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Optimization of Submerged Entry Nozzle Structure and Fluid Flow in the Mold


Mold is the last metallurgy vessel which makes steel clean in the process of

continuous casting£®The fluid flow in mold affects inclusion removing£¬slag entrapment£¬ solidified shell forming and solidification sucture greatly£®So it is necessary to optimize the SEN structure to improve the fluid flow in the mold SO as to improve the




quality of slab£®

Based on similarity principle£¬the structure of SEN and fluid flow in the slab mold were optimized with water model in this paper£®

The results of experiment showed that the immersion depth of SEN£¬casting speed and the structure of SEN had importantly effected on the fluid flow in the mold£®In addition£¬when the SEN deviated from the normal position£¬the flow fluid was affected£® The fluid flow Was deteriorated when the SEN was deflective in width wall of the mold£¬ it worsen the quality of slab£®While the SEN outlets were deflective in thickness wall of the mold£¬the mean wave height£¬penetration depth decreased and the flow pattern was changed in the mold£®The heat transfer might be changed too£®

The fluid flow was optimized under the condition of various casting speed for the slab section 2 1 O¡Á1 300ram2 with immersion depth 1 80ram and the slab section 210¡Á1000rmn2 with immersion depth 210mm£®In order to decrease the chance of SEN clogging£¬the condition which casting speed was low for long time should be avoided£® Keywords£ºwater model£»stab continuous casting£»mold£»submerged entry nozzle(SEN)£» fluid flow


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