1【词汇】2. 2019词汇冲刺:单词+词组+句型(N,O) 下载本文



1. name n.名字,名誉 v.命名,任命

enjoy a good name 享有盛名 by the name of=named… 名叫……的

in God’s/Heaven’s name=in the name of God/Heaven 看在上帝的份上 in the name of… 以……的名义,看在……的份上 be named after 以……名字命名

a boy named…/naming himself… 一个名叫……的男孩 namely =that is… 即,也就是说……

2. narrow adj.狭窄的,勉强的 v.(使)变窄

narrowly adv.狭窄地,勉强地,仔细地

a narrow victory 险胜

She has a very narrow view of the world. 她有着狭隘的世界观。 She escaped injury narrowly. 她差点受伤。 in the narrow/broad sense 狭义上/广义上讲

3. native adj.本国的,当地的 n. 当地人;土产

my native language-mother tongue 我的母语 a native of London 伦敦当地人

4. nearly/almost adv. 几乎,差不多

I have worked here for nearly 10 years. almost everyone 几乎所有人

not nearly=much less than=not at all=far from 远非,绝不是 There isn’t nearly enough time to get there now.

5. necessary adj. 必要的,必须的,必然的 n.必需品

It is necessary for sb. to do sth.

If (it is) necessary, you can call on me. It is necessary that …(should)…

6. neck n.脖子,衣领

neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下 a round-necked sweater 一件圆领毛衣

7. need v./n. 需要 They badly need a change.

There is no need for sb. to do sth.=sb have no need to do sth. 某人没有必要做某事。 There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.你明天没有必要早起。 I have no need to open the letter.我没有必要打开这封信。

in need of 需要……

I am in need of some fresh air. 我需要一些新鲜的空气。

if need be=if necessary 如果有必要/需要

There is always food in the freezer if need be. 如有需要,冰箱里总会有事物。

8. neither conj.也不 pron.两者都不 adj./adv.两者之中其中任何一者都不的/地

They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions. 他们制作了两份报告,其中没有一份包含任何有用的建议。 neither…nor… 既不……也不…… either…or… 或……或……

9. noise n.噪音

noisy adj.喧闹的,吵闹的

We had to shout above the noise of traffic.我们不得不高于交通噪音大声喊。

voice n. 嗓音

in a low/high voice 高声地/低声的 She has a good voice.她有好嗓音。 sound n.自然界的各种声音

Light travels much faster than sound.光传播的比声快。

10.normal adj. 正常的 n. 正常

normally adv.

It’s normal to feel tired after such a long trip. normal temperature 正常温度 return to normal=get back to normal 恢复正常

common adj.常见的,共同的

a common mistake常见错误 common sense常识 common practice 习惯做法

ordinary 普通的(average)

ordinary-looking 相貌平平的 usual adj. 通常的

as usual 和往常一样 than usual 比往常更……

11. nose n. 鼻子

a running/runny nose 流鼻涕的鼻子

12. nothing pron. 没有什么

for nothing=for free 免费的