《中国文化》英语教程复习题及答案-中国文化英语教程习题 下载本文

今天,全世界都普遍关注生态环境的保护问题,面对日益严重的生态危机,国际上出现了生态伦理学和生态哲学。学者们强调指出,人类对自然环境破坏已经达到从根本上威胁人类自身生存的地步。 4.Unit 6 Page 55, Para.2

Some pictographic symbols of Chinese characters express people’s keen observation and experience of the world.This is why some European poets have found Chinese characters inspiring to their imagination. Ezra Pound,for example,was well known for his admiration of Chinese characters,from which he was able to draw creativity.When he saw the character “旦”in the dictionary,he was reminded of the morning sun. 汉字中的象形符号包含了中国人对世界敏锐的观察和丰富的体验。这也是一些西方的诗人发现汉字能激发他们的想象力的原因。比如,美国诗人庞德以推崇汉字而著名,汉字的象形符号激荡起他的创造力。他在字典中看到汉字“旦” 时,他即联想到早晨的太阳。 5.Unit 7 page 62 ,para .3

The Silk Road functioned not only as a trade route,but also as a bridge that linked the ancient civilizations of China,India,the Mesopotamian plains,Egypt,and Greece.It also helped to promote the exchange of science and technology between east and west.The Silk Road served as the main channel for ancient China to open up to the outside world, as well as for fresh impulses from other cultures to enter the country,which contributed a significant share to the shaping of Chinese culture.

丝绸之路不仅是一条古代通商的道路,它更是连接古代中华文明,印度文明,埃及文明,希腊文明和美索不达米亚文明的纽带。它也为东西方的科学技术交流起到了促进作用。丝绸之路是古老的中国走向世界,接受世界其他地方文明营养的主要通道。中国文化性格的塑造与丝绸之路息息相关。 6.Unit 8 page71 , para .1&2 Para1

The Analects begins with the Confucian edict(教诲):”Is it not a pleasure to meet friends from afar?””Afar” implies different ways of life and philosophies,Confucius’ attitude shows that the Chinese have always highly respected friends from a long way off and aspired to learn from them.At the same time,there existed the wish to present a good image to outsiders.There







Analects:”Magistrate(地方行政官)Zigao of the Ye County asked about governance.Confucius replied,’Good governance makes one’s neighbors happy and attracts people from faraway places to come and learn from you.’”

《论语》一开头就记载这孔子的教导:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”“远方” 提示着生活方式和思想观念的差异。孔子的态度也表明了中国人向来把来自远方的人当作可尊敬的朋友来看待,并乐于向他们学习。同时,中国人也希望在域外人面前展示好的形象。《论语》中还有一段记载: “地方官子告问孔子如何治理国家时, 孔子答曰:

‘近者悦,远者来’”。 Para2

The prosperous Tang Dynasty best exemplified the open and inclusive spirit of Chinese culture as advocated by Confucius.Instead of denial or confrontation, the Tang,from the reign of Emperor Taizong onwards, tolerated and absorbed elements from all cultures that it came into contact with,leading to prosperity in all aspects of social life.

由唐太宗开启的大唐盛世,正体现了孔子所表述的这种中国文化精神。大唐盛世在文化上显示了开放和包容的姿势。 没有拒绝和冲突,唐代包容吸纳了所接触的外来文化的众多元素,促使社会各个领域呈现繁荣景象。

7.Unit9 page82, para .4

Compared with these explorers,Zheng He’s voyages took place much earlier and on a much larger scale. On each of the seven voyages to the Western Seas,his fleet consisted of more than 100 ships, with 62 large and medium-sized ships forming the main body.Crews and other personnel added up to more than 20000. Columbus’ fleet had only three ships and an 88-member crew.Obviously,Zheng He’s fleets were unparalleled during his time in terms of size,navigation technology,organization and amenities(便利设施),in order to be capable of making those successful long trips.

与这些人类航海史的创举相比,郑和下西洋,时间上比他们早,规模上也比他们大得多,郑和每次下西洋,船队都由一二百艘船组成,其中以62艘大中型宝船组成船队主体。船上船员及其他人员总共两万人以上。而后来哥伦布的船队只有3艘船,乘员只有88名。郑和远航的规模之大,技术之先进,组织之严密,设施之便利都是同时代其他远航活动无法比拟的。 8.Unit 15 page129,para.1

Today,anyone who knows a little bit about Chinese culture usually knows about Chinese calligraphy.This unique art is related to writing, but speaks of much more than simple,even attractive, penmanship. Actually, although we use “calligraphy” to refer to this art of writing,this English word is unable to cover all its connotations.

今天,对中国文化少有了解的人,都或多或少地知道中国书法这种独特的艺术。书法艺术与写字有关,但不等于说,将字写得好看一些,就是书法艺术了。事实上,尽管我们使用英语calligraphy 一词来指书法艺术,但calligraphy 一词还是无法涵盖书法艺术的内涵。 9.Unit 19 page171 ,para.2 ;

Cloisonne is a traditional art widely known in and outside China.It is a kind of superb local expertise from Beijing,which combines the skills of bronze art,porcelain,carving,and other types of folk arts.It is deemed valuable in the eyes of collectors, as well as providing refined ornaments for daily use.