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of, get away from, get around/ round, get in, get over, get on with, get along 5. must的用法: 1) 表示 ―命令‖, 否定回答用 ―needn’t / don’t have to‖ 2) 表示主观猜测, 意为 ―一定, 必定‖, 其否定式为 can’t (不可能); 对现在或将来推测, 用must + 动词原形, 对过去发生的情况或状态推测, 用must + have done.

3) mustn’t 表示禁止, 意为 ―不准, 不许‖

4) must也可用来表示主张, 意为 ―一定要, 坚持要, 偏要‖ 5) must还可表示过去不好的事情, 作 ―偏偏‖讲

6) must 用于疑问句, 表示 ―非要, 偏要‖, 带有责备的意味 7) must的不同含义在反义疑问句中的用法

6. end的用法及构成的短语: bring…to an end, come to an end, at the end of, by the end of, in the end, from beginning to end, on end

7. over (prep.) 的不同含义: 1)从一边倒另一边; 2) 超过; 3) 在…的上方; 4) 在…期间; 5) 遍及, 到处; 6) 通过, 利用; over构成的短语: take over, go over, turn over, look over, get over, think over, hand over, over and over, 8. 辨析: argue & debate

argue: 着重 ―说理, 论证, 企图说服; debate: 着重 ―双方各抒己见‖, 含有 ―交锋‖的意思

argue with sb about sth和某人争辩某事argue for主张argue against反对 argue sb into doing sth.说服某人做…argue sb out of doing sth.说服某人不做… 9. 辨析: win & beat

10. 区别两种形式的副词: close—closely; wide—widely; high—highly; deep—deeply; loud—loudly. 11. with 的用法:

具有; 2) 表伴随, 主要强调所处的状态, 在句中作状语或定语; 3)表 ―和, 与‖; 4) 表方式 ―用‖; 5)with 符合结构

12. 1.interest的用法: N.意思: (1)兴趣 (2) 股份

短语:对…感兴趣be interested in have /take interest in 对…失去兴趣lose interest in共同利益common interests

13..it is generally agreed that… 人们一致同意…

类似结构有:It is/ was said / believed / reported/ estimated /suggested that… 据…

…= sb./ sth. is said… to do (to have done)

It is suggested that the meeting should be put off.虚拟 14.It has occasionally been done. 偶尔做这件事

occasional adj. 偶然的;特殊场合的 occasion n.场合;时机

on occasion有时,间或= occasionally on one occasion曾经;有一个时候 15. ―有时‖译法:

sometimes/ at times/ from time to time/ (every) now and then/ once in a while /now and again 16. marry的用法

Marry sb. 嫁给某人 marry sb. to sb. 使……娶/把……嫁给 get married to与某人结婚(表动作)

be married to与某人结婚(表状态) n. marriage 1)

She married her daughter to an engineer.


2) They have been married for 13 years.=They got married 13 years ago.=It is 13 years since they got married.


1.1) which TV programme to watch 为―疑问词+不定式‖结构,在句中作about 的宾语。

① Please explain to us where to begin and how to do it. 2) ―疑问词+不定式‖结构在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等。

② When to leave here is up to you. ③ The question is how to carry out your plan.

【点津】whether 一词也可以与不定式连用。 ④ I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 2. 常见并列句的类型:

表示递进关系: and, not only…but also, neither…nor…, as well as 表示选择关系: or, either…or…, otherwise 表示转折关系: but, still, however, yet, while, when 表示因果关系: so, for, therefore, thusPS:



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