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at 7 a.m. (at 9 p.m.) in the morning/afternoon/evening

in January、February、March、April、May、June、July、August、September 、October、November、December

next Monday

Wait ! Tomorrow is Thursday.

It’s 8:00. It’s time to get up . It’s time to do your homework . a new pair of sneakers a box of crayons

Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May. Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June. I need to buy some new books. 三、单词 四会单词: Monday = Mon. Tuesday = Tue. Wednesday = Wed. Thursday = Thu. Friday = Fri. Saturday = Sat. Sunday = Sun.

day have on too Social Studies Moral Education

yeah want win class because wait tomorrow often paint game sweet love time aunt need enough

第三模块 What’s your favourite food ?



What would you like…for ……? I’d like……


Would you like… Yes , please . No ,thanks .

What do you have for……? I have…… 第三人称时:

What does he/she/it have for……? He/She/It has…… 二、常用短语 would like

Here is (= Here’s) our school menu . That sounds good .

for breakfast/lunch/dinner

on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/ Saturday/Sunday

It’s time for lunch . 三、单词 四会单词:

tofu eggplant potato tomato (green beans)

fish for lunch we I’d like = I would like

pork mutton cabbage hungry onion menu sound here dinner noodle beef chicken

sandwich hamburger ice-cream dumpling meat

hot dog

apple pear peach banana watermelon orange milk



(一)不可数名词:是指不能用数来计算的名词,一般没有复数形式,比如:work 工作,meat 肉,soup 汤等等。

(二)可数名词:是指能用数来计算的名词,有复数形式,比如:apple 苹果,banana 香蕉,grape 葡萄等等。单数变复数有以下几种情况:

情况 构成方法 例词 map----maps bag----bags 一般情况 在词尾+s boy----boys girl----girls 在词尾+es watch---- 以s,sh,ch,x结尾watches 的词 bus----buses family---- 以辅音字母+y结尾先变y为i,再加families 的词 es boy为什么不能变? 先变f或fe为v,knife----knives 以f或fe结尾的词 再加es wife----wives man----men woman----women 不规则可数名词 tooth----teeth child---children 备注:英语26个字母中,a,e,i,o,u是元音字母,其余全是辅





食物名称+be动词+形容词,如: The apples are sweet . It is tasty .

(二)询问对方最喜欢的事物 What’s your favourite…… ?


I like…… 或者 :

My favourite….. is ……


What’s your favourite…… ? I like……

me too

What about you ?

I like fruit. But I don’t like grapes. They are sour.

I like apples. Because they’re sweet. We like beef. Because it’s tasty.

My partner likes tofu. Because it’s healthy.

I’m heavy now. I have to eat vegetables. in a boat on the floor

go to a restaurant have noodles

Help yourself to some fruit. 三、单词 四会单词:

salty sweet sour tasty fresh favourite

grape fruit rice they’re = they are don’t = do not I’m = I am too salty

healthy yummy food vegetable now eat heavy have to