[英语专八](十天内词汇量突破20000) 带中文生词解释 下载本文


The patient with the skin disorder is under the care of a dermatologist.皮肤科医生 The tiny cells from which hairs grow are located in the dermis.真皮

Although very thin,the epidermis serves to protect the underlying dermis.表皮

The lifelike models of animals that you see in museums are the work of taxidermists.动物标本剥制师 A hypodermic syringe is used for injecting medication beneath the skin.皮下注射 Nom,Nem---management.

The science of agronomy helps farmers obtain larger and better crops.农业经济学

Being a gastronome,my uncle is well acquainted with the best restaurants in the city.爱吃的人

The fleeing murderer escaped the bullets of two pursuing policeman ran into a third who proved to be nemesis.子弹 强劲对手

We would have ended the season without a defeat if not for our old nemesis,Greeley High.

The first astronomical observations with a telescope were made by the Italian scientist Galileo.天文学 It is difficult to conceive of so astronomical a sum as one hundred billion dollars.持有 想象

The President?s chief economic adviser expects that production will continue at the same rate for the resthe year.

Which is the most economical fuel for home heating-gas,electricity,or oil?燃料 Phan,Phen---show

When used as a wrapper,cellophane lets the purchaser see the contents of the package.包装 玻璃纸 We must be able to distinguish between fact and fancy.幻想

Anne is not sure whether she saw a face at the window. Perhaps it was only a fantasy. The phantom of the slain Caesar appeared to Brutus in a dream.幻影

Philip is a phenomenon in math. He always gets 100% on tests.现象奇迹杰出人才 Fever and inflammation are phenomenon of disease.

Young Mozart, a phenomenal child,began composing music at the age of 5.非凡的 作曲 Robert Fulton?s proposal to build a steamboat was at first regarded as fantastic. Therm,Thermo---heat

Diathermy may be proscribed for arthritis,bursitis,and other conditions requiring heat treatment.热透疗During the hot spell,the thermometer reached 100 degrees on six days in a row.温度计

We set the thermostat to shut off the heat when the room temperature reaches 72 degrees.恒温器 At Lava Hot Springs in Idaho,visitors may bathe in the thermal mineral waters.沐浴 热的

It is believed that the sun gets its energy from thermonuclear reactions constantly taking place within it. Prot,Proto---first

Brutus is the protagonist in William Shakespeare?s JULIUS CAESAR,and Antony is the antagonist.主角 The protocol initiated by the representatives of the three nations is expected to lead to a formal treaty.草


It is a breach of protocol for a subordinate publicly to question the judgment of his superior officer.下属 Protoplasm distinguishes living from nonliving things.原生质

The crude craft in which the Wright brothers made the first successful flight in 1903 was the prototype of modern airplane.

The tiny protozoans are believed to be the first animals to have appeared on earth.原生生物 Thesis,thet

I cannot vote for a candidate who stands for the antithesis of what I believe.对立面

In “crafty Ulysses” and “Richard the Lion-Hearted” the epithets are “crafty” and “the Lion-Hearted”.诨名 When Columbus first presented his hypothesis that the earth is round, very few believed it.

Only political parties can produce the synthesis or compromise of interest necessary to marepresentative government work.合成

Do you agree with Elbert?s thesis that a student court would be good for our school?论点

Candidates for advanced college degrees usually must write a thesis based on original research. Cotton is a natural fiber,but rayon and nylon are synthetic.棉花 纤维 人造丝 合成 Aster,Astr,Astro---star

Most asters bloom in the fall.

The asterisk after “Reduced to $1.95” refers to a footnote reding “Today only.”星号 脚注

Compared to planet Earth,some asteroids are tiny,measuring less than a mile in diameter.小行星 If an asteroid loses an arm to an attacker,it can grow back the missing arm.

An astrologer would have people believe that their lives are regulated by the movements of stars,planets,sun and moon.占星师

Yuri Ggarin,the world?s first astronaut,orbited the earth in an artificial satellite on April 12,1961. Because the stars are so far away,astronomers measure their distance from Earth in “light years”. The attack on Pearl Harbor was the worst disaster in the history of the U.S.Navy. Gram,Graph---letter

“Moat” is an anagram for “atom”.护城河 变位词 原子

Ancient cartographers did not know of the existence of the Western Hemisphere.绘图人

Military leaders,diplomats,and businessmen use cryptograms to relay secret information.密码

After reading Mrs.Hale?s electrocardiogram,the physician assured her that her heart was working prope“The more things a man is ashamed of ,the more respectable he is“ is one of George Bernard Shaepigrams.警句

“Lead” pencils do not contain lead,but rather a mixture of clay and graphite.粘土 石墨 Some of Dad?s handkerchiefs are embroidered with his monogram.刺绣 交织文字

For his thesis,the student plans to write a monograph on the life of an obscure 19th-century composer.专A court stenographer has to be able to take down more than 250 words a minute.

The reporter?s graphic description made us feel that we were present at the scene.形象的 图表的

Proofs submitted by the printer should be carefully checked to eliminate typographical errors.印刷上的


拉丁词首词根 Ab,A,Abs---from,off

The automobile was a total wreck,but the river,luckily,escaped with minor cuts and abrasions.摩擦 My uncle,an accountant,composes music as an avocation. The aging king abdicated his throne and went into retirement.

