[英语专八](十天内词汇量突破20000) 带中文生词解释 下载本文

The hall is not dim; the four large lamps irradiate it.照亮

The obstinate man would go his own way, in spite of all warning. ==bigoted 顽固的 Some people eat foods that are repugnant to theirs 讨厌的 矛盾的

After his soporific speech for an hour, the speaker received no applause from the audience. 催眠的 The conquest of outer space is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science. 争霸 凯旋 Lesson 13

Our nation abounds in opportunities for well-educated young men and women.充满 He behaved in such arrogant manners in his firm that he was at last fired.自大的

It takes a long time as well as many experts working together to compile an encyclopedia.编译 百科全书 The murderer entreated the judge to show mercy, but was sentenced to death. 请求 仁慈 The alley was filled with lots of garbage and other filth.小巷 垃圾 污垢

It is incumbent on you to give a father?s advice before your son leaves home.有责任的

At sea, everything that breaks the monotony of the surrounding expanse attracts attention.唯一的 I hope I can reciprocate your hospitality some time. 报答 好客 The shaggy dog always sleeps in the bed with her.蓬松的

Hunger, cold, and sickness were among the tribulations of pioneer life.苦难 He read many books in the adolescent stage of his life.青少年时期 One who is 15 years old is not an adult, but an adolescent.

Adolph Hitler commanded autocratic power; no one could rigorously oppose his plans or decisions.专制All the furniture of the room was very congenial to my taste.符合口味的 The room was encumbered with heavy furniture.塞满

Every night the little girl was horrified by the tiger?s cry.惊吓

It is now manifest that, if you don?t return the book to the library right now, you will have to pay a late fineGood health is not always obtained by good nutrition.获得

They could repress the uprising with the help of the army.镇压 起义 They were accused of smuggling diamonds from foreign countries.走私 There has been a tangible improvement in his schoolwork.有形的

The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump. 比较 心脏 水泵 The ship was tossed by the ocean billows in the storm.摇荡 巨浪

The bomb was detonated from several miles away; it caused no damage to our town.爆炸 The fly became entangled in the spider?s web. 缠住

During long severe winters some animals, such as badgers, ground squirrels, and some insects, hiberna冬眠

By experience with all kinds of people the doctor has developed great powers of intuition.凭经验 直觉Many rivers in Taiwan are polluted with filthy waste from factories. 肮脏的

She reveres her grandfather; he is strict in decision, but shows great affection to her.敬畏 The hermit led a solitary life in the deep mountains far away from the town.隐士 孤独的 They owed their lives to the valor of the firemen. 感激 英勇 == prowess

The brave knight defeated each antagonist who came against him. 骑士 对手 ==opponent

As the doctor was fully cognizant of the patient?s serious condition, he acted swiftly to relieve it.认识到快速His doleful expression showed that he had failed in the examination.悲哀阴沉的 The facility of communication is far greater now than it was a hundred years ago. A free bus to the airport is a facility offered only by this hotel.


He improvised a new stanza form the school song at the football game. 即兴演出 诗 The old lady was very inquisitive about what her neighbors were doing.好奇的

The policeman stopped the man when he saw a gun protruding from his pocket.伸出 He used to say that argument adds a savor to conversation. 滋味

Much of the city was subverted by the earthquake and a great fire.破坏 Lesson 14

He is addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Doctors and policemen disagree on how to control drug distribution and handle addicts. 分配 上瘾He is assiduous at his studies; he works hard and steadily, and pays continual attention to his teacher.勤The two men conspired to steal the jewels and then sell them to a jeweler in another country.合谋 He is such an elusive person; you never know where he is when you want him.难捉摸的 A cheap, gaudy steamboat arrived at the wharf from St.louis. 华而不实艳俗的 码头 He ignited the match by scratching it on the desk. 点燃 刮

The trade union is negotiating with the employers to get a better contract.合同 契约

Respiration is difficult at great heights and some mountaineers wear oxygen masks to overcome sudifficulty.呼吸作用

The speaker made a few funny jokes to add spice to his speech.香料 滋味

The committee accepted the proposal with unanimous approval. 提议 全体一致的

The pore of the allies? aggregated together was great, though individually some were quite weak.聚合的His various wages for the year aggregated $22,000.工资 合计

Their conversation was banal full of uninteresting remarks, such as “nice weather” and “slow traffic toda老套的

Taking a rest in the mountains is ferried curative for breathing difficulties. 渡口的 治疗 The robbers enforced obedience to their demand by threat of violence.强制的

No one in the village likes the man because he is a shameless hypocrite.无耻 伪君子 It is illegal to intercept a letter or parcel before it is delivered.拦截 重打包 Their enemies persecuted some early religious leaders.

“Don?t hurry!” Said her father in sarcasm as she slowly dressed. 讽刺的

We have enough food for the picnic; any more food would be superfluous.多余的

The report of the committee of inquiry completely vindicates him and declares his action to have beright and proper. 探查 维护 宣称 适当的

A smile animated her face as she went to the gate to meet her husband. 使…活力的

Many scientists now believe that there are some worlds in outer space having animate beings.有生命的 Chivalry includes bravery, loyalty, honor, courtesy, respect for woman, protection of the weak, agenerosity.骑士精神

A doctor cannot treat an illness until he had made a diagnosis.诊断 The teacher exemplified the use of the word for the students.举例

When a war impends, wise men try to prevent it in advance.即将发生 预防

The speaker had a really noble voice, which he could modulate with great skill.调制

The teacher?s prophecy that the boy would become a great national leader was later fulfilled.语言 After hard work we could feel the sensuous delight of a hot booth. 感官上的 A minister of foreign affairs who lacks tact is a dangerous man.机智圆滑 The vindictive little girl tore up her sister?s papers.报复的


If you hand in your report late, append a note explaining the reason for the delay.附加

The Plains Indian has a plentiful and regular supply of meat and skins by the communal buffalo hunting饶的 公社 水牛

After learning ecology I could see the relation of living things to their environment and to each other. He?s deserved to be punished several times, but I?ve forborne from dong so.克制 ==restrain It was a matter of indifference to him whether his hands were clean or dirty.冷漠

He was a mediocre student; his academic records were not excellent, but not bad, either.中等的 He rehearsed the story of all his sufferings in prison.排练 We rehearsed our parts for the school plays.

