Listening and Speaking
As technology is getting advanced, many products have been 1) created to make life easier. With the help of modern technology, people’s 2) standard of living has changed and their life is more 3) comfortable. People use these new products not only to 4) enhance their career but also their health, beauty and wealth. For example, mobile phones and smartphones have become important 5) means of communication. Today everyone needs a mobile phone for 6) day-today purposes. Computers play an important role in every field including hospitals, hotels, schools, and other 7) institutes. There are also mobile 8) devices like tablets and smartphones that can be used as a portable computer. These help people to get their 9) work and everyday routine done through 10) a click of a button. Text A
Reading Comprehension
1) (1) sniffed at, smug (2) proud
2) (1) the few remaining holes, quite soon (2) disheartened
3) (1) impossible to be truly alone, more and more endangered, staring, even
(2) critical
4) (1) love the wilderness, can’t wait for my next trip, walk for miles, drink deeply from a mountain stream, stretch out under the open sky, gaze up at the stars, use my phone (2) optimistic
1) F The author admitted that his colleague kind of had a point because he did use GPS. That is to say, to some degree he agreed with his colleague. 2) NG It is not mentioned in the text.
3) F Waldeinsamkeit becomes more and more endangered with every cell tower.
4) T Technology can enhance your wilderness experience, for example the Night Sky mobile app, an app concerning birding, or a map app.
5) F The phone isn’t the problem. The problem is us — our inability to step away from email and games and inessential data, our inability to look up, be it at an alpine lake or at family members.
Language in Use 4.
A. Noun Verb Adjective competition compete competitive competitor competitiveness civilization civilize civilized civility civil deletion delete deletable enforcement enforce enforce enforcer enforceable identification identify identified identity identifiable identifier migration migrate migrant migrant migratory persistence persist persistent population populate populous populated urge urge urgent urgency B. ?
1) urge, urgent
2) delete, deletions
? ?
3) enforced, enforcement 4) identification, identified
5) persistence, persistent
? ?
6) civilization, civilize 7) populated, populous
8) migrate, migration
1) draw the line
2) off the grid
? ?
3) had a point
4) get away from it all
5) (Being) free of
? ?
6) serve up 7) save for
8) live with
1) sniffed at
2) murmuring at
3) rejoice at
? ?
4) grasp at 5) Glancing at
6) marveling at
7) aim at
8) barked at
1) packed with
2) consisting with
? ?
3) endowed with 4) quivering with
5) combined with
6) gossiping with
7) compromise with
8) paled with
Reference translation
1) 我们走了200多英里却没有踏足任何公路;更爽的是,这期间我们没有回复任何电话、电子邮件、推特或其他日常网络通信。这简直就是人间天堂。 2) 但当我们走到小路尽头,站在惠特尼山巅,俯瞰着广阔无垠的西部,随处可见的各种智能手机让我惊愕不已。
3) 每个人对何为彻底逃离(科技)都有自己的定义。在某些人看来,我的所谓彻底逃离其实并不彻底。
4) 现在的情形已基本如此了。只消上网看看国家电信和信息管理局的全美宽带覆盖图,你就会发现,除了一些高山和人烟稀少的沙漠外,全国基本呈一片连续的蓝色。
5) 这些做法也许荒诞可笑,却发人深省。我们生活在一个非凡的年代,在这个年代里,真正的独处很快将难以企及。
Reference translation
Bhutan did not introduce TV until 1999, and is the last country that is open to TV and the Internet. Its mobile phone and Internet penetrations are as low as 30% and 5% respectively, almost out of tune with the modernized world. Now that the majority of its people have no mobile phones and no access to the Internet, they have little odds of being phubbers or night persons. While the other countries are striving desperately to develop economy and boost GDP at all costs, what Bhutan pursues is GNH (Gross National Happiness). They are willing to take advantage of modern technology, but would do it at their own pace, according to their own needs and at their own proper time. Although likewise thirsting for economic prosperity, Bhutan refuses to realize it at the price of their cherished tradition and culture.
Text B
Reading Comprehension
1) (1) objective
(2) People show love to their mothers online on Mother’s Day. 2) (1) subjective
(2) The influence of technology is admittedly an important factor, but it is also true that the Millennial Generation is more obsessed with individualism than ever. 3) (1) subjective
(2) Whether the pursuit of originality is the cause or consequence of our generation’s alienation, the two are clearly linked and central to understanding it. 4) (1) objective
(2) It is reported that Millennials are more materialistic and indifferent.
Language in Use
2. ?
1) conscious
2) profess
3) dilemma
? ?
4) alienate 5) prejudice
6) interaction
7) obsession
8) crafted
1) at the cost of
2) at the mercy of
? ?
3) at the speed of 4) in partnership with
5) in accordance with
? ?
6) in connection with 7) beyond doubt
8) beyond words
9) beyond comparison
Reference translation
1) Many people tend to be more concerned with how other people react to an issue, rather than how they feel about it themselves.
