00015自考英语(二)教材课后练习题完整版 下载本文

more exciting an inspiring.

Deciding whom you choose as your friends says as much about you as it does them.You may choose your friends based_______similar interests.You may choose them because you’re both polar______of each other and find this interesting and intriguing.Often,friends become ’’friends’’ because they naturally gravitate towards each other because of similar______and temperaments.Sometimes it’s just circumstances______bring two individuals together who then become friends.

______prompts a friendship,developing one is a very rewarding experience.This is especially true when,before you know it,a certain friendship turns into a______lifelong close friendship.Again,it;s been said that a person normally has only______very close friends in their life.Think of whom you deem as truly close friends.These are those select individuals you can confide in and______deep thoughts and concerns with,without and reservations. IV.Translation Section A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

1.Even in prison,he_____________________________________________(继续从事犯罪活动)。(engage in)

2.People should read the related regulations before they_______________________________(在开采自然资源之前)。(exploit)

3.You________________________________if you want to take any photographs(必须申请获准)。(request)

4.She felt rather guilty for she___________________________________________________(辜负了父母对她的信任)。(betray)

5.Such a mistake would perhaps_________________________________________(导致严重的后果).(lead to) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

It’s so easy to take good friends for granted.Like a comfortable pair of gloves,old friends wear well.But friendships that suffer from busyness and over-familiarity can’t afford to be neglected too long.They need renewal.If you want and need to keep true friendship alive and well.please,consider and think over a list of the most important qualities.Probably if will help you to understand why you and your best friend haven’t called up for ages,why you’re getting embarrassed while being asked”Whom are you going to have fun with this weekend?”You may neglect your intimate friends from time to time,but if you fail to cultivate these qualities-loyalty,forgiveness,honesty,and dedication-you can’t expect to keep true friends. V.Organizing Your Ideas

Directions:Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.

1.Best friends,in a way,have the highest loyalty towards each other,because they always have each other’s back no matter what it is.

2.From the start of a friendship,there is a little bit of loyalty to your newly acquired friend. 3.In a way,there are levels of loyalty,the way I see it.

4.As it does become a closer friendship,the level of trust changes a bit.

5.You want to build a bond of trust so that friendship can become better. 6.You are relied on more,and you start to be there for your friend. VI.Reflecting on the Text

Text B A Tribute to the Dog Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension Section A

Directions:Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes)if the statement agrees with the information given in the text;N(for No)if the statement contradicts the information given in the text;NG(for Not Given)if the information is not given in the text. ( )1.The best friend a man has may be disloyal to him. ( )2.The money a man has may fly away when he needs it.

( )3.When severe winter sets in,the dog won’t stand by its owner.

( )4.A pet owner must be nice to his pet,hoping that the pet keeps his company forever. ( )5.A dog will retreat when it encounters tough difficulties.

( )6.When the owner becomes poor and his fame is ruined,the dog’s love remains constant just like sunrise and sunset. Section B

Directions:Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1.A son or daughter brought up with great care may turn out to be______. 2.Those people we are faithful to may betray______.

3.When the poor owner sleeps,the dog will tend to him as if he were______. 4.A man’s dog will stick by him whenever he is in______.

5.When the poor owner sleeps,the dog will tend to him as if he were______.

6.If the owner unfortunately becomes friendless and homeless,the dog prefers to enjoy the right to______.

II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the words given in the brackets.

1.Many people spend little time in______of physical fitness.(Pursue,pursuit) 2.His______old dog accompanied him everywhere he went.(faith,faithful) 3.At any time,don’t feel sad for a(n)______man.(grateful,ungrateful)

4.Often they are competing______with fellow Spaniards for contracts.(fierce,fiercely) 5.The war was followed by a long period of peace and______.(prosperous,prosperity) 6.The service at the famous hotel failed to failed to live up to its______.(repute,reputation) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. Privilege prone poverty alert

Constant scene desert unselfish

1.Senior managers enjoy certain______,such as company cars and private hea1thcare. 2.Japanese consumers also remain______to saving,not spending,as the recession deepens.

