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A: Look what Mary gave me! Isn't this a great book?

B: Yeah, it is! Mary's so sweet-she's always giving her friends and co-workers presents. I wish there were more people like her in this world! A teacher

A: What do you think of the new French teacher?

B: Well, she's king of strange. She's in a good mood one minute and in a terrible mood the next. A relative

A: Hey, what's wrong?

B: I'm fed up with my brother! It seems as if he's always angry at me something. A: Really?

B: Yeah. He gets up upset so easily. I don't know what's the matter with him.

A: I don't know what classed to take this semester. I can't decide what I want to do with my life. Have you thought about it, Brenda?

B: Yes, I have. I think I'd make a good journalist because I love writing.

A: Maybe I could be a teacher because I'm very creative. And I like working with kids. B: Oh, I wouldn't want to be a teacher. I'm too inpatient. A: I know one thing I could never do. B: What's that?

A: I could never be a stockbroker because I'm not good at making decisions quickly.

A: My history professor says I should think about a career in politics. But I don't think I'd make a good politician. B: Why not, Brenda?

A: Oh, you know me. I'm terrible at speaking in front of a lot of people-you know, like giving speeches and things. And politicians have to speak in public all the time. B: That's true. You know, that reminds me of a problem I'm having. A: What is it?

B: You know my parents have a really successful restaurant, right? Well, my father wants me to be the manager.

A: And you don't want go?

B: No, not at all. I'd be a terrible manager. I'm much too disorganized

Unit 11 It's really worth seeing!

A: We are now approaching the famous Statue of Liberty, which has welcomed visitors to New YorkHarbor since 1886. B: Wow! Look at it. A: Incredible, isn't it?

B: The statue was given to the United States by the people of France. It was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi.

A: It's really huge. Do we get to go inside?

B: Of course. We can climb the stairs all the way up to the crown.

A: Stairs? There's no elevator?

B: Not to the top. But it's just 142 steps!

Let me tell you a little more about the statue before you climb to the top. In case you're wondering what the statue is made of, it has a framework inside that's made of iron; the outer skin is made of copper. The copper skin is only 2.4 millimeters thick. The supporting framework inside the statue is what holds the whole thing together.

The Statue of Liberty is a major tourist attraction, and every year about two million people from all over the world come here to visit it.

A: Hello?

B: Oh, hello. I need some information. What currency is used in Japan? A: Where? B: In Japan.

A: I'm not sure. Isn't it the yen?

B: Oh, yes. And do they drive on the left or the right? A: I think the left, but I'm not sure.

B: Oh. Well, is English spoken much there? A: I really have no idea.

B: Huh? Well, what about credit cards? Are American Express cards accepted there? A: How would I know?

B: Well, you're a travel agent, aren't you?

A: What? A travel agent? This is Linda's Hair Salon. B: Oh, sorry. Wrong number!

The Pyramids. Who built them? Why were they built?

A: The Pyramids were built more than four thousand years ago by the Egyptians. The most famous ones are on the west bank of the river Nile, outside of Cairo. They served as burial places for the Egyptian kings. After a king's mummy was placed inside the pyramid, together with treasures and the king's belongings.

Machu Picchu. When was it begun? When was it discovered?

Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca city in Peru. Construction of the city started in 1450. The ruins are about 2,400 meters above sea level-that's about 7,800 feet. The city covers about 13 square kilometers –that's about 5 square miles. For centuries, the city was buried in the jungle and wasn't discovered again until 1911. Today, Macchu Picchu in one of the most famous tourist attractions in all of South America.

The Great Wall of China. Why was it built? How long is it?

