专四英语词汇测试练习 下载本文

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

18. But there is only a limited amount of land, and some of it may never be ___. A. advanced upon its prey. A. angle

B. eager B. citizens B. curable B. visible

C. eagle

D. ankle

20. Today many Negroes are still struggling to be accepted as equals with other American ___. A. certificates A. imaginable A. dutiable A. applications A. dumb

C. candidates D. cabinets C. durable C. passive C. approvals C. drug. C. element

D. favorable D. liable D. apartments D. drift D. atom

21. The crust of the Earth was thin here, and other conditions appeared ___for drilling. 22. On the ___side of the moon people will see there are 14 \ 23. According to the rumors, this man could tell ___from sunset to dawn.

B. adventures B. drunk

24. She is a chemist for a large ___company and works on a research team. 25. In this form, electrons can drive a train, lift an ___, or turn a fan. A. elevator A. figured out A. increase a knife. A. removed A. obvious A. multiple Section B

1. With boys and with gardens you harvest what you plant. A. gather A. port

B. promote B. parity B. polishing

C. get in C. poise C. praying

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B. cultivated C. impressed D. sought

19. So he drew his great sword and rushed upon Achilles as an ___rushes down from the clouds

B. endurance B. cut out B. inflation

26. So the geographers ___an artificial way to divide the ocean into seven parts.

C. worked on D. filled in C. reduction

D. refusal

27. Eventually they went on strike and achieved a ___in working hours to 52 hours a week! 28. Against the horizon was a flat-topped cliff, which looked as though someone had ___it off with

B. clipped B. perpetual B. mount

C. leveled C. frightful C. murder

D. carved D. fundamental D. multiply

29. The health of all people is ____ to the attainment of security and peace. 30. This enables the cells to ___so that you grow taller, broader and stronger.

D. possess D. ingredients D. perplexing

2. How did radioactive elements get into cigarettes?

3. This is an aspect of Mexican-American life that is puzzling to many other Americans. A. perceiving

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

4. Peace means keeping our tempers and rising above petty irritations. A. rages

B. representatives B. always B. implied B. distinct B. strong

C. products C. never C. assumed C. unclear C. clever

D. imitations D. rarely D. asserted D. visible D. cunning

5. The man who rows the boat seldom has time to rock it. A. unusually A. claimed A. striking A. tall

6. Homecomings are supposed to be sentimental occasions. 7. The notice was vague about the jobs.

8. Drillers are usually tough men with muscles like steel bands.

9. The fierce Achilles groaned aloud, crying to Hector, his son, waiting alone to fight with this terrible warrior. A. shouted can now be sampled. A. obtained

B. exampled

C. tested Test 19

Section A

1. The early handmade paper was ___and uneven. A. course A. rusts

B. coarse B. melts B. glimpsed B. hatred

C. hoarse C. freezes C. viewed C. disgust

D. cautious D. burns D. regarded D. despair

2. In wet weather, iron soon ___.

3. The professor ___out of the window for a moment and then went on with his work. A. glanced A. horror A. sober

4. The smell was so bad that he turned away in ____. 5. She is sensible and will give a ___opinion of the facts.

B. unrealistic

C. passionate D. crazy

6. Your life-long job must be considered carefully, and ___with those who know you and who can help you in any way. A. decided A. in place A. oppose

B. talked over B. into place B. differ

C. spoken

D. thought over

7. As soon as the stairs were set ___, the President alighted from helicopter.

C. out of place D. in the first place C. compare

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B. groomed C. moaned D. roared

10. This means that rocks and sediments that used to be out of reach because of their good depth

D. stimulated

8. I'd like to taste your cake in order to ___it with mine.

D. distinguish

9. The doctor checked the patient's ___carefully before making his statement.

英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. symbols A. An annual A. odour

B. symptoms B. A routine B. perfume B. shaped B. die out B. sum up B. take after B. thrifty B. stale

C. indications D. signs

C. A quarterly D. An exceptional C. scent C. tom C. strike out C. clean up C. take on C. stout C. clean

D. stink D. distorted D. run up D. come up D. take from D. upright D. rotten

10. ____ medical checkup is advisable at least once a year. 11. The dog followed the ___of the escaped convict. 12. His features were ___with pain. A. changed A. drop down A. draw up A. take down A. superficial A. fresh

13. If too many of these rare animals ___, it will be a human responsibility. 14. I find it hard to ___after such a wide-ranging debate. 15. The new baby doesn't ____ her mother at all, in my opinion. 16. His ___self-confidence makes you feel you can depend on him.

17. Ninety percent of pain is the result of tension, poorly balanced diet, ___air, and so on. 18. Did you hear the ____ that broke from the students when the principal said there would be no school on Saturday? A. cries A. hate A. stitch

B. sound B. hatred B. mend B. pride

C. voice C. horror C. thread C. praise C. economic C. traces C. vacation

D. uproar D. terror D. suture D. meekness D. patient D. traits D. profession

19. There is a deep-rooted ___on the part of the Hungarians toward the Austrians. 20. Timely repair saves much trouble. A ___in time saves nine.

21. The colorful history of Texas explains the great ___Texans have in their state. A. comfort A. polite A. trends

22. Mary was a very ___person, and she only spent money when she needed something badly.

B. economical B. tracks B. voyage B. a tutor

23. These statues are the only ___of a once great civilization.

24. We decided to prolong our ___by staying at the beach for another weekend. A. vocation A. a substitute

25. Since she couldn't understand the teacher, she got ___to help her with reading.

C. a babysitter D. a helpmate

26. Serving turkey on Thanksgiving Day is a ___practice in most American families.

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英语专业四级备考丛书之一 英语词汇测试练习

A. traditional A. turned into A. make sure A. hum native land. A. congratulation Section B

B. original B. turned on B. trust B. roar

C. historical D. innovative

27. Midas picked up an apple; he tried to bite it, but it ___gold.

C. inverted into D. charged from C. anticipate C. whistle

D. count

D. whisper

28. If you have a problem, you should talk it over with someone you can ____. 29. The steady ___of the motor indicated that the car was working properly.

30. They waved with their hats, shawls, and handkerchiefs a last ____ to their friends and the

B. look

C. farewell

D. leave

1. Tom didn't expect to be brushed aside like that. A. criticized styles. A. content A. available A. ceremony A. regular

B. pleasant B. amiable

C. agreeable C. reliable

D. amused D. capable D. support D. uncommon

3. Jackson is a trustworthy worker; he is always on time and he always does his work well. 4. Lack of formality caused the conference to break up in chaos.

B. organization B. unique

C. understanding C. abundant

5. The following spring I made one of my rare trips to New York to lunch with a friend.

6. Too many changes can have bad results; changes which are too drastic may do the same thing, either type can cause anything from worry to death. A. anxiety night. A. cancel

B. suspend

C. delay

D. attend

8. The English Parliament committee of investigation into Thomas Edison's new method of lighting found the whole idea fanciful and absurd. A. inquiry

B. question

C. search

D. discussion

9. The chairman of the United Fund Drive announced that the purpose had been attained, and he thanked the people of the town for their support. A. goal

B. points

C. requirement

D. funds

10. Because he always took care of his lawn-cutting and window-washing jobs on time. Thad

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B. disregarded C. punished D. dismissed

2. People who are satisfied with contemporary design are probably well adapted to modern life

B. eagerness C. aspiration D. desire

7. I'm ringing you to say that my wife is ill and we have to postpone our dinner party tomorrow