江苏省扬州市树人学校2017届九年级下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题 pdf 下载本文



(满分:120 分;时间:100 分钟)

第Ⅰ卷 选择题(60 分)

一、单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)

在下列各题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。

1. —Have you seen _________ film A Dog’s Purpose?

—Yes, it‘s quite _________ moving movie, so I have seen it twice.

A. a; the A. Neither, nor

B. the; the

B. Not only, but also

C. a; a C. Both, and B. much larger; any

D. the; a D. Either, or

2. There is no ticket left for Lang Lang‘s piano concert. ____ you ______ your sister can go to it.

3. The population of China is ________ than that of _______ country in the world.

A. much more; any C. much more; any other

D. much larger; any other

4. When do you think ________ visit her uncle?

A. she will go to B. she was going to C. will she go D. will she go to

5. With the ________ of society, our environment is becoming worse and worse. So we should do what

we can ________ our environment.

A. develop; protect C. development; protect A. do; get

B. did; get

B. developing; to protect D. development; to protect C. have; got B. repairing; needn‘t

D. will; get

6. What a surprise to see you here! When ________ you ________ back? 7. Your shoes are broken. They need ________, but you ________ do that yourself.

A. to repair; don‘t need to C. to repair; don‘t need

C. repairing; needn‘t to

D. Not until; have D. hasn‘t he; No

8. --- When will the railway in our city in length of about 208 kilometers be in service? --- _____ 2020. Two fifths ____ been completed smoothly so far. A. Until; has

B. Until; have B. hasn‘t he; Yes

C. Not until; has C. isn‘t he; Yes

9. ---He‘s already back to Beijing, _______?

---______. He is on a visit to Shanghai.

A. isn‘t he; No

10. Although a great deal of money ______ at the charity show, the cost of living _____ a lot, so we still need to do much work to help the poor people.

A. was raised; has raised C. rose; was raised

A.How B.What C.What a D.How a

B. was raised; has risen D. rose; has risen

11. ________ big success the charity show was!We have collected a lot of money.

12. --- Have you found the information about the famous people ____ you can use for the report?

---Not yet. I‘ll search some on the Internet.

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A. who B. what C. whom D. which

13. --- Exercising more is good for us.

--- So, I‘d rather ________ an hour‘s walk to work than consider ________ a bus.

A. take; to take

B. taking; taking

C. take; taking

D. taking; to take

14. ---Steve, I hear that Peter has won another championship.

---It‘s not surprising. _____________. He practises hardest in the team.

A. Every dog has its day C. Many hands make light work A. No, you can‘t. B. It‘s my pleasure.

B. No pain, no gain

D. Actions speak louder than words

15. --- Excuse me. Would you mind my using your dictionary for a short time? --- ______.

C. Yes, please.

D. Not at all. Help yourself.

二、完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always ____16____. Not knowing we were poor, my kids just thought I was strict. I‘ve always been glad about that.

It was Christmas time, and although there wasn‘t ___17____ for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big ___18____ for the kids was the fun of Christmas ___19____.

They planned weeks ahead of time, asking ___20___ what they wanted for Christmas. Luckily, I had saved $120 for ____21____ to share by all five of us.

The big __22___ arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and ___23____ them to look for gifts about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop, and then we would ___24___ back at the ?Santa‘s Workshop‘.

Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits, except my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually ___25___. She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies --- fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn‘t say anything __26___ we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door, ready to be angry again. This is what she told me:

―I was looking around thinking of what to buy, and I ___27__ to read the little cards on the ?Giving Trees‘. One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she ___28____ for Christmas was a doll. So I took the card off the tree and __29____ the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn‘t have anything.‖ 16. A. little 17. A. effort 18. A. improvement 19. A. shopping 20. A. the other 21. A. toys 22. A. day 23. A. forced

B. less B. room B. problem B. traveling B. each other B. clothes B. chance B. reminded

C. enough C. time C. surprise C. parties C. one by one C. presents C. cheque C. invited

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I never felt so __30____ as I did that day.