2) We’re going to look into the root cause of the failure, and get it resolved once and for all.
3) The most challenging thing in foreign language learning might be to think in the same manner as native speakers.
4) She was not beautiful. Nothing about her was extraordinary. Nothing about her made her stand out.
5) Many of these interviewers will be your supervisors and colleagues, and they will take turns asking you questions.
Writing Exercise 1
1) As a result of human population growth, deforestation and hunting, the number of koalas has declined.
2) The work was physically hard; the pay was poor; and most of all, the working conditions were dismal.
3) Because of its sense of loyalty, its ability to be trained, and its great companionship, a dog is the perfect pet for me.
4) The person who practices tae kwon do gains discipline, maturity, and a changed self-concept.
Exercise 2
1) b
2) b
3) b
4) a
Exercise 3 For reference
1) it appears that computers have made our life and work more convenient 2) meals prepared by either chefs or cooks can be equally delicious 3) have their idiosyncrasies
4) its crowdedness and inconvenience sometimes
Listening and Speaking
Although liberal arts colleges were 1) typically institutions created for wealthy white men in the early days of the American higher education system, there are 2) exceptions. For example, Smith College founded in 1871 was established in order to provide 3) the highest-quality undergraduate education for women”. The establishment of Smith College was primarily 4)a reaction to early prejudiced beliefs that 5) prohibited women from attending college. Liberal arts colleges today are a small but 6) well-regarded academic force in America which 7) seeksto create better people with a better balance of character through a broad range of study. Due to their 8) unique philosophy and teaching method, liberal arts colleges have over time become a unique part of the American education system. There are hundreds of liberal arts colleges available in the country, all of which are 9) dedicated to supporting a curriculum that wishes to create 10) well-rounded students. Text A
Reading Comprehension
The students’ response 1. As the room filled with chattering voices, each one grew louder to compete with the clamor around them. Inference: The students were indifferent to the history class. 2. A soft murmur rippled across the room as students turned from side to side and whispered expressions of disbelief. Inference: The students doubted about the history teacher’s words. 3. The room grew still now. Inference: The students became serious about the history course. 4. No one dropped the course. Inference: The students were convinced to take the course. 2.
Cons of liberal education: A. Many students would reject the appeal of pursuing liberal education, for they believe that: 1) In an increasingly specialized world you must concentrate on a single area and become an expert in that field, forsaking all other subjects. 2) “Liberal arts” is like something you pursue if you don’t have a real major. 3) Liberal arts courses should be got out of the way, and the advisors should help students check off those requirements. 4) Schools exist only to get you the right certificate or degree, not to help you develop as a creative, critically intelligent, compassionate, and concerned human being. B. Many professors and deans also don’t understand why students should take all those general education requirements because they know very little about what the whole tradition of liberal education entails. C. Some influential policy-makers in Washington, D.C. dismiss liberal education as meaningless for they hold that: 1) The value of education is to prepare for a job. 2) The aim of higher learning is to train someone to do a task that would make them money. Pros of liberal education: Our most creative and productive subjects found great value in general and liberal education because: 1) It enables students to encounter a vast range of ideas and creations, so that they can recognize good ideas when meeting them. 2) It helps students to engage and stimulate their minds, and understand education as a developmental process in which they sought to grow the power of their minds. Language in Use 4.
1) stimulating, stimuli
2) implicate, implication
? ?
3) compassion, compassionate 4) specialize, specialization
5) reject, rejection
6) defined, definite
7) utilizing, utility
8) influential, influence
1) by accident
2) by turns
? ?
3) By contrast 4) by definition
5) in case of
? ?
6) in terms of
7) in consideration of
8) in honor of
1) groping for
2) strive for
3) applauded for
? ?
4) substituted for 5) compensate for
6) stand for
7) weep for
8) blame for
1) comment on
2) deciding on
3) elaborate on
? ?
4) imposed on 5) concentrate on
6) acts on
7) feed on
8) relied on
Reference translation
1) 接下来的几分钟里,他简要介绍了通识教育的发展历史,告诉学生们“通识”一词来自拉丁语,意为“自由”,这种学校教育在古代只有自由的小孩(而非奴隶)才能享受。
2) 现代的通识教育让学生接触许多理工和人文学科,这些学科知识有助于深入探求人生重大问题的答案。
3) 他们认为,高等教育如果不以培训学生做事挣钱为核心,就是毫无意义的。 4) 如果想弄清我们的调查对象究竟做了什么成就了极富成效与创造力的人生,我们就必须理解为什么他们如此重视在选定专业领域之前所接受的通识教育。 5) 他们把教育理解为一种成长历程,在此过程中,他们致力于思维能力的提升,这样一种理解也影响到了他们所尝试的学习方向。
Reference translation
The imperial examination system in China began to be put into practice in the Sui Dynasty and lasted more than 1,300 years. In ancient China, class consciousness was distinct and people from lower classes had little chance to gain a position in the official court. But once the imperial examination system was introduced, scholars from poor families had opportunities to take the government exams, which enabled them to bring honor to their families. Such a talent-selection system had great impact not only on the politics, economy, education, cultural concepts and social customs in Chinese feudal society, but also on the education systems of such neighboring countries as Japan, Korea and Vietnam. To some extent, China’s current education system has selectively inherited some advantages from the imperial examination system.
