新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版 下载本文

Following on from my initial meeting with the client last week, I can now confirm that the schedule (see attached chart) will extend over the first six months of next year (from Jan to June). Please note that the client will announce the tour on January 28th. In order to be in time for ticket sales we need to have the tickets printed during the first half of January. Secondly, planning and design for merchandizing such as tour T-shirts needs to begin in March. This is a little earlier than normal but I’d like to stay ahead of the client’s schedule to be safe – you know how they change things at the last minute and we’re all suddenly behind! So that we are in time for the start of the tour, the merchandise needs to delivered to all retailers and concert venues in the two weeks prior to the start of the tour. So, approximately by June 15th. The client has also asked merchandizing to stay well within the budget of the last tour. As a result of this, we won’t be selling anything except the basic package of T-shirts and badges. Let me know if you have any queries.

Writing: An Email

1. Two days later, the manager sends another email to all staff informing them of changes. Complete the email with phrases from the previous exercise. To: All Staff

Subject: Update on Soundblaster tour

Further to / Following on from my email the other day, the client has informed me of certain changes to the schedule, though we can still start work in January. The tour dates will now be announced a month later and the tour starts two weeks earlier. This is due to the sales period, which they feel is unnecessarily long, and because two dates have been added to the tour. In order to stay within the planned schedule and not run out of time, we will now need to bring the delivery dates for any merchandising forward by two weeks. The period for planning and design doesn’t need to change therefore we have no problems with that. It just means we need to be on schedule for the middle of April so we are not late for delivery. 2. Imagine you are the manager of this project. Write another email a week later to all staff.

? Explain that the tickets will be printed by the end of January. ? Tell them that the client has increased the merchandising budget so we can include hats and scarves. ? Thank staff for their patience.

Subject: Further changes to schedule for LJ tour.

Further to my previous email, I can confirm that tickets need to be printed by January 31st. Please also note that the client has increased the merchandising budget in order to include hats and

scarves. I appreciate your patience with these changes to the schedule.

Imagine you are in investment advisor. One of your clients is interested in investing in environmentally-friendly business and has heard about Sungreen Power. He thinks the company might be a good investment and has asked for your advice. Write a letter(120-140) to explain:

? the current pros and cons of the investment ? if you think it is a good investment This list of expressions will help you. Making a proposal Introducing the proposal

In response to your enquiry about…

At present the company seems to be performing (well/badly)… Comparing pros and cons

On the one hand…but on the other… One advantage/disadvantage is that… One other thing to consider is… Balancing and concluding Despite…I would still suggest that… Overall, I would strongly recommend that…

The fact that…makes this a good/poor investment opportunity. Dear Mr Keating,

In response to your enquiry about Sungreen Power, the company seems to be performing well.

One thing to consider is their new sales agreement with Mainline Energy, worth 190 million euros. This should help their share price which recently halved. On the one hand this was caused by a shortage of silicon, but on the other hand Sungreen specialize in technology which requires less silicon.

So despite the fall, I would still suggest you consider investing. The fact that solar power costs have continuously fallen since the early nineties and look set to equal normal energy costs in the next few year makes this a good investment opportunity.

Feel free to call me to discuss any further queries you might have. Best regards