专四英语词汇测试练习 下载本文

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

acquired a fame as a good worker. A. reputation

B. reward

C. respect Test 20

Section A

1. It's such a pity that those fine houses had to be ___to make way for the new road. A. pulled down A. fired

B. pulled away B. shot

C. knocked off C. exploded C. attacked C. rate C. calendar

D. taken apart D. cracked D. resented D. step D. timetable D. resort D. exhausted D. asking D. intelligences D. draw D. begged D. high-level D. recommend D. giving D. brush up D. traced back

2. The soldier ____ his gun at the enemy.

3. Though the enemy ____ us by surprise, we manage to repulse them. A. destroyed A. degree A. system A. origin A. cost

B. threatened B. scale

4. Some cells multiply at a very fast ___; yeast is a good example. 5. If you want to know how often trains run to Manchester, look up the ___.

B. programme B. source

6. The explorer discovered the____ of the river last year.

C. derivation C. spent C. attending

7. The crowd at the ball game generally ____ great quantities of hot dogs and hamburgers.

B. consumed B. caring

8. Most mothers feel a responsibility for ___for their children's physical and psychological needs. A. looking A. statements A. thrive

9. The Arctic was a place where people lived for centuries with no ___from outside.

B. conversations B. benefit B. refused B. dreamy B. prompt B. holding B. rub up

`C. communications C. earn C. promised

10. Most young people would ___from a short stay in a foreign country.

11. The gangster ___to bum down the store unless the owner paid extortion money. A. threatened A. dizzy

12. As she looked down to the street 300 feet below, she felt so ___that she nearly fainted.

C. beyond control C. advise C. making C. polish up

13. I can ___her to you for the job. She is a very skilful typist. A. suggest A. taking A. rub out

14. The Prime Minister has determined on ___new elections immediately. 15. I don't think that dirty mark will ___: your coat will have to go to the cleaners. 16. Half the guards ____ the escaped prisoners, but they got away free. A. went against

B. went after

C. tracked down

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D. recognition

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

17. I've never felt so ___as when I was refused entry to the group that I wished to join. A. let alone appreciation. A. groceries A. condition A. spreading A. present A. at last

B. responsibilities B. promise B. putting

C. duties C. approval C. laying C. moment C. for good

D. tasks D. occasion D. making D. the end D. anyway D. given it up D. get through D. quantities

19. Mary will sing on ____ that William accompanies her on the guitar. 20. Supper's almost ready. Would you mind ___the table?

21. They’re not good friends at ___; they fell out over some musical instruments.

B. the time being B. at all events B. picked it up B. catch out B. forces

22. It's a long lane with no turning. Hardship or difficulty does not usually last ____. 23. He speaks English well, doesn't he? And yet he's never had a lesson. He's ___himself. A. kept it up A. make out A. shares change? A. secure back. A. split wick. A. abandon A. shade

B. abolish B. reflection B. pressed

C. polish C. presence C. retreated

D. pollute D. shadow D. refined

29. The woman looked at her ___in the mirror and decided to brush her hair. 30. The minds of men had become more ___through courtly manners. A. delivered Section B

1. I'd like to suggest we stop for lunch now and continue the discussion later. A. keep to

B. keep up

C. come to

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B. let down C. confused D. dispatched

18. The woman thanked the boy for carrying her ___and gave him an apple to show her

C. taken it in C. figure up C. articles

24. He mumbles so much that I can rarely ___what he is saying. 25. New products are sometimes given away in small __ called samples.

26. Is there any real chance that humanity will actually __ itself of the need for fundamental

B. convince

C. assume

D. sure

27. They all wore well-fitting coats cut away from the waist at the front and ___ into two tails at the

B. spit

C. spilt

D. broke

28. They must be bored to death sitting all day with nothing to do but ___the lamp and trim the

D. come up