2018年中考英语语法知识点总结(绝对精品) 下载本文

第二人称 单数 复数 you you he she it they you you him her it them your yours his her its their yours yours his hers its theirs yourself yourselves himself herself itself themselves 第三人称 单数 单数 单数 复数 (2) 人称代词的用法: ① 主格通常放在动词前面。宾格一般放在动词或介词后面。 如:She is very friendly and we all like her. All of us are Chinese. ② 人称代词的排列:

单数:you, he and I(二、三、一) 复数:we, you and they(一、二、三)

(3) 物主代词译成―……的‖。形容词性物主代词+名词。名词性物主代词后面不能有名词,

如:This is my book = This book is mine. Their room is bigger than ours. (4) 反身代词意思是―本人,亲自‖。必须与被指代的人在人称和数上保持一致。

如:He can do it himself. They enjoyed themselves at the party yesterday.

反身代词常用词组:teach oneself = learn sth. by oneself 自学 ;enjoy oneself = have a good time / have fun doing 玩得开心; help oneself to sth. 请自便;随便吃; look after oneself = take care of oneself 照顾自己 ;say to oneself 自言自语;by oneself 独自地 ; dress oneself 给自己穿衣

考点2:指示代词、疑问代词和it 的用法

(1) 指示代词的形式:this(单数)—these(复数), that(单数)—those(复数) 如:This is my watch. That is his watch. These are my books. Those are his books.

打电话时,常用―that‖询问对方是―谁‖, 用―this‖介绍自己。 如:—Hello, is that Lucy? —Hello, this is Lucy.

(2 ) 疑问代词指人:who, whom, whose, which ;指物:what, which (3 ) it 的用法

① 指时间、天气或距离等

如:It's eight o'clock now. It's time for class. It's getting hotter and hotter. It's five miles from my home to the school. ② 指谈话双方都知道的或都不知道的人或事 如:—Who is knocking at the door?

—It must be Li Lei. He said he would come tonight. ③ 作形式主语或形式宾语

如:It's important to study English well. We found it hard to finish the work on time.


3:不定代词 (见易混词)

(1) 常见的不定代词有:some, any, one, each, every, no, none, all, both, either, neither, many, much, a few, a little, other, another, the other 等。 (2) 形容词或else 修饰something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody,

everything, everyone, everybody等不定代词时,形容词或else放在不定代词的后面。 如:Do you have anything else to tell us? There is nothing wrong with your bike. 【易混词辨析】 (1) some, any 一些

①some 常用于肯定句;但希望对方肯定回答时,疑问句中用some。

②any 常用于否定句和疑问句,还可用于if引导的条件从句;用于肯定句时,表示―任


(2) many, much 许多

①many+名词复数。例如:He has many friends.

②much+不可数名词。例如:He doesn't have much money. (3) a few, few, a little, little

①a few/few+可数名词复数。a few意为―有一点‖;few意为―几乎没有‖(否定词)。 ②a little/little+不可数名词。a little意为―有一点‖(还可接形容词或比较级);little 意为―几乎没有‖(否定词)。 (4) it, one, that, those

①it 指代前面提到过的那个人或物。

②one 表示泛指,指前面提到的那类人或物中的任何一个,用来代替可数名词单数,其复数形式是ones。

③that 指代同一类别中的另一个,用来代替不可数名词。


(5) both, either, neither

①both意为―两者都‖,both of…作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 词组:both…and 两者都

②either意为―两者之一‖,either of…作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 词组:either…or 要么……要么

③neither意为―两者都不‖,neither of…作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 词组:neither…nor 既不……也不

注意:either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also(不仅……而且), 连接两个并列的主语


(6) all, every, each, none, no one, nobody

①all指三者或三者以上―全部都‖,all of…作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 ②every 指三个或三个以上的人或物中的―每一个‖,不能带of。 ③each 指两个或两个以上的人或物中的―每一个‖,能带of。

④none指三者或三者以上当中―一个也没有‖,既可指人也可指物,常与of连用。 ⑤no one/nobody指三者或三者以上当中―一个也没有‖,只能指人,不能与of连用。 注意:用what/who提问的句子表示否定时分别用nothing/no one(nobody)来回答。 用how many/how much提问的句子表示否定时只能用none来回答。 ④the other 特指―剩下的,其余的‖。

⑤the others=the other+可数名词复数。指―剩下的人(或物),其余的(或物)‖。 词组:one…the other (两者中)一个……另一个; some…others 一些……另一些 (7) another, other, others, the other, the others

①another 泛指三者或三者以上当中的―另一个‖。例如: another two dogs=two more dogs

②other 泛指―别的,其他的‖,后面常加名词。



考点1 不定冠词a / an 的基本用法

一、基本用法 用法 (1) 泛指某一类人或事物中的一个或一类。 (2) 在叙述时用于第一次提到的某人或某物之前。 (3) 用于序数词前,表示―又一,再一‖。 I have read the books twice, but I want to read them a third time. 例句 An elephant is much heavier than a horse. There is a book on the desk. (4) 用于某些固定词组前。 have a good time, in a hurry, have a rest, for a while, take a walk, have a cold 二、a / an 的区别

a 用在辅音音素开头的单数可数名词或字母前,an 用在元音音素开头的单数可数名词或字母前。如 a book , an orange , an egg

注意: ① u发音为 / ju:/ 时, 单词前用a . 如: a usual boy; a university; a unit; a useful book; 注意另外两个特殊词: a one-leg table ; a European

② 常见辅音字母不发音的单词有:an honest boy; an hour; an honor; ③ 单独字母前的用an记忆口诀: Mr. Li has one fox . 如:There is an ― f‖ and an ―o‖ in the word ― frog ‖


考点2 定冠词 the 的用法

基本用法 (1) 用来表示特指的或指双方都知道的人或事 (2) 表示上文中提到过的人或者事 There is an English book on the desk. The book is Li Lei's. (3) 用在世界上独一无二的名词前 (4) 用在形容词最高级、序数词前面 (5) 用在乐器名词前 (6) 用在方位名词前 The sun is bigger than the earth. This is the highest building in this city. My sister can play the piano and the violin. 例句 The man over there is John's uncle. in the east / west / south / north,on the left / right