新概念青少版1A练习册 下载本文

Doria’s Studio

_________ dog is in the case and __________ dog is in the box. 2. 我们的校车是满的,你们的校车是空的。

_________ school bus is _________ and _________ school bus is _________. 3. 你的尺子长,他的尺子短。

__________ ruler is __________ and __________ ruler is __________. 四,连词成句:

1. is, she, a, girl, pretty, good ____________________________________ 2. Chinese, this, student, is, clever __________________________________ 3. in, the, living-room, a, desk, there, be ___________________________________________________________ 4. pens, be, there, some, that, in, pencil-box ___________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________? I’m a teacher. 2. ____________________________? He’s over there.

3. ____________________________? There’re two men in the room. 4. ____________________________? Karen is William’s wife. 5. ____________________________? They’re red.

6. ____________________________? Those are my new shoes! 7. ____________________________? Yes, they’re a bit big for me. 8. ____________________________? That’s my tie! 三,选择填空:

1. This is the twins’ room. They like ______ very much. A.them B. it C. their D. its 2. The bus is full of ______ people. A. to B. of C. for D. with 3. What’s wrong ______ your head? A. to B. of C. for D. with 4. _____ are the apples? A. What B. When C. Who D. Where 5. How many _____ are there? A. man B. men C. mens D. mans 6. Give the red apple _____ me. A. to B. too C. with D. / 7. Our school ______ are full of people. A. bues B. buses C. bus D. bus’

8. It’s _______ interesting book. A. a B. the C. an D. / 四,读短文,回答下列问题:


Unit 11 Very smart! 一,根据句意补全单词,首字母已经给出:

1. W___________ are my new shoes? They are in the bedroom. 2. H___________ up! We are late! 3. W___________ a minute! I’m coming. 4. My bag is f___________ of books. 5. Those are f___________ shoes, Robert. 二,根据答语,写出问句:

Doria’s Studio

Hello, my name is Claire. I’m a girl. Now I’m in England. There are three people in my family. They are my parents and I. We live in a big house. It’s old. Behind our house, there is a small garden. There are many flowers and an apple tree in it. It’s a nice garden.

1. Claire is now in _______. A. China B. America C. England D. Japan 2. There are ______ people in Claire’s family. A. two B. three C. four D. five 3. The apple tree is ________.

A. in the garden B. in the house C. beside the house D. out the house 4. Claire’s house is _____. A. big but old B. big and new C. small but nice D. small and old

1. There are a lot of ______________ ( leaf ) on the tree. 2. Uncle Li buys two ______________ ( watch ) in the shop. 3. We have a lot of nice ____________ ( tomato ) here. 4. The baby has two _____________ ( tooth ).

5. There are many books on these _____________ ( shelf ). 三,用适当的be动词填空:

1. -- ________ he your brother? -- Yes, he _______. His name _______ Alan. 2. – Excuse me, ________ your name Robert? -- No, it ________ not. I _________ John Smith. 3. We _________ students. Mr. Black _________ our teacher. 4. Jenny and Tom __________ good friends. They ________ English. 5. – What colour ________ your umbrellas? -- My umbrella _________ Unit 12 Just like you! 一,写出下列名词的复数形式:

fox ___________ brush ____________ knife ____________ Chinese ______________ Englishman _______________ Japanese _____________ American _________________ foot ____________ child ____________ country _____________ goose _____________ family _____________ party _____________ 二,用所给词的适当形式填空:


yellow and my son’s umbrellas __________ black. 四,根据中文提示补充下列对话:

1. A: ______________________________________(你怎么了)? B: ______________________________________(我很热,又很口渴). 2. A: _____________________________________(这些小个子的人是谁)? B: They are ______________________________(体育学院的学生). 3. A: ______________________________________(你是做什么工作的)? B: I am a teacher at the art college.

Doria’s Studio

4. A: _____________________________________(他们是做什么工作的)? B: _______________________________________(他们是邮递员). 5. A: _______________________________________(桌上有一张图片). B: _______________________________________(给我看看这张图片). 五,把下列句子变成复数形式:

1. That girl is very pretty. _______________________________________ 2. This woman doctor is very smart. _________________________________ 3. This is not my umbrella. _______________________________________ 4. They are some handsome boys. ___________________________________ 5. Is she a lovely girl at the art college? _______________________________ 6. That woman in the expensive car is Claire’s neighbour. _____________________________________________________________ Example: -- What time is it? / What’s the time? ( nine o’clock / we / hungry ) -- It’s nine o’clock and we are hungry. 1. ( eight o’clock / I / late for school )

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. ( ten o’clock / the school gate / open )

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. ( twelve o’clock / the school / over ) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 二,用所给的词完成句子:

Let’s go o’clock speed gate late for school what time is it fast open 1. -- ______________________? -- It’s nine _____________. 2. -- ______________________! -- We are _____________________. 3. – What a __________________! It’s very ____________________. -- Look, the school ______________ is ______________. 三,用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1. – There’s a ____________ ( child ) in the classroom.

-- Yes. But there are many _____________ ( child ) in our school.


Unit 13 Late or early Dictation:

These are Claire’s drawings. They’re very ___________. They’re all people _________ the sports academy. The _________ man __________ big muscles is Mr. Ford. He’s Paul’s ___________. The two little ____________ are Gary and Tom. They’re ____________. ____________ they’re Paul’s friends. And this ___________ young man is Paul. 一,仿照例句用所给的词造句:

Doria’s Studio

2. – Who’s that ____________ ( man ) over there? -- He’s my daddy.

-- Who are those ___________ ( man ) with him? -- They are his students.

3. – Here is our school bus. Come on! -- But it is full of ____________ ( people ). 4. – Who is that man in your house?

-- Oh, that’s Jim. He is _____________ ( a ) office worker. 5. – Look at that dog! -- It’s ____________ ( a ) ugly dog. 四,选择填空:

( ) 1. – Are you _________ a hurry? -- Yes, we are. A.in B. at C. for D. with ( ) 2. Hurry up! We are both late ________ school. A. at B. in C. to D.for

( ) 3. – Thank you, Miss Austen! – You’re welcome! Call ______, please!

A. Flora me B.me Flora C. me to AFlora D. Flora ( ) 4. Wow, what _________!

A. speed B. an speed C. a speed D. the speed ( ) 5. – What time is it? -- It’s seven _______.

A.o’clock B. hours C. time D. a time



1. 早上好!孩子们,快点!

Good morning. Boys and girls, __________ __________! 2. 请叫我玛丽。快上车!

Please __________ __________ Mary, please! __________ __________! 3. 看,学校大门开了!

Look! The school gate is ____________. 4. 多么快的速度啊!

_____________ a ____________! Unit 14 One, two, three, catch! 一,仿照例句,分别用bring和give造句: Example: chair / me Bring that chair to me, please. / Give me that chair, please. 1. dress / her

__________________________________________________________ 2. umbrella / them

__________________________________________________________ 3. book / him

__________________________________________________________ 4. spoon / us