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030013A/030013B/030014A/030014B ¿Î³ÌÃû³Æ£º¾­¼ÃѧԭÀí ѧ ʱ£º48/64 ѧ ·Ö£º3/4 ¿¼ºË·½Ê½£º¿¼²é/¿¼ÊÔ ÏÈÐ޿γ̣º

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Economics includes microeconomics and macroeconomics. The research object of microeconomics is the behavior of consumer, firm and market. By studying microeconomics, students can understand the basic principle of microeconomic action. The main contents of this course include market theory, utility theory, production theory, cost theory, firm theory, general equilibrium theory, welfare economics and market failure theory. The research object of macroeconomics is the aggregative activity. The aim of this course is to demonstrate the macroeconomic function and the determinant of output of a nation. By studying this course, students can understand the basic principles of macroeconomics. The main contents of macroeconomics include national income accounting, simple national income determination, IS-LM model, macroeconomic policies, AD-AS model, inflation and unemployment, economic growth and business cycle theory.


Course Code£º

030013A 030013B 030014A 030014B

Course Name£ºEconomics Periods£º48/64 Credits£º3/4

Assessment£ºInspection/Examination Preparatory Courses£º

Political Economy Higher Mathematics



International Economics

¿Î³Ì´úÂ룺030063A/030053A ¿Î³ÌÃû³Æ£º¹ú¼Ê¾­¼Ãѧ ѧ ʱ£º48 ѧ ·Ö£º3 ¿¼ºË·½Ê½£º¿¼ÊÔ ÏÈÐ޿γ̣º¾­¼ÃѧԭÀí


This is an introductory course to International Economics. The purpose of this course is to help students understand the basics of open microeconomics and open macroeconomics finance, and the effects of various international economic policies on domestic and world welfare.

In microeconomics part, the course will highlight sources of comparative advantage, patterns of trade, gains and losses from trade, and effects of trade policy interventions such as tariffs, quotas, voluntary export restraints, and export subsidies; the welfare effects of international factor mobility, international economic integration theory, the forms of international economic organization and its effects, the effects of custom union will be focused.

In open macroeconomics part, it will include balance of payments, determination of foreign exchange rates, open macroeconomic policy and international monetary system.

Course Code£º030063A/030053A Course Name£ºInternational Economics Periods£º48 Credits£º3


Preparatory Courses£ºPrinciples of Economics





¿Î³Ì´úÂ룺030073A/030072A ¿Î³ÌÃû³Æ£ººê¹Û¾­¼Ãѧ ѧ ʱ£º48/32 ѧ ·Ö£º3/2 ¿¼ºË·½Ê½£º¿¼ÊÔ ÏÈÐ޿γ̣º



Macroeconomics is a theoretical economics course which studies the general social economic activities i.e. the operation of macro-economy. It tries to explain how macro-economy is operated in a market economy and in what way it can be improved. The aim of this course is to demonstrate the macroeconomic function and the determinant of output of a nation. By studying this course, students can understand the basic principles of macroeconomics. The main contents of macroeconomics include national income accounting, simple national income determination, IS-LM model, macroeconomic policies, AD-AS model, inflation and unemployment, and economic growth and business cycle theory.

Course Code£º030073A/030072A Course Name£ºMacroeconomics Periods£º48/32 Credits£º3/2

Assessment£ºExamination Preparatory Courses£º

Microeconomics, Higher Mathematics





¿Î³Ì´úÂ룺030082B/030083A/031023A Course Code£º030082B/030083A/031023A ¿Î³ÌÃû³Æ£º¼ÆÁ¿¾­¼Ãѧ Course Name£ºEconometrics ѧ ʱ£º32/48/48 Periods£º32/48/48 ѧ ·Ö£º2/3/3 Credits£º2/3/3 ¿¼ºË·½Ê½£º¿¼²é/¿¼ÊÔ Assessment£ºInspection/ Examination ÏÈÐ޿γ̣º Preparatory Courses£º

ÕþÖξ­¼Ãѧ¡¢Î÷·½¾­¼Ãѧ Political Economics, Western Economics, ¸ÅÂÊÂÛÓëÊýÀíͳ¼Æ Probability and Mathematical Statistics, ÏßÐÔ´úÊý¡¢¾­¼Ãͳ¼Æѧ Linear Algebra and Economic Statistics


This course is a core course for universities and colleges of economics and a basic course for undergraduate students majoring in economics and management. It is an orthodox economics in modern economics. Through the course, we expect students to achieve such abilities as follows: (1)Being able to know about the characteristics of modern economics, to know about the status of economic quantitative analysis in economic curriculum and its role in the development of economics and the real economic work; (2)being able to comprehend the basic theory and methods of the classical econometrics, and get a conceptual understanding of the extension and new development of the econometric theory and methods; (3)being able to analyze the quantitative relationships in real economic phenomenon with the establishment and using of simple econometric models; (4)being able to do further study and to apply econometric theory and methods. This course will be taught at a primary level, but at middle level in economic experimental class, and we will focus on the theory and methods of classical single-equation econometric models. The main teaching contents are the concept of econometrics, the steps of establishing a model and its application area, linear regressive models, multiple linear regressive models, regressive models with loosened basic assumptions and relative special issues. It is worth mentioning that we will supplement the theory of simultaneous equations econometric models and econometric application model.