Text B
Reading Comprehension
1) pro Plumbing college clearly has a lot to recommend it. You learn useful and relevant skills there. You become eminently employable. And you probably don’t find yourself having £30,000 of tuition fees to pay back when you finally complete the course. 2) con A humanities student in the 1980s, pursuing a non-vocational course, could still feel confident that the degree he or she was studying was worthwhile in itself. University was supposed to be about a broadening and deepening of the individual. 3) con Job prospects, employability skills and building networks of “contacts”, must be a secondary or even tertiary concern. Study something that fascinates you, and worry about the future later on. 4) con Classicists would be able to tell us that Aristotle’s concept of “flourishing” as an individual — eudaimonia — does not imply great material success at all. Living and doing well is what matters. One probably needs to be well educated to achieve this, but not necessarily paid an investment banker’s salary (or bonus). Language in Use
2. ?
1) affordable
2) conscientious
3) synthetic
? ?
4) suppress 5) defiant
6) condemn
7) incurred
8) fascinate
1) as far as ? is concerned
2) take on
? ?
3) die down 4) in due course
5) may as well
? ?
6) go through 7) for the sake of
8) pays off
Reference translation
1) 这位焦虑的家长上世纪80年代读的本科,那时学生生活的某些本质还是不言自明的,尽管英国当时正经历着一次重大的经济转型。
2) 我曾亲耳听到时任首相托尼?布莱尔(他毕业于牛津大学圣约翰学院)宣称“学得越多,挣得也越多”,说这话时他显然没有挖苦之意。
3) 一旦政治上的争执和愤慨(不管是真义愤还是伪装的)平息下来,我们所有人将不得不冷静思考如何帮助我们的孩子应付他们终将面对的债务。 4) 与最初用来替代助学金的学生贷款一样,贷款付学费、再慢慢偿还的方式,可能将成为年轻人所能获取的最好最实惠的贷款之一。
5) 就在20多年前我们很多人都还得到过父母的经济支持,然而随着这个国家里“夹缝中的中产阶级”日益沦落,极有可能这也要变成稀罕事了。
Writing 1
1) Victoria as a favorite tourist city and a comfortable place to live 2) location and climate, interesting things to do there, lifestyle 3) healthy life, clean and pleasant environment, good standard of living, artistic atmosphere and good taste
American Fast Food: Why Is It So Popular in China? I. American fast food is now very popular in China.
A. There are several kinds of popular American fast food restaurants in China.
(McDonald, Kentucky, Pizza Hut, etc.)
B. These fast food restaurants serve different kinds of food. C. The number of American fast food restaurants in China is increasing dramatically.
II. There are several reasons for the popularity of American fast food in China. A. The service is generally good. 1. It is fast. 2. The employees of the restaurants are professional and friendly. 3. It is convenient for people too busy to prepare a meal. 4. The environment is clean and pleasant. B. The food tastes good. 1. It tastes different from typical Chinese food and excites Chinese taste buds. 2. The taste is the same in chain stores, which provides a sense of security and standard. C. The packaging makes the food look appealing. 1. Colorful paper wrappings appear appealing. 2. Plastic utensils are clean and convenient. D. Various promotions attract customers. 1. Discount and special prices help the sales. 2. TV commercials and newspaper advertisements greet regular customers and catch new ones. III. The popularity of American fast food is a result of both the food culture and the lifestyle it represents.
Listening and Speaking
Being considered a leader in our society is the 1) ultimate compliment. Leadership has become the universal vitamin C pill. It bestows power, commands respect and 2) fostersachievement. Unlike vitamins, though, leadership skills can’t be easily 3) swallowed. They must be carefully cultivated. But which skills do leaders cultivate? Here are some tips: (1) Always give credit. Many leaders note that the most efficient way to get a good performance from others is to treat them like heroes. 4) Giving public credit to someone who has earned it is the best leadership technique in the world.
(2) 5) Take informed risks. The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise.
(3) Keep the faith. Successful leaders often say that if you trust others to do well, they will. If you believe your people will fail, they will probably 6) meet your expectations as well.
(4) Get a compass. People don’t follow leaders who 7) lack direction. (5) Act the part. Good leaders have learned to sound and look like winners. They also know that 8) appearance and manners count.
