2019-2020学年高中英语新人教版必修4课时随堂精练:Unit 5 单元综合 下载本文

1、Escape Surf School

The Escape Surf School is in Newquay and has been teaching people to surf for over 12 years. As well as being one of the longest running UK surf schools, we are also one of the only schools in Newquay with a 35-year professional surfer as head coach.

We are open 12 months of the year, 7 days a week, so if you want to learn to surf or improve your surfing, then look no further.

Surf Lessons

At the Escape Surf School we are proud to specialize,not generalise. We offer lessons at all levels, from complete beginners to advanced and contest surfers. As well as offering surfing lessons, we also offer a variety of packages which include surfing and accommodation!

All lessons take place on Towan, Great Western or Fistral beach, all of which are less than 5 minutes walk from school. So we meet at the school, where we all change into wetsuits, and then proceed to the best beach.

Guide Prices 1 lesson—£ 65 :

Perfect for a beginner, taster session, or quick surfing fix! Full day (2 lessons) —£90:

Can be split over 2 days to really progress in your surfing. Family lesson—£160:

Have fun with the family in a private lesson with one of our professional coaches. (Price is based on 2 adults and 2 kids.)

One on One—£1.00:

Experience private coaching with Pro Surfer. All levels taught. Two on One—£140:

Couples or friends, experience a private surf coaching session, perfect to fast track your surfing and impress your partner! All levels taught.

The prices include board and wetsuit (and boots or gloves if required) , there are no hidden charges.

1.What makes the Escape Surf School unique?

A.Its history .B. Its lessons. C. Its students. D. Its head coach.

2.How much will be paid if twin sisters want a private lesson together? A. £90.

B. £ 100.

C.£ 140.

D. £ 160.

3.What can we learn about the Escape Surf School? A. It welcomes learners at all levels. C. Learners can get changed on the beaches.

B. Learners should bring their own wetsuits. D. It teaches surfing as well as swimming.

2、A few years ago, a doctor gave a wrong prescription to a 9-year-old boy because he had accidentally clicked the next medicine listed in the drop-down menu. Unfortunately, the boy died.

Dr. Gidi Stein heard the story and felt forced to do something. “ It was like killing someone with a spelling error. He just clicked on the wrong button,” Stein said. “One would have thought there’d be some, kind of spell-checker to prevent these terrible things from happening. But apparently this is not the case. ”

Several things were immediately obvious to the 54-year-old Stein, who had previously studied computer science. If you look at this problem from a bird's eye view, there were so many places down the line where this decision could have been stopped—from the physician to the pharmacy (药房)even to the mother. All of them had all the relevant information to have a judgment call that this was just the wrong drug for the wrong patient. ” For Stein, it represented a systemic failure.

Stein compared this with credit cards. “ If you use your credit card in the daily routine over time, a pattern emerges of how we use our cards: the grocery store, the gas station in our local town. If your credit card would appear tomorrow in Zimbabwe, it would be unusual. The credit card company would call you and say, ‘ Hey, was that you?’”

But nothing like that existed in the field of prescription drugs. So Stein set up a company called MedAware. He came up with a machine learning outlier detection (异常检测值)system. In other words, he trained the computers to realize if a doctor accidentally prescribed the wrong medicine.

The system is already used in hospitals and doctors’ offices. To date,MedAware has used their technology to help nearly six million patients in the United States and Israel. 1.What led to the boy’s death? A. The doctor’s carelessness.

B. The drawback of the computer.

C. The doctor’s poor medical skill. D. The incomplete health care system.

2.What does Stein feel about this medical accident? A. Angry.

B. Regretful.

C. Embarrassed.

D. Frightened.

3.What can Med A ware’s technology do? A. Introduce new drugs to doctors. C. Remind patients to take medicine. 4.Where is this text most likely from? A. A diary.

B. A science fiction

C.A guidebook.

D. A magazine.

B. Check the prescription.

D. Help doctor choose right medicine.

3、Like toolmaking, teaching was once thought to be an exclusive(独有的) capacity of the human mind. It is not actually.

“Teaching” requires this: one individual must take time from their own task to demonstrate and instruct with effort and the student must learn a new skill. That’s a tall order. When a young chimpanzee watches a skilled adult and then imitates (模仿), that’s learning. But the adult has not taken time specifically to instruct, so it is not teaching. In the honeybees’ amazing dance, the dancer takes time to indicate information about a source of food, but observers learn no new skill. They do take time to show, but they do not pass on new skills to learners.

Dolphins teach. Atlantic spotted dolphin mothers sometimes free a caught fish in the presence of their youngsters and let their youngsters chase it, catching it again if it’s getting away. Dolphin youngsters also position themselves alongside mothers who are scanning sandy bottoms for hidden fish, and the mother spends extra time demonstrating.

Other teachers include: housecats who bring back live prey and let their young learn to catch it, and meerkats (猫鼬)who first bring to their growing young dead scorpions (蝎子), then disabled ones, to demonstrate how to remove the poisonous part on their tails.

Like toolmaking and teaching, imitation is also considered to reflect high intelligence. In South Africa lived a baby dolphin named Dolly. One day while she was just six months old, Dolly was watching a trainer standing at the window smoking a cigarette, blowing puffs of smoke. Dolly swam to her mother, got a mouthful of milk, then returned to the window and released a cloud of milk that surrounded her head. The trainer was “absolutely astonished”.

Somehow Dolly came up with the idea of using milk to represent smoke. Using one thing to represent something else isn’t just imitation. It is art.

1. What does the underlined phrase “a tall order” probably mean in paragraph 2? A. A clear instruction. B. A high risk. requirement.

2. What do we know about honeybees’ dance? A. Imitating. B. Learning.

C. Presenting. D. Teaching. C. A useful purpose. D.



3. What can we infer about animals that can teach? A. Bees show their dance to younger generations. B. Young dolphins must learn how to free a fish. C. Housecats teach in a way similar to dolphins. D. Meerkats have poisonous parts on the tails. 4. Why does the author use Dolly’s example? A. To prove smoking can affect other animals. B. To show animals can be surprisingly intelligent. C. To explain dolphins are capable of making art. D. To stress milk is to dolphins what smoking is to men.

4、Har Gobind Khorana would have turned 96 on this day, though nobody knows the exact date the Nobel Prize-winning scientist was bom. Khorana was from a small village of roughly 100 in what is now Raipur, Pakistan, but was part of India in 1922.

The youngest of five, Khorana and his siblings learned to read and write from their father at a time when there were very few literate people in the area. “His family was probably the only literate family in the village,” says Uttam Raj Bhandary, a professor. “He came from a very humble background to become an icon in biology.”

As a chemist, Khorana solved some of biology's greatest problems. In the 1960s, biologists knew there was a genetic code but didn't understand how individual DNA molecules translated into amino acids and created life. Khorana and two other scientists, Robert Holley and Marshall Nirenberg, solved that problem.

In essence, they discovered the grammar that organizes the code of life. “It’s for this that he was awarded the Nobel Prize within two years of publishing,” RajBhandary says. “He did one amazing thing after another. He was the first person to chemically synthesize a gene and show that a synthesized gene could be put into cells and function.\

That work made the field of genetic engineering possible. “It forms the basis of much of the biotechnology industry as we know now,\