F. 存现句
表示事物存在或消失的句子。 如:
1) 路上来了一个挑担子的人。
Someone carrying a shoulder pole appeared on the road. 2) 我面前是一片美景。
A beautiful scenery unfolded before me. 3) 牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。
The shepherd, nowhere to be seen, is resting himself in some unknown place. 4) 随着时间的流逝,他变得越来越健忘。
With the passage of time, he became more and more forgetful. 5) 那个极坏的消息使他的一切希望都破灭了。
All his hopes dissolved at the terrible news. 6) 暴风雨过去了,云散了,天放晴了。
After the storm, the clouds dispersed and the sky began to clear up. G. 有无句
表示人或某事物有或没有什么。 如:
1) 是的,北平也有许多热闹的地方。
There are also bustling places in Peiping. 2) 他有热情,又朝气。
He is both vigorous and enthusiastic.
3) 河水里有一轮玫瑰月亮,月亮里有一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,宫殿里走出了千娇百媚的嫦
There reflected a rosy moon in the water. In the moon there was a golden palace and out of it flew the charming and elegant Chang Er, the moon goddess.
4) 中国有优良的历史文化传统,这些传统,随着时代变迁和社会进步获得扬弃和发展。
China has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions, which have been either developed or sublated with the changes of the times and social progress. 5) 我有我自己的想法。别把你的意愿强加在我身上!
I have my own ideas. Don’t impose yours on me! 6) 发生那样的事情后,她没有勇气面对丈夫了。
She had to courage to face her husband after that kind of thing had happened.
H.描写句。其行文基本格式为:主题语+描写语(形容词)。 如:
1) 那晚风大,月也黑。
It was windy and moonless that night.
2) 年复一年,我看得出他的背更弯了,步履也更蹒跚了。
Year after year I could see his back bend more and more under and his steps more and more shaky.
3) 我忐忑不安,心慌意乱。
I felt fidgety.
4) 他既懒又穷---一个十足的混混。
He is both lazy and poor—every inch of an idler. 5) 她的嗓子真甜。
Her voice is really sweet. I. 说明句
其基本格式为:主题语+描写语(名词)。 如:
1) 那是我一生的梦想。 It’s been my lifelong dream.
2) 那是南国的风光,山是青的,水是绿的,小溪流更是清可见底。
Over there we have the typical southern scenery with blue mountains, green waters and limpid brooks.
3) 我已是一个中年的人。
I am already a middle-aged man.
4) 今天是他的生日,我得去给他买件礼物。
Today is his birthday and I’ll go and buy him a present. 5) 这是我所听过的最美妙的音乐。
It’s the most beautiful music I have ever heard.
春眠不觉晓 How suddenly the morning
comes in Spring!
处处闻啼鸟 On every side you hear the
sweet birds sing.
夜来风雨声 Last night admist the storm---Ah,
who can tell,
花落知多少 With wind and rain, how
many blossoms fell?
------(唐) 王 维 ---By John Turner
1. 英语和汉语有时主语和谓语结构和搭配要求不同,互译时根据各自的特点选择;在汉英翻译中,要注意主谓结构和其他成分在语法形式的完整性和一致性。英汉翻译时,汉语句子则以达意为主,该省就省去,做到简洁流畅,明白易懂。 例如:
1) In each atom, there is a positive charge and a negative charge.
2) That altered, frightened, fat face told his secret well enough.
他的胖脸吓得走了样,心里的秘密暴露无疑。 3) She changes dress everyday. 她的衣服天天换。
4) His frequent suspensions always accompanied narrow-mindedness.
5) Later, he sent me by his father a packet of shells and a few very beautiful feathers,
and I sent him presents once or twice, but we never saw each other again.
6)It isn't rum for a woman to want her old husband back, for respectability, though for a
man to want his old wife back--well, perhaps it is funny, rather!
7)When Rontsen put his hands before X-rays, he saw the bones of his hands only.
伦琴把手伸到X射线前的时候,只看到手上的骨头。(名词前的形容性代词均省。) 8)要掌握一门外国语,非下苦功夫不可。
One must make a painstaking effort before one could succeed in mastering a foreign
但是,英语中的代词因为有比较明确的性、数表示,而且还有其他语法形式在句中相呼应,所以产生歧义的情况较少,在汉译时要注意指代是否清晰、明确。 例如:
While telling her anecdotes to her daughter, she, all of a sudden, burst into tears very dramatically.(telling...短语为现在分词,表示出与主语she的关系)
2. 汉语句子中隐含的部分在英译时需要补充出来。
1) (如果)走路的人口渴了摘一个瓜吃,我们这里是不算偷的。
If passers-by are thirsty and pick a watermelon, the folks down our way don't consider it as stealing.
2) 时间似流水,一去不复返。
It is with time as with the current of water; once it goes, it never comes back again. 3)给我时间,我就能完成这项工作。
I can finish the work so long as you give me time.
No matter whether you believe it or not, I saw it with my own eyes. 5)He will do it even if he gets scolded. 挨骂他也要干。 6) 屋里准有人,我听见声音了。
There must be some people in the room, for I heard a voice.
3. 英语句子注重用语法形式连接句子成分,在汉译时,不必囿于这些形式,根据汉语句式灵活处理。汉语句子形式灵活多变,英译时,首先理清各成分之间的逻辑关系,充分利用英语的各种连接成分的手段,使译文结构紧凑,层次清晰。 如:
1) 他还没扫完地,就进来一个人。
Hardly had he swept the floor when a man came in.