(6) Be competent. The best leaders know that their 9) capacity and proficiency are part of their fascination. 10) Competence stimulates people, and will make them look to you for guidance and direction.
Text A
Reading Comprehension
Ordinary leaders Best leaders Leaders are supposed to Struggle is a natural part of leadership be perfect and struggle is and unlocks the potential for the greatest regarded as a sign of growth. weakness and a source of shame. 1) They lose their 1) They learn to embrace struggle as an art confidence and to be mastered. doubt their abilities. 2) They develop skills, capabilities, and 2) They think practices that help them cope that something is with challenge and adversity. wrong with them. New leaders Best leaders 1) They have 1) They use failure as a wake-up call. They Ordinary leaders no self-regulatory mechanism, no brakes. 2) They repeat the same mistakes over and over. Best leaders seek out the counsel of a mentor and/or turn their attention inward for reflection and introspection. Thus they try a different approach when they encounter the same circumstances the next time. 2) They view leadership as an enriching, deeply human experience. Change plays a prominent role in the leadership struggle, and creates a natural set of tensions which throw the leader off balance. 2.
As one of the most 1) influential leaders of our time, Steve Jobs was a leader who had confronted and 2) navigated through a number of struggles, when he had 3) redefined his life purpose and 4) transformed his leadership energies so as to serve this core purpose. What he had achieved is radically changing our thinking about leadership and 5) innovation. Starting with the case of Steve Jobs, the text presents a new idea about leadership, initiating a fundamentally different premise that struggle and leadership are intertwined. Leadership is often a struggle, yet strong 6) taboos keep us from talking openly and honestly about our difficulties 7) for fear of being 8) perceived to be in lack of strength and confidence. Social mores 9)reinforce the notion that leaders are supposed to be perfect, and that struggle is inherently bad, something to be ashamed of. However, exceptional leaders know that it is struggle that unlocks the 10) potential for the greatest growth. To 11) probe real stories of leaders, the author conducted an extensive research studying 151 struggle examples. He discovered a 12) distinct pattern of leadership struggle, which showed how struggles threw leaders off balance. However, what determined the 13) outcomes of these real-world stories was the effectiveness of leaders in treating the struggles. There was much learning to be 14) gained even in the stories that did not turn out so good, because growth could often be 15) accelerated by failures. Language in Use 4.
A. Noun denial distinction Adjective emergent Noun Adjective illustration fulfilling maximization perceptive reinforcement B. ?
1) maximize, maximum
2) fulfilling, fulfillment
? ?
3) illustrations, illustrates 4) reinforcing, reinforcement
5) distinct, distinction
? ?
6) perceive, perceptions 7) denial, deny
8) emerges, emergent/emerging
1) act out
2) acts as
3) act on
4) seek ? through
5) seek out
? ?
6) seek after 7) playing at
8) (would) play out
9) playing on
1) available to
2) superior to
? ?
3) indispensable to 4) sensitive to
5) adverse to
? ?
6) beneficial to 7) indifferent to
8) comprehensible to
1) be productive of
2) expressive of
? ?
3) be critical of
4) is respectful of; boastful of
5) are desirous of
? ?
6) be suspicious of
7) was neglectful/negligent of
8) was envious of
Reference translation
1) 尽管他在2011年不幸英年早逝,他的一生仍然完美诠释了个人成长、领导力发展和人性潜能实现的过程。
2) 乔布斯不仅将可以做的事情推向了新的高度,还彻底改变了我们对于领导力和创新精神的看法。
3) 有些领导者,特别是那些刚进入领导岗位的人,可能意识不到他们的行为适得其反。
4) 他们的幸福感和成就感不仅来自于成功,更来自于这个过程的内在特征。
5) 即使结局不尽人意,也可以获得很多经验教训;失败常常正是未来发展的催化剂。
Reference translation
As a manager/an administrative officer, I have worked in four enterprises well known for their great passion and creativity. Rarely do I assign tasks for my employees in a top-down manner. I prefer to place myself on an equal footing with my employees, regarding myself as one to motivate, coordinate or communicate with them, rather than one to lead, monitor or command. The 21st century has set up a higher and more comprehensive standard for managers. Turning from the traditional role of the manager to a successful leader, we need to create an environment filled with passion and innovation for all employees. In this sense, rather than a method or technique, leadership is actually a unique art.
Text B
Reading Comprehension
1) F I have met many people who feel unfulfilled, overwhelmed, or stagnant because they are forsaking performance in one or more aspects of their lives.
They aren’t bringing their leadership abilities to bear in all of life’s domains — work, home, community, and self. 2) NG
3) F Scoring four-way wins starts by taking a clear view of what you want from and can contribute to each domain of your life with thoughtful consideration of the people who matter most to you. 4) T 5) T
6) F You don’t need a workshop to identify worthwhile experiments. The process is pretty straightforward.
Language in Use
2. ?
1) succession
2) sustainable
3) zeal
? ?