3.In Africa,for example,______has actually risen over the past decade. 4.Although he’s over eighty his mind is still remarkably_______. 5.The terrible______was engraved on his memory.

6.The police are looking for the woman who______her children. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.How can you stand______and let him treat his dog like that?

2.The survey made by scientists shows that kids are all prone______eat junk food. 3.By no means would people turn______their motherland.

4.My younger sister requested me to accompany her______the airport. 5.Do you believe Bob remained faithful______his principles to the last? 6.It always takes the class a while to settle______at the start of the lesson. III.Translation Sections A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

1.Experience proves that_____________________________________(家是重整旗鼓是最好的地方)。(lick your wounds)

2.I dread the coming exams.____________________________________(要是我有时间复习功课多好啊).(if only)

3.Tourists need to_____________________________________________________(对旅游风险保持警惕)in the north of the country.(be alert to) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

Now,your idea of a good friend is still the person who gives you the better of the two choices,holds your hand when you’re scared,helps you fight off those who try to take advantage of you,thinks of you times when you are not there,reminds you of what you have forgotten,helps you put the past behind you,but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer,stays with you so that you have confidence,goes out of their way to make time for you,helps you clear up your mistakes,helps you deal with pressure from others,helps you become a better person,and most importantly loves you! IV.Writing Section A

Directions:The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent.Improve them. Example:The dean issued a bulletin which said the library will remain open on weekends. Revision:The dean issued a bulletin,which said the library would remain open on weekends.

1.He spread a rumor that the president was going to resign,led to a great confusion in that country. 2.If leaving alone on a desert island,what would you do first?

3.Do you still remember those days when we spent in Hong Kong last year?

4.All their belongings,together with the remains of torn-up newspapers,lies scattered over the carpets.

5.It seems that more and more of my friends are facing great challenges in his lives. Section B

Directions:Read the following paragraph carefully.Cross out two sentences that do not help to

develop the controlling idea.

My little niece,a ten-month-old baby,is the most lovely child I have ever seen.Her brother usually babysits her in his spare time.Her face is like a red apple and her eyes are like bright stars.When you carry her in your arms,she likes to put her arms around your neck.All the grown-ups in the family love her very much and often try to make her smile.But quite often it is she who makes us laugh.Her father likes to take photos when she smiles.Once I winked at her and she smiled.When I did it again,she had to close both eyes at the same time,and then quickly opened them again.And that was staring at us,puzzle,as if she were asking,”What are you laughing at?”We all love this gorgeous,cute little baby. Section C

Directions:Write a short essay with a clear central idea and effective development in about 150words.You should base your writing on the following situation and give consideration to the unity,coherence and variety of each paragraph.

Your best friend Teddy asks you to help him cheat on an English exam,You must say no to him but justify yourself by showing what is true friendship.Don’t worry.He can accept your opinion because he will know the true meaning of friendship.

Unit 4 The Joy of Work Text A Work Is a Blessing Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension

Directions:Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage. 1.The author got a part-time job on a dairy farm______. A)to pay for his school tuition B)To help support his family C)To get some work experience D)To earn some pocket money

2.According to the author,his father and grandfather_______. A)had worked harder on the farm than he did

B)Had made a living by milking cows on a dairy farm. C)Had never complained about life on the farm D)Had never left the farm in their lifetime

3.The author joined the ROTC program______. A)to fulfill his dream B)To pursue his career C)To avoid farm work D)To help pay for college

4.Why didn’t people in Bangladesh use a machine to replace the woman? A)Because they couldn’t afford to buy a machine. B)Because they didn’t know how to use a machine.

C)Because the woman needed the work to support her family. D)Because the work could only be done manually.

5.According to the passage,people who don’t have jobs will______.