Module 1 My First Day at Senior High
本模块的中心话题是“一位高中新生到新学校的一天”,具体介绍高中新生第一天到校观察和接触到的人和事物及个人的感受,内容紧密结合学生现实生活。本节课着重培养学生的阅读能力。通过文章的阅读学习,培养学生热爱新学校、新班级和新同学的感情,鼓励学生参与各种英语活动,克服困难。本模块的内容主要有:课时1:衔接初中科目,并比较初高中的不同点。课时2:阅读李康的高中第一天。课时3:阅读文知识点学习。课时4:语法1,2,学习一般现在时,现在进行时和以ing和ed结尾的形容词。课时5:听力部分的新单词和文化角的阅读。课时6:写作,写一篇关于自己学校的文章。 二、学情研究
Period 1 Introduction
一、目标点击: A级目标
(1)复习和学科有关的:biology, chemistry, history,English, Japanese, geography, Russian, IT, Chinese, mathematics, physics, PE
academic, enthusiastic, amazing, information, attitude, behavior, comprehension, handwriting, instruction, method, photograph, spelling, textbook
(3).词组:be similar to, one’s attitude to/towards B级目标:
1.复习和学科有关的:biology, chemistry, history,English, Japanese, geography, Russian, IT, Chinese, mathematics, physics, PE 2.会读新单词 二:重点难点
(2)多层次的训练阅读能力,提高阅读水平 三:拓展链接
初中时学生已经学过各个学科名,现在结合初中熟悉的知识点来学习高中各学科教师的特点。 四、学法研究
Step1. 检查学生的预习情况
Ask a question “ What is your first impression of our school”
设计意图:交际法。利用这个题目导进新课。同时老师与学生之间进行了对学校第一印象和看法的交流。既起到了课堂热身的作用、导进了新课,又加强了师生和生生之间的交流。Step 3. 课堂讲授 Step4 Self-introduction
(I) (some drills need to be written on the black board) My name is …… I am a ……
I was born on/in …… I graduated from ……
In my spare time, I like/ am good at / am fond of …… I hope/ think/ want …… ……
(II) Get thents to introduce themselves to their partners in groups of four, and then ask some volunteers to introduce their new friends to all the other students in English. Step5. Vocabulary and speaking (I) Vocabulary
Ask the stude tell you what subjects they learned in Junior High school and what other subjects they will learn in Senior High school, ask the students to express them in English as possible as they can, then write the words on the Bb, teach the students to pronounce the words they don’t know.
eg : e English Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Politics History Geography Arts Music IT (Information Technology) PE(Physical Education) GT(General Technology) Japanese Russian French
(II)Dialogue (pair-work)
I like_________ because___________
I think_________is important because _________
I would like to study/learn_________ because __________ In my opinion_________ is _________so I ____________
Step6. 完成课本第二页的5个问题 1. 学生先读这5个句子
2. 学生把中文意思翻译出来。
Step7. Summary
Period 2 Reading Comprehension
1. 记住本课的重点词汇和短语:website, brilliant, bored, embarrassed, previous, description, amazed, embarrassing, technology, impress
2. 词组:far from, nothing like, have fun, in other words, hard-working, look forward to …
3. 培养学生的阅读能力,训练学生阅读速度,查读的阅读技巧;训练学生学会找主题句,归纳文章
主旨,运用想象,联想,学会用英语思考的能力 4. 熟读课文,知道课文的中文意思 二、重点难点
(1)鼓励学生通过回答问题来学习本课生词 (2)多层次的训练学生的阅读能力,提高阅读水平 (3)理解阅读的内容。 三、拓展衔接
Step1. 检查学生复习和预习情况。 Step 2 Pre-reading
Ask the Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 1 on page 2 in pairs and show their answers. Then get them to practice Activity 2. Check the answers with the whole class. Step 3 prediction (对课文内容的猜测)教学时间:2m
According to the title of the text “My First Day at Senior High”, have Ss predict what the text talks about, and check the answer after fast reading.
设计意图:根据标题培养学生阅读技能即对文章内容的猜测。通过这一活动帮助学生利用已经把握的知识和手段,预先推知和判定文章的内容。然后通过阅读找出作者所写的内容,由学生自己思考、检查与对比,看文章的内容与学生所给出的之间的异同点,并分析其原因。这样既可促进学生的想象,也可促进学生的阅读。 Step4 Fast reading(泛读)教学时间:10m
1 . Read the passage quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph。 Paragraph 1 A: The English class is really interesting. Paragraph 2 B: Self-introduction
Paragraph 3 C: What we do in our English class Paragraph 4 D: The students in our class
Paragraph 5 E: The students’ attitude to Ms Shen
Paragraph 6 F: Something about my school 设计意图:任务型和活动型教学法
任务1:先独自快速限时(3minutes)阅读,把阅读课文作为整体来处理,检查学生对课文中的事实的表层理解,让学生对文章有一个了解。然后通过小组活动,交流合作。本环节难度不高,即便学困生也能在其小组成员的帮助下完成此任务。成功给人以最大的满足,产生自豪感,增强学习毅力。更重要的是总结出他们在阅读中所用的方法——略读(skimming to get general ideas) Step5 Careful reading(精读)27m
1. read the text carefully and choose the best answers.
1.Li Kang mentions the following about Ms Shen EXCEPT that____
A. her class is interesting. B. she is very enthusiastic. C. she is liked by students.
D. she wants to improve her own spelling.
2.How many boys are there in Li Kang's class A.16. B..49 D.65.
3.Which of the following is NOT the reason that makes Li Kang think his new school is good A.There is a computer in every classroom. B.The teachers are enthusiastic. C.They can study online.
D.The computer has a big cinema screen in every classroom. 4.How do the teachers teach in the school
A.They teach in the same way as the teachers do in primary schools. B.The websites teach the students instead of teachers. C.They use computers to help them teach in class. D.They teach the students with the help of films. 5.The sentence “They are brilliant” means ______ A.The teacher are all great.
B.The new students are all clever.
C.All the amazing things are wonderful. D.The computers are good.
the text again and fill in the blanks Self introduction Name Place Time Description of the New school new school Teachers Classroom The English Class class Teacher