4) entail 5) craved
6) overwhelmed
7) explicit
8) unfulfilled
1) get involved with
2) be focused on
? ?
3) be committed to 4) be consistent with
5) for the taking
? ?
6) in support of 7) in common with
8) On the face of it
Reference translation
Writing 1
1) The general information about the essay mainly includes the opinion on the effect of stress.
2) Contrary to popular opinion, people can learn to turn stress into an asset in the classroom and the workplace.
3) The essay is going to discuss how people can learn to make use of stress in the classroom and the workplace.
4) Yes. It gives general information about the essay, contains a thesis statement, and catches the reader’s interest by offering to share with them how to make use of stress, which in popular opinion has a negative effect on people’s lives.
1) This introductory paragraph gives interesting facts about koalas. 2) This introductory paragraph states a personal story by describing the author’s various work experiences.
3) This introductory paragraph uses an interesting quotation from Aldous Huxley.
4) This introductory paragraph states a personal story by describing the author’s experience of discovering tae kwon do.
Listening and Speaking
The function of art is often to 1) appeal to the senses, or to
communicate emotions and ideas. The ways in which we use art depend on the type of art in question. We can 2) break downthe way that art functions broadly into two groups: motivated and non-motivated. Motivated art is art that has been given an 3) intentional, conscious purpose by the artist or creator, such as popular culture and decorative arts. Non-motivated art functions on an innate human level and does not
4) fulfill a specific external purpose. 5) Creativity and the basic human need for 6)harmony, balance, and rhythm, are examples of non-motivated artistic functions. Popular art usually functions as 7) entertainment for the viewers, such as with a film or video game, but can also be used to 8) influence popular conceptions.
Decorative arts include any object that might be used in everyday life, from chairs to ceramics. Typically, their purposes are 9) obvious, and their aesthetic value is often 10) secondary totheir utilitarian function.
Text A
Reading Comprehension
1) F 2) O 3) O 4) O 5) F 6) F 7) O B.
1) (1) The tree serves to connect earth and sky and this could reflect the artist’s own thoughts about death — that death is the destination of life’s journey.
(2) The cypress tree is usually found in cemeteries and associated with mourning.
2) (1) It has great influence on poetry, fiction and music.
(2) The famous song “Vincent” or “Starry, Starry Night” by Don McLean is focused on The Starry Night.
3) (1) Van Gogh got inspiration from Paul Gauguin.
(2) Firstly, Van Gogh began painting more from memory, as Gauguin had done. Secondly, his works became more decorative and less accurate like Gauguin’s.
4) (1) Van Gogh uses color to convey emotion.
(2) He used white and yellow to create a spiral effect and draw attention to the sky.
1) It is considered Van Gogh’s greatest artistic achievement and is one of the most famous and reproduced works in the art world.
2) According to the text, the painting has multifold themes, which include:
(1) nighttime landscape featuring a contrast between the night sky brimming with energy and the silent village below; (2) the belief that even with darkness it is still possible to see light and hope; (3) an understanding of death.
3) The cypress tree symbolizes mourning and a connection between life and death.
4) They symbolize life and death.
5) They symbolize Van Gogh’s frame of mind and his search for hope during a time of great illness.
Language in Use 4.
1) agitation, agitated
2) eternal, eternity
3) rival, rivalry
4) symbolize, symbolic
5) characteristic, characterize
? ?
6) opt, options 7) gloomy, gloom
8) interpretation, interpret
1) contrasted with
2) Hailed as
? ?
3) refer to 4) conjure up
5) move away from
? ?
6) brimming with 7) associated with
8) perceive as
1) fondness for
2) compatibility with
? ?
3) confidence in 4) departure from
5) addiction to
? ?
6) conception of 7) superiority over
8) concentration on
1) His unwise refusal of the offer resulted in his wife’s disappointment. 2) Yuan Longping’s dedication to hybrid rice has greatly influenced and benefited the world. 3) Some people might resist the new policy because of their preference for the old system. 4) The director was furious at the critics’ negative reaction to his film. 5) This paper offered an analysis of and a solution to the security problem on campus. 6) Wolves’ invasion into the prairie disturbed the balance of the ecosystem there.
7) It’s hard to express my gratitude for your generosity and mercy. 8) Microwave energy’s application to everyday life has partly relieved the energy crisis.
