《中国文化》英语教程复习题及答案-中国文化英语教程习题 下载本文

9)Through burial and ancestral worship rituals,people can learn that (通过丧葬和祭祖仪式,人们可以了解到。)___.B

? Nature is lifeless so it will never die自然是没有生命的,所以它永远不会死。 ? Individual’s life can be everlasting by joining nature 人的一生可以通过自


? They should be grateful to their parents for giving them lives他们应该感

谢父母给了他们生命。 ? Individual’s lifespan is short,so they should enjoy life as much as


10)Which of following is the most important part of Confucius’ curriculum? (下列哪一项是孔子课程最重要的部分?) ___.C

? ? ? ?


calligraphy 书法 virtue 美德


11)Zi Lu ,Ran You and Gongxi Chi’s aspirations represent ___,while Zeng Dian’s reflects (子路,你和公西迟的愿望代表了___,而曾点的反映了)___.D

? Personal ambition;selfishness个人的野心;自私

? Lofty ideals;meaningless pursuit 远大的志向;毫无意义的追求 ? Personal struggle;generous contribution 个人奋斗;慷慨的奉献

? Individual contribution to society; harmony个人对社会的贡献;和谐

12)Which of the following can cover all the connotations of the art of writing (下列哪一项可以涵盖书写艺术的所有内涵?) ___.D

? calligraphy美术字(体);书法,笔迹 ? penmanship 书写艺术,书法,书写技巧 ? handwriting 书法,手书

? None of the above以上都不是

13)How was Chinese calligraphy displayed by Lin Huaimin (林怀民是如何展现中国书法的)___.A

? ? ? ?

By dance通过舞蹈 By script 通过剧本 By music 通过音乐 By brush用刷子

14)What can we infer from the example of Zhang Xu (我们可以从张旭的例子中推断出什么?)___.D

? He did nothing but practice his running-cursive script all day他整天只练


? He learnt calligraphy by copying other calligraphers of his time 他模仿


? He often watched sword dance to learn from it for his calligraphy 他经

常看剑舞学习书法。 ? He made fast progress when he discovered the genuine beauty of


15)How is the “energy”of”one-stroke character”achieved (“能量”的一笔书是如何写出来的?) ___.C

? ? ? ?

By pressing the brush harder通过用力按压笔刷

By writing the character with only one stroke 只写一个笔画 by writing the strokes at one go写那些笔画的时候一气呵成 By connecting the strokes in the interior通过连接内部的笔画

16)Which of following words can best summarize the characteristic of “ink pig” (下面哪个词最能概括“墨猪”的特点?)___.B

? ? ? ?


cumbersome 笨重的 heavy 重的,沉重的 Dense密集的,稠密的

17)The three most valuable calligraphic works in the three-treasure study include works by all the following calligraphers except ___.D

? Wang xizhi ? Wang xianzhi ? Wang xun ? Zhang xu

18)What can we learn about wang xizhi’s calligraphic works according to the passage(根据这篇文章,我们可以从王羲之的书法作品中学到什么?) ___.D

? His handwriting looks like a dragon他的笔迹像一条龙。 ? His hand writing is heavy but vigorous 他的笔迹重而有力。

? Preface to the lanting pavilion collection is his first work 《兰亭集》的序


? The original of preface to the lanting pavilion collection is missing《兰亭


19)How did the criterion of “being hidden”in yan style occur (颜体的“隐”的标准是怎么出现的) ___.C

? It dawned upon yan zhenqing accidentally颜真卿偶然发现的

? Yan zhenqing learnt it from former masters 颜真卿从它原先的主人那里学


? Yan zhenqing got the idea from zhang xu 颜真卿是从张旭那里得到的想法 ? It was passed down from yan’s ancestors它是颜真卿的祖宗传下来的

III. Translation 英译汉 , 汉译英(英汉互译都要掌握) 重要提示:请各位同学务必复习这些段落的英译汉,以及汉语段落回译成英文。


1.Unit 1, Page 7 , para. 18

Before Confucius,only the nobility had the right to education.He was the first figure in Chinese history to initiate private education.According to historical records,Confucius taught for many years and trained 3000 disciples.A total of 72 of them excelled in the ”six arts”,i.e.(也就是),ritual(礼),music(乐),archery(射),driving(御),calligraphy(书),and mathematics(数).A great educator,Confucius has been admired by later generations as the “sage of sages”.


2.Unit2 , page 18.para.11

Laozi said,”The greatest virtue is like water”.He compared his philosophy of ”non-contention” to water, to distinguish it from the law of the jungle.He said, “Water nourishes everything but contends for nothing”.To Laozi,humans tend to seek higher positions while water always flows to lower places.Driven by desire,humans like whatever thy think is superior while despising whatever they think is inferior.Yet water always flows downward.As the source of life water nourishes all living things on Earth. 老子说“上善若水”---水具有最高的善。老子以水比喻他的“不争”哲学思想,与恶意争斗的丛林法则相区别。老子说, “水善万物而不争。”在老子看来,人往高处走,水往低处流。人情受欲望驱动,好高而恶下,而水却永远往下流淌。水是生命之源,可以滋润万物,给大地带来生命。

3.Unit 5, page43,para. 1

Protection of the eco-environment is capturing wider international attention today.Eco-ethics and eco-philosophy have arisen in the face of the increasingly serious ecological crisis facing the whole world.Scholars in the field point out that human damage to the natural environment has accelerated to such an extent as to threaten the very existence of human beings themselves.