们正经历着一种世界范围文化剧变的阵痛,一种习俗与追求的结构性变化。


2. 不管他们的背景和纲领如何,这些对全球化持反对态度的人深信西方的影响——往


3. 不过我也发现文化就如同构成文化的民族一样,善于随机应变,富有弹性而且不可


4. 现今原创极为困难。因此,最容易的办法就是把现存的东西组合在一起,拿出一个


5. 二十六万中国妇女每月都在阅读《时尚》杂志,那些开领袒胸的画页及其他内容。 6. 灯光熄灭,有一阵子,黑暗中惟一的声音就是一部价格昂贵的照相机自动倒卷时发


7. 他们从当地文化中吸收了不少东西,但仍然保持了自己的本色。 8. 相互联系是人类天生的欲望,是其共同的命运。 9. 这种连接靠的是强有力的心灵纽带。



1. (with the) the theater, drama, or acting as a profession

2. in a good repute; having a good reputation; well-thought-of; respectable

3. a messenger of God and a supernatural being to whom are attributed greater than human

power, intelligence, etc.; a person regarded as being as beautiful, good, innocent, etc. as an angel, especially said of women and children

4. an ability and a skill that one can develop with training and practice

5. a current of cold air flowing through a room

6. sly, cunning trick; clever talk or tricks used to persuade someone to do what you want 7. the money or profit derived from a sale, business venture, etc. 8. to cause a particular physical condition 9. to look closely and inquisitively 10. in name only


1. If you want to be a musician or a painter, you must own a piano or hire models, and you

have to visit or even live in cultural centers like Paris, Vienna and Berlin. And also you have to be taught by masters and mistresses. However, if you want to be a writer, you don’t need all this.

2. In the patriarchal society women are forced into a lower financial status. As a result they

could not become successful in most professions except writing as the latter did not require much financial resources.

3. She realized that men didn’t approve of a woman daring to tell the truth about her body

and her passions. They would surely say bad things about such a woman. This realization interrupted her imagination and roused her from the state of unconsciousness, in which an artist desired to be.

4. The progress of women writers was hindered by men’s extremely conventional thoughts

and behaviors. I believe it is very common for women to have this experience.

5. It was a sensible thing for men to give themselves great freedom to talk about their body

and passions. But if women want to have the same freedom, men strongly disapprove of it. And I do not believe that they realize how severely they condemn such freedom in women, nor do I believe that they can control their extremely severe condemnation of it. 6. It will take a long time for women to rid themselves of false values and attitudes and to

overcome the obstacle to telling the truth about their body and passions.

7. Regarding the mental and spiritual world, the inner nature of a person, it is not simple at

all for a woman writer, for she still has many obstacles and prejudices to overcome.

8. Even when the path is open to women officially, when outwardly there is nothing to

prevent a woman from being a doctor, a lawyer, a civil servant, inwardly there are still false thoughts and values as obstacles impeding a woman’s progress.

VI Phrases

1. 与邻居发生严重纠纷