1) 据说这幅画描绘的是他睡房窗外的景色。
2) 在《星夜》这幅画中,梵高笔下的夜空充满能量,与夜空下静谧的村庄形成鲜明反差。
3) 他此处描绘的村镇有几分虚构,教堂尖顶则让人联想到他的故乡荷兰。 4) 梵高在《星夜》中还画了一棵柏树,这种树在墓地里很常见,让人产生哀思。这颗柏树连天接地,也许反映出梵高对于死亡的理解——死亡是生命之旅的终点。 5) 随着《星夜》的创作,梵高摒弃了传统印象派画家写实自然的技法,相反,他表现了一种躁动不安的情感。
Traditional Chinese painting constitutes a unique school of fine art, a school that is distinctly different from any other fine art schools in the world, either in style or in techniques. Traditional Japanese fine art may be the only exception, but there is no doubt that it is heavily influenced by Chinese culture. No other traditional Chinese painting is better known than ink and wash painting. The Chinese do paintings with brushes, dipping their brushes in ink or paint and then skillfully wielding them on the paper. Painters produce pictures with lines and dots — some heavy, some light, some deep, and some pale. In the hands of an outstanding painter, brushes and ink can be highly expressive. Because of this, they are not only treated as tools for drawing pictures, but also as a symbol of artistic pursuit.
Text B
Reading Comprehension
1) F 2) O 3) O 4) O 5) F 6) F 7) F 8) O 9) O 10) F
Language in Use
2. ?
1) offset
2) submitted
3) finite
? ?
4) towering 5) viable
6) sponsoring
7) guaranteed
8) illuminating
1) All told
2) draw up
? ?
3) from a ? perspective 4) incorporate ? into
5) act as
? ?
6) put out 7) by courtesy of
8) be tied to
1) It’s not that I am unwilling to help you, but I’m tied to work these days.
2) It’s not that I don’t like your cooking, but I am going on a diet. 3) A growing number of people are obsessed with blind dates, so much so that some matchmaking websites and matchmaking TV programs have emerged in response to it.
4) All the mothers are brimming with affection for their children, so much so that each considers her own child the most beautiful and the most intelligent.
5) Cultural differences between the East and the West are such that it may take great effort to manage a transnational marriage.
Writing Exercise 1
1) Saving water and slowing down climate change are just two reasons for becoming a vegetarian.
2) saving water, slowing down climate change
3) Topic sentence of the first body paragraph: One environmental benefit of being vegetarian is that it saves a large amount of water.
Topic sentence of the second body paragraph: Another reason to become a vegetarian is that it helps to slow down global warming.
4) In the topic sentence of the first body paragraph: it saves large amounts of water
In the topic sentence of the second body paragraph: it helps to slow down global warming
5) The first supporting sentence states that meat production costs much water. The second supporting sentence gives a contrast between the water cost for producing a kilogram of beef and that for producing the same amount of rice or corn. The last sentence summarizes the paragraph. 6) The first supporting sentence explains the cause and consequence of global warming. The following sentences explain why meat production gives rise to greenhouse gases. The last sentence summarizes the paragraph.
Exercise 2
The following sentences in the three paragraphs should be crossed out: Paragraph 1
Most of his students were from rich families.
L’Epée also taught religion classes. Another Frenchman, Louis Braille, also lived during this time. He invented a system of reading and writing for blind people, using raised bumps that can be felt with the fingers. In Germany, a man named Samuel Heinicke was another important teacher of the deaf during this time. However, he did not use sign language for instruction. Instead, he preferred to teach the deaf to understand other people by looking carefully at other people’s mouths when they spoke. This is called lip or speech reading. Paragraph 2
The whole paragraph should be crossed out. Paragraph 3
Not much is known about the use of sign language among deaf people in the United States before the 1800s.
The school, called the American School for the Deaf, still exists in Hartford, Connecticut.
About twenty million people in the United States have hearing problems, and about two million of these are deaf.
Listening and Speaking
What is a classic? In terms of literature, a classic is a work that contains vivid characters, exciting plots, 1) deep insights, imaginative fantasy, witty satire, surprising twists, unique 2) personalities not found in our real lives. Classics are 3) irresistible books. Sometimes they are easy to read and sometimes they’re near impossible. Sometimes they can change you, support you, inform you and 4) inspire you. Classics are the few books 5) that never vanish. They are seemingly always in print or always 6) accessible. The bottom line is that classics are classics because they have meaning and quality. These things seem to appeal to readers. Classics such as Moby Dick are a part of our heritage and our legacy to future 7) generations. Our world is changing so fast that we need to stop and 8) remind ourselves of our own cultural heritage. Most classics are 9) complex and profound, far beyond our ability to analyze completely. As is said by a Scottish novelist, “The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect him precisely 10) as you wish.” Text A
Reading Comprehension
A. Conflict Detail Implied meaning Between 1) Miss Leslie lingered in the outer office, and Maxwell already forgot what had Maxwell and once moved over by Maxwell’s desk near enough happened between Miss Leslie Miss Leslie for him to be aware of her presence. and himself. 2) “Well — What is it? Anything?” Maxwell asked sharply, and his keen grey eyes, impersonal and harsh, flashed upon her half impatiently. Between 1) Told by Maxwell to engage another Maxwell completely forgot what Maxwell and stenographer, Pitcher led a young lady to he had told Pitcher to do. Pitcher Maxwell’s office. 2) Maxwell blamed Pitcher, “You are losing your mind.” And he said that the place was Miss Leslie’s as long as she chose to retain it. Between 1) That day was Maxwell’s busy day. Here was a He was entirely preoccupied Maxwell and world of finance, leaving no room for with his business; only the odor himself the humanworld and the world of nature. of Miss Leslie brought back 2) In the luncheon hour, through the open his human interest. window came a wandering, delicate, sweet odor, Conflict Detail which specially belonged to Miss Leslie, and she was thus brought vividly and almost tangibly before him. Implied meaning B. Character Implied trait Miss Leslie Elegant, tasteful and discreet; tender, kind and frank Maxwell Too absorbed in work C. Theme: Maxwell was too devoted to his work to care about other things in life, including his own marriage. 2.