The Greeks attacked Troy to recover Helen,who had veen abducted by the Trojan prince Paris.诱拐

Janet is doing her best to pass English because she abhors the thought of having to repeat it in summschool.

A wide search is under way for the manager who absconded with $10000 of his employer?s funds.潜逃 The fact that you were absent when the assignment was given does not absolve you from dong homework.

Of the three suspects,two were found guilty and the third was absolved.

My dentist said I would have fewer cavities if I abstained from eating candy.避免

The mayor promised to do everything in his power to avert a strike by newspaper employees. We had three absences today,which is abnormal.Usually,everyone is present.

Today?s art lesson came to an abrupt end when the gongs sounded for a fire drill.突然的 消防演习 That was an absorbing book.it held my interest from beginning to end.吸引人的 I am in favor of the dance,but I am averse to holding it on May 25.

You can count on Martha?s support in your campaign for reelection.she is one of your most loyal adherenThe Weather Bureau gave adequate warning of the advent of the hurricane. Before the contest began,the champion shook hands with his adversary.对手 People who work at night have to adapt themselves to sleeping in the daytime. “Gone With The Wind” was adapted for the movies.改编 Mexico adjoins the United States.毗邻

The judge adjourned the court to the following Monday.推迟

You will not become addicted to smoking if you refuse cigarettes when they are offered. The student who arrived ten minutes late did not have adequate time to finish the test. The island of Cuba is adjacent to Florida.临近的

Because of adverse review,the producer announced that the play will close with tonight?s performance. Ante---before ;Post ---after

David?s antecedents came to this country more than a hundred years ago.祖先

If the physician is busy when patients arrive,the nurse asks them to wait in the anteroom.前厅 The purpose of a postmortem is to discover the cause of death.尸检

After signing the letter,I noticed I had omitted an important fact.therefore,I mentioned it in a postscript.附If you used yesterday?s date on a check written today,you have antedated the check.提前日期

Alaska antedates Hawaii as a state,having gained statehood on January 3,1959,seven months befhawaii.国家地位

This a postdated chek;it has tomorrow?s date on it.推迟日期 Our classes usually begin at 8 a.m.

At 4 p.m. the chairman announced the debate to be closed.辩论 After college, Mary hopes to do postgraduate work in law school.



The bicentennial of George Washington?s birth was celebrated in 1932.两百年的

At the end of the lesson, a group gathered about the teacher in a semicircle to ask additional questions. A diameter is a line that bisects a circle.二等分

The American legislature is bicameral; it consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.2议院A defeated candidate for the House of Representatives must wait two years before running again, becauthe elections are biennial.

We receive only six bills a year because we are billed on a bimonthly basis.双月刊 semimonthly Promotion in our school is semiannual; it occurs in January and June.半年一次

Employees paid on a semimonthly basis receive two salary checks per month.半月刊

French forces joined the Americans in a bilateral action against the British at the Battle of Yorktown in 17Montreal has a large number of bilingual citizens who speak English and French.两种语言

Some schools in Spanish-speaking communities send bilingual notices,written in English and Spanish,to parents.

Congressional committees are bipartisan;they consist of both Democratic and Republican members.两党In the morning, as you begin to awaken,you are in a semiconscious state.半清醒的

All the houses on the block are attached,except the corner ones,which are semidetached.半离的

Workers who enter a semiskilled occupation do not have to undergo a long period of training.半熟练的 E,Ex---out;In,Im---in,against

The king promised to pardon any insurgent who would lay down his arms. General Washington led the insurgent forces in the Revolutionary War. Running water is one of the principal causes of soil erosion.水土流失

In 1889,Charles Steinmetz, an engineer, emigrated from Germany..移居国外 In 1889,Charles Steinmetz immigrated to the United States.移入

The suggestion to lengthen the school year has evoked considerable opposition.延长

Refusing to answer the question,the witness invoke the Fifth Amendment,which protects a person frbeing compelled to testify against himself.强迫 作证

With a penknife,he peeled the apple and excised the wormy part.小刀 削 剥离 有虫的 The letters on the monument had been incised with a chisel.雕刻

The art department is exhibiting the outstanding posters produced in its classes.海报 Ellen told the child not to cry,but he could not inhibit his tears.抑制

Expelled from the university because of poor grades,the student applied for readmission the following terGregg?s low mark in the midterm impelled him to study harder for the final.推进 Irma was so enervated by the broiling sun that she nearly fainted.酷热的 The accused is not the only guilty party;two others are implicated.

The treasurer should not have been offended when asked for a financial report.No one was impugning honesty.会计 责难

On July 14,1789,the people of Paris freed the prisoners incarcerated in the Bastille.监禁 The name of the winner will be inscribed on the medal.题写

Steinmetz?s discoveries in the field of electricity made him one of the eminent scientists of the twenticentury.

At the first flash of lightning,the beach crowd scurried for shelters from the imminent storm.急跑 An exclusive club does not readily accept newcomers.