D. more D. money D. excitement D. greetings

D. every other one D. bills D. tree D. begged

24. A. draw 25. A. quiet 26. A. since 27. A. forgot 28. A. wanted 29. A. made

B. stay B. excited B. after B. stopped B. did B. searched B. rich

C. move C. happy C. while C. failed C. got C. bought C. patient

D. meet D. ashamed D. until D. hated D. played D. fetched D. poor

30. A. angry

三、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,计 30 分)

阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。


If you live in the New England region(地区) of the United States, you will pray(祈求) for a storm on a cold winter night before you go to bed. Why? The reason is pretty simple: a big storm means a snow day and a day off! Similar to the snow day, many Chinese students have been given smog days in recent years. They have days off as a result of the smog.

The best thing to do during a smog day is probably stay inside with the air freshener on. However, in the US, kids will happily play in the snow, make a snowman or go sliding (滑动). Adults will have a

hot drink in their hands and watch their favorite movies on TV.

The contrast (对比) between snow days and smog days highlights the problem of smog. It seems quite serious in China today. But in fact, the air condition in some developed countries was not much better in the mid-20th century.

Because of the smog, the rate of asthma (哮喘) in Los Angeles, US, was twice as high as that in the surrounding regions in the 1940s. More than 4,000 people died within six days in London, UK, in 1952. It took thirty to fifty years on average to deal with the smog and bring back the clear blue sky in those big cities.

It will be a long and tough process to solve the smog problem in China. We need to be patient and have confidence in our government. We can also take some simple steps in our daily life to help improve our environment.

31. If it‘s a snow day on weekdays, students in the New England region will _____.

A. only study in their classroom C. have a day off school A. 突出

B. 提及

B. stay in bed the whole day

D. stay with their parents C. 解决

D. 解释

32. What does the underlined word ―highlights‖ in the third paragraph mean?

33. Which is TRUE according to the last two paragraphs?

A. The air problem used to cause great problems in some developed countries.

B. How developed countries dealt with air problems in the mid-20th century.

C. Developed countries can teach us to solve the smog problem in China.

D. It‘s the government‘s duty to improve our environment in China.

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Storyline(故事情节): A group of clever dogs operate cars to work, play and party. Dates: Mar 20 – Mar 31

Mon – Fri: 11:00 a.m. ; 3 :00 pm. ; 7 :30 pm. Sat – Sun : 9 :00 am ; 4 :00 pm ; 8 :30 pm Place : Children’s Theater of Charlotte Duration (时长): 70 minutes

Ticket Prices: Section A: 170—190 yuan

Section B: 120 – 130 yuan Section C: 80 yuan

Family packages: 220 yuan for four Section C tickets (11:00 am; 3:00 pm shows) Notice: Enjoyed by aged 4 and up

34. How long does the show last for? A. 10 days. B. 11 days. C. 12 days.

35. On Friday, you can watch the show at _________.

A. 9:00 am B. 4:00 pm C. 7:30 pm

36. How much does a family of four probably spend on the tickets?

A. 220 yuan for Section C tickets for the 9:00 am show.

B. 220 yuan for Section C tickets on weekends.

C. Around 700 yuan for Section A tickets on Monday.

D. Around 300 yuan for Section B tickets for the night show.

37. Who will not be allowed in the theater?

A. A 3-year-old. B. A 6-year-old. C. A 20-year-old.

D. 13 days. D. 8:30 pm D. A 50-year-old.

You might expect native English speakers to be the best at speaking the English language. But some experts believe that when it comes to successfully communicating in English, non-native English speakers are actually better at it.

―Often you have a room full of people from different countries communicating in English and all understanding each other. And then suddenly the American or British person walks into the room and nobody can understand them,‖ Chia Suan Chong, a UK-based communications culture expert, told the BBC.

Chong said that happens because non-native speakers communicate more carefully. ―English speakers, on the other hand, often talk too fast, use jokes, slang (俚语) and make references (引用材料) to their country that others might not understand,‖ Chong said.

It is something that I keep in mind when talking to my Chinese colleagues (同事). I am careful to speak slowly and use words I know they will understand. Sometimes we confuse each other though. Once I told my colleague ―no dramas‖, which means ―no problem‖. She thought I was calling her a drama queen (咋呼女王), though, and got upset!

But don‘t worry. Experts say that it is the native speaker‘s fault if they can‘t understand you, not

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