For reference
1) (metaphor) The broker had to work really hard and swiftly.
Explanation for reference: Buzzing wheels and uncoiling springs are parts of a machine. Here the author uses the metaphor to indicate that the broker is working like a machine, in a hard and swift manner. 2) (metonymy) So far, nobody has come to apply for this job. 3) (simile) The clerks in the office were extremely busy with work. 4) (metaphor, parallelism) What brokers had to face in work is that the stock market frequently changed greatly and rose and fell unpredictably. 5) (simile) Transactions were being handled as quickly as possible. 6) (simile, parallelism) The broker was working intensely, promptly, accurately, and decidedly.
Language in Use 4.
1) radiant
? 2) reminiscence
3) odor
? 4) impersonal
? ?
5) lingered 6) notify
? 7) confidential
? 8) tangibly
? 9) fidelity
? 10) viciously
1) a
? 2) d
? 3) g
? 4) i
? ?
5) c 6) f
? 7) e
? 8) b
? 9) h B.
? 1) stroll
? 2) limped
? 3) roam
? ?
4) marched 5) sneaked
? 6) crawl
? 7) padded
? 8) toddling
1) h
? 2) d
? 3) b
? 4) e
? ?
5) a 6) i
? 7) j
? 8) c
? 9) g
? 10) f B.
? 1) narrow escape
? 2) cold shoulder
3) fat cats
? 4) last straw
? ?
5) full stop 6) blue blood
? 7) heavy hand
? 8) dark horse
? 9) happy medium
? 10) sweet nothings
1) c
? 2) d
? 3) d
? 4) a
? 5) d
? 6) a
? 7) b
? ?
8) c
1) a deep well
? 2) long and intimate friendship
? ?
3) late autumn 4) a remote mountain
? 5) an in-depth discussion
? ?
6) profound meaning/hidden intention 7) deep/further/intensive processing
? ?
8) dark/deep orange 9) 公平交易
? 10) 合理猜测
? ?
11) 相当远的距离 12) 淑女
? 13) 一般的英语水平
? ?
14) 浅色头发 15) 白皙的皮肤
? 16) 晴好的天气
1) 她双眼闪着梦幻般的光芒,面颊直泛桃红,脸上露出幸福的神色和几分甜蜜的怀想。
2) 人们开始涌入办公室找他,有的欣喜若狂,有的尖声厉词,有的满怀敌意, 有的激动不已。
3) 证券交易所里行情涨跌,像飓风,像山崩,像雪暴,像冰川和火山,而经纪人办公室里所发生的一切就是这些自然力量的缩影。
4) 他就像一台高速运转、精密而强大的机器那样工作着——精神绷紧到最大限度,开足马力,准确精密,从不犹豫,言语、决策和行动都像机械装置那般,正确无误,准备充分,反应迅速。
5) 麦克斯韦尔站在办公桌边,手里满是电报和备忘便条,右耳朵上夹着一支自来水笔,头发一缕缕凌乱地垂在额前。
The artistic achievement of A Dream of Red Mansions, so to speak, has attained an unimaginable sublimity. It is outstanding with its rigorous structure, vivid speeches, and above all, the striking images created. The characters in the book number as many as over 400. Not only have JiaBaoyu, Lin Daiyu and a dozen other main characters become household classical literary figures, but a good number of minor roles, some of whom
are only mentioned in passing, are also distinctive and lifelike. The artistic achievement of the novel is so extraordinary that it can hardly be rivaled even among world-famous literary works.
Text B
Reading Comprehension
1) You have a lot of opportunities. 2) I’m just ordinary, and so are you.
3) Biff is so angry that he is almost going to attack his father. 4) You were just an ordinary and insignificant hard-working travelling salesman who ended up poor, like other travelling salesmen.
5) Only great men can conquer difficulties like those dangerous situations in the jungle.
6) The jungle is dangerous but it has the fortune that you are longing for, Willy.
Language in Use
2. ?
1) utter
? 2) descend
? 3) proposition
? ?
4) inform 5) choke
? 6) fury
? 7) magnificent
? 8) swarming
? 1) fumbling for
? 2) breaking down
? ?