The Great Wall of China is the longest manmade structure ever built. It was built to protect one of the Chinese kingdoms. Much of what exists of the wall today was built during the Ming Dynasty in the late 1400s, although parts of the wall are much older and go back to around 200 B.C. The wall is about 35 feet high, or 11 meters, and a stone roadway runs along the top of it. The main part of the wall stretches for about 2,000 miles, that is, about 3,400


Colombia is located in the northwestern part of South America and is the fourth largest country in South America. It has coast lines on both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. It has a population of around 36 million and is a very beautiful country with snow-capped mountains as well as hot lowland plains. The capital city is Bogota, which was founded by the Spaniards in 1538. Almost all Colombians speak Spanish, which is the country's official language. The religion of the majority of the population is Roman Catholic. Some of the most important industries are textiles and clothing. Other industries include mining and oil. Agriculture is the most important section of the economy, and Colombia's main agricultural products are coffee, flowers, sugar, bananas, rice, corn, and cotton. Colombia produces more coffee than any other country except Brazil.

Unit 12 It's been a long time!

A: How did you get into modeling, Stacy?

B: Well, when I graduated from drama school, I moved to Los Angeles to look for work as an actress. I was going to auditions every day, but I never got any parts. And I was running out of money.

A: So, what did you do?

B: I got a job as a waitress in a seafood restaurant. While I was working there, a customer offered me some work as a model. Within a few weeks, I was modeling full time. A: Wow, what a lucky break!

A: So, Richard, what did you do after you graduated? B: Well, I majored in English literature in college. A: Uh-huh.

B: So when I graduated, tried to make my living as a writer. A: Oh, really?

B: Yeah. See, I've written a novel and I've sent it to eight different publishers, but they all, uh, rejected it. Say, would you like to read it, Stacy? I have it right here with me.

A: Well, I'd love to read it, Richard,? but not right now. Uh, so do you have a job or anything?

B: Oh, yes. I'm in sales. A: Oh! Where?

B: Actually, I'm a salesclerk in a hardware store. But when my novel sells, I know I'll be a best-selling author and I'll make lots of money.

A: So that do you do, Celia?

B: I have a small advertising agency.

A: An advertising agency? That's interesting. So how did you get started?

B: Well, I used to work for a big advertising agency. But I wasn't happy there. I wasn't getting very interesting work. Anyway, one of our clients came to me one day (I used to handle their account-it's a travel company), and they said they really liked my work. They told me that if I

started my own agency, they would give me their account. That was a really lucky break for me. It was quite a big account, so I decided to take a chance and open my own business. I soon found I was getting plenty of work on my own, and that's how it all started. So now I have a small company, with a staff of just four, but we're really busy and I love what I'm doing.

A: What do you do, Rodney?

B: I have my own language school.

A: Is that right? And how did you get started?

B: Well, I was teaching in a language school here in the city a few years ago. It was just a small school, and I loved the work but the owner of the school didn't run it very well. Then she decided to sell the school. I didn't have the money to buy it, but I have an uncle who's kind of rich, so I asked him for a loan. My uncle lent me the money, and I bought the school. A: And it's going well for you.

B: Very well. My uncle really came through for me. He gave me my lucky break! In fact, I've already paid him back almost all the money he lent me.

A: What do you do, Victor? B: I'm a writer.

A: What do you write?

B: I write plays and fiction- short stories mainly-as well as magazine articles. A: Have you been writing full time for long? B: About five years.

A: Well, I used to work for a company. I was living in Los Angeles at the time. I was writing company reports, brochures, that kind of thing. And I wrote for my own pleasure-you know, as a hobby. One day I entered a short story of mine in a magazine contest, and my story won first prize. The editor of the magazine liked my story so much that she asked me to write another one- and paid me for it!

A: Hey, Joan! I haven't seen you in ages. What have you been doing lately? B: Nothing exciting. I've been working two jobs for the last six months A: How come?

B: I'm saving up money for a trip to Europe.

A: Well, I've only been spending money. I quit my job to go to graduate school. I'm studying journalism.

B: Really? How long have you been doing that?

A: For two years. Luckily, I finish next month. I'm almost out of money.

A: Hey, Bob, how's it going? B: Pretty good, thanks.

A: I haven't seen you for a while. What have you been up to?

B: Well, I've been looking for a house to buy. I finally found one last month. I move in next week.

A: Gee, that's terrific.