Introduction of Industrial Economics
课程代码:030153A/030152A/030152B 课程名称:产业经济学 学 时:48/32 学 分:3/2 考核方式:考试/考试 先修课程:数学、微观经济学
As one branch of applied economics, industrial economics is widely used in solving modern problems of market economy such as the behavior of firms, the performance of market, etc. By learning industrial economics, students can have a good command of the most advanced theories and methods used in it, with which they can deal with the problems they encounter everyday, and improve their ability of doing things by themselves. The content of the course includes theory of firms, market structure, market behavior, market performance, government regulation, anti-trust, location of firms and industries, industrial structure and evolution, input-out relationship between industries, industrial competence and safety, and industrial policies.
Course Code:030153A/030152A/030152B Course Name:Industrial Economics Periods:48/32 Credits:3/2
Preparatory Courses:Math and Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
课程代码:030163A 课程名称:中级微观经济学 学 时:48 学 分:3 考核方式:考试 先修课程:微观经济学
宏观经济学 高等数学
Intermediate microeconomics is an important course for students majoring in economics. By studying this course, students will understand the principles of intermediate microeconomics and basic mathematic model, find the base of other courses, and have the ability to apply microeconomic theory to analyzing the microeconomics problems. This course is significant to improve the level of economic theory and macroeconomic policy of the students. The contents of this course include consumer theory, firm theory, market theory, general equilibrium theory and market failure theory.
Course Code:030163A
Course Name:Intermediate Microeconomics Periods:48 Credits:3
Preparatory Courses:Microeconomics,
Macroeconomics Higher Mathematics