3) At the peak of 4) settled down
? 5) sit back
? ?
6) on the verge of 7) crashed down
? 8) is preoccupied with
1) 我不是当头头的料,威利,你也一样。你根本成不了气候,你只是一个拼死卖命的跑街,到头来就像所有的跑街一样,落得个给人家扔进垃圾桶的下场!我是干一个钟头拿一块钱的,威利!我跑了七个州,还是加不到工钱。一个钟头一块!你明白我的意思吗?我再也不可能往家里带奖杯了,你也别再指望我带了。
2) 白天,屋里笼罩着树叶的阴影。查利和伯纳德穿着深色衣服登场,敲了敲厨房门。他们进去的时候,比夫和哈比也慢慢下楼来到厨房。大家静了一会儿,这时林达穿着丧服,从门帘后走进厨房,手里捧着一小束玫瑰花。她走到查利身边,挽起他的胳臂。现在所有人都穿过厨房墙线,走向观众。在台口边沿,林达放下花束,跪下来,然后跪坐在自己的脚跟上。所有人都低头呆望着坟墓。
Writing 1
1) This concluding paragraph summarizes the main points of the essay. 2) This concluding paragraph gives a (humorous) comment. 3) This concluding paragraph suggests a solution.
4) This concluding paragraph summarizes the main points of the essay. 5) This concluding paragraph suggests a solution.
1) people, British, culture, restaurants, different
2) The UK can be divided into different regions and each has its own characteristic foods influenced by the culture of the people who live there.
3) People who come from other countries to live in the UK have brought their own traditions and customs and added them to British culture. 4) It is an effective conclusion. The conclusion echoes the introduction very well by repeating some key words. The summary statement restates the idea in the thesis statement. The last sentence in the conclusion is a good comment on the significance of keeping the immigrants’ cuisine customs.
Listening and Speaking
Everyone goes through rough times where they feel 1) sad or low-spirited. It’s pretty normal to feel that way on occasion. However, when such a 2) negative mood seems to be going nonstop, that probably 3) forecasts depression. It is important that we know the signs of depression so that we can deal with it and have it 4) relieved. If a friend or family member has shown several (not just one or two) of the following symptoms for more than two weeks, it is possible they are suffering from depression and need 5) professional help.
(1) The person has drastic change of 6) appetite.
(2) The person has a sudden change in sleeping patterns.
(3) The person suddenly loses interest in things and activities they used to enjoy.
(4) There is energy loss and 7) presence of fatigue. (5) The person feels they are 8) unworthy. (6) The person starts losing hope.
(7) The person 9) feels guilty without any reason at all. (8) The person becomes indecisive. (9) The person is suicidal.
(10) The person becomes 10) mentally disturbed.
(11) The person has a “My life is passing by” feeling. (12) The person becomes antisocial.
Text A
Reading Comprehension
1) For VahehHartoonian, life was not something to be happy about, and he was bothered by thoughts of self-contempt and guilt and repeated discontentment. In Hartoonian’s opinion, depression involves feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness and guilt, and he sees his depression as being stuck in a negative circle. 2) He was kept from telling his problem and seeking help by the fear of being labeled and perceived differently. 3) He might have committed suicide as he was invaded by the thought and had even gone so far as to have planned it out. 4) An estimated 1-in-10 Americans are struggling with depression. 53 percent of college students have experienced some form of depression. Over two-thirds of young people do not talk about or seek help for mental health problems. 1.5 percent of 16,000 students have attempted suicide. Fifteen to 20 percent of students suffer from depression, and one percent will attempt suicide. In 2008, suicide accounted for about 36,000 deaths, making it the 10th-leading cause of death in the U.S. 2.
1) Seeking help is crucial in solving the problem of depression according to the passage.
2) In order to help students solve the problem of depression, UCS provides a counseling service which is free and confidential. UCS can also make referrals to nearby counselors and clinics if students need additional counseling.
3) Besides the solutions provided above, Hartoonian suggests that students should talk to someone they trust if they are not ready to seek professional counseling.
4) According to Hartoonian, the most essential in solving the problem is that they talk to someone. 5)
Feeling: Relieved, counseling
Reason: most of the talking; any mention to the term depression; He was told that everything was confidential.
Language in Use 4.
1) prominence
2) contempt
3) estimates
4) depressed
? ?
5) psychological 6) invade
7) treatable
8) companion
9) norm
10) daunt
1) His name always slips my mind. 2) Her vanity left her heavily in debt. 3) Poverty gives rise to desire for change. 4) Dusk found the stray boy crying bitterly in the street. 5) Rome witnessed great historic events. 6) A comparison of the two methods will show you their advantages and disadvantages. 7) The thought of returning to his motherland never broke away from him. 8) The astonishment robbed me of my power of speech. 6. A.
1) 画蛇添足