It is unwise to make yourself so singular in your clothes.单一 非凡的 My mood is only transient; it will go away pretty soon.瞬息万变 Lesson 15

The two surfaces adhered to each other, and we couldn?t get them apart.粘连 He had the audacity to go to the party without being invited.大胆 厚颜无耻

The contiguity of the house and the garage was a convenience in bad weather.临近 The witch had enchanted the princess so that she would sleep for a month. As the watched the Niagara Falls, he thought of the grandeur of nature.壮丽

From her story we inferred that they went to the United States unwillingly. 不情愿的 I cannot write a letter, my fingers are numb with cold.麻木了 Please remit the amount of your bill by check.汇款

The girl was accused of stealing a pair of shoes, but because of her young age the judge remitted the prissentence.宽恕

His skeptical remark about the team?s chances of winning made us gloomy.沮丧的 The urban population of Taiwan has greatly increased during the last ten years. This is serious, I am afraid we?ll have to amputate his leg.截肢

All the people in the party were disgusted with his bawdy jokes.猥亵下流的 She is very attractive in spite of her slight deformity.畸形 It took a long time to excavate the ancient city of Troy.发掘

In olden times the coasts of England were frequently harassed by the Vikings.侵袭 He does not drink at all; a little wine may intoxicate him.醉倒 The placid lake reflected the image of the old castle.

Mary kicked Susan, and Susan retaliated against her by biting.踢 报复 咬

The cat found a bird sitting on the branch and crept with stealthy movements toward it. 树枝 爬行 He lied to me about my friend, and I have been very wary of him ever since.警惕

Three survivors told us in detail how the regiment was annihilated by the enemy.团 歼灭 In telling a story we usually follow chronological order.年代顺序的

They are planning to divert the river to supply water somewhere else.转移 The moonlight on the lake enhanced the beauty of the scene.场面

The criminal has been imprisoned in a dry cell for almost 10 years.关押 Do not bear malice toward him, he is a good mean by nature.恶意

The driver was prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit on the express way.检举 He started an inquiry into the cause of the fire, and prosecuted it for several weeks.

We were all amused by the satirical comparison of life at college and in the army.讽刺的


They subscribe to a monthly magazine in addition to several daily newspapers.订阅 He subscribed a large amount of money to the collection for the hospital.捐赠 We heard a weird shriek from the darkness of the ruined castle.怪异的尖叫 A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound.担心

The thief who had stolen the jewels was apprehended by the police and was put in jail.逮捕 She commutes from Cambridge to London every day.执勤

Heat and smoke emitted by the fire made it difficult for the firemen to put it out.发出释放出

The soldiers fortified the position on the hill by building earthworks and erecting log walls.修筑防御工事The government inflicted excessively heavy income taxes on the people.造成 过度的

She cut and painted pieces of paper that mimicked flowers so well that some people thought they were reHer calm voice reassured the frightened child, and he felt much better.使..安心 An exciting new serial story will begin in our next week?s issue.连续的

The tactics of pretending to cross the river and of making a retreat fooled the enemy.策略 假装 撤退娱Lesson 16

He that never was acquainted with adversity has seen the world but on one side.熟悉 灾祸 My new shoes have made blisters on my heels. 水泡 脚跟 The clatter of metal plates was heard from the kitchen.哗啦 Most of telephone dials use digital numbers.拨号盘

He cannot work today; he got a gash in his hand while axing.砍

Even militarily weak and small nations have defied UN decisions with impunity.挑战 不受惩罚 Plants grow much faster and stronger when they are given manure.肥料 Glass is not porous, it doesn?t allow liquid to pass through.渗透的

There are a lot of shacks in the run-down part of the town near the railroad.棚屋 The average life span of people has increased considerably since the 19th century. The strong winds twitched the paper out of her hand.抽动

The French battleships were placed within the power of Nazi Germany in accordance with armistice termIt would be a breach of duty for the guard to leave before his replacement comes. 失职 警卫 To help a new student get oriented furthers the comity of the school. 导向性的 礼让 Some prisoners in the dungeon will be released tomorrow.地牢

He is a gregarious man; he enjoys the companionship of a large number of friends. 群居的 友谊的The explorers incurred great dangers when they tried to cross the rapids. 招致 激流 She has a small mole on the left side of her nose. 胎记

The mole digs holes and passes underground and makes its home in them.鼹鼠 He has applied for a patent on his latest invention. 专利权

This coffee is very hot. Do not drink it quickly, but sip it. 啜(chuò ) Sulfur is found abundantly in volcanic regions.硫磺

This year?s upsurge in rice production is due to the new method of cultivation.高涨 培育 Grandfather was an austere man; he used to be silent and very strict to us/简朴的

When I was in hospital, she called on me with a bouquet of roses in her hand.一束(玫瑰) In the Pacific Ocean there are many coral atolls that are ring like islands.珊瑚礁 A group of schoolmasters are holding a forum on new ways of teaching history. On rainy days the students play games in the gym.

“Not like that” he interjected while explaining how to take the machine into pieces.插入