【真题】湖南省长沙市2019年中考英语试题(解析版) 下载本文

7.— Perfect photos! Good skills!

— Thank you. They ______ by my Huawei mobile phone. In fact, I am not skillful at all. A. took 【答案】B 【解析】

【详解】句意:好漂亮的照片!技术真棒!——谢谢。它们是用我的华为手机拍摄的。事实A. took一般过去时的主动语态;B. were taken一般过去时的被动语态;上,我一点也不熟练。C. will be taken一般将来时的被动语态。They代指Perfect photos,与动词take之间是被动的关系,排除A;这些照片已经拍摄完毕,是在过去拍摄的,故用一般过去时态,答案为B。

8.Of the two physics problems, Martha just finished ______ one. A. the most difficult 【答案】C 【解析】

【详解】句意:在这两个物理问题中,玛莎刚刚完成了不那么难的一个。A. the most difficult最难的;B. the least difficult最不难的;C. the less difficult较不难的。根据前面的句子可知,比较的范围是两者,故用比较级的形式,答案为C。

9.China is getting better at making hi-tech products ______ can be bought in all parts of the world. A. who 【答案】B 【解析】

【详解】句意:中国在制造高科技产品方面很擅长,并且这些产品世界各地都能买到。此句考查定语从句的关系词。who引导定语从句时,先行词是人,who在从句中作主语或宾语;which引导定语从句时,先行词是物,which在从句中作主语或宾语;what不能引导定语从句。本句的先行词是hi-tech products,指物,用which来引导,故答案为B。


1) who, whom, that这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中所起作用如下:

B. which

C. what

B. the least difficult

C. the less difficult

B. were taken

C. will be taken

Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是想见你的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语) He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语)

2) whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换),例如: They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。 3) which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。

关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于\介词+ which\结构,因此常常和\介词+ which\结构交替使用,例如:

Beijing is the place where (in which) I was born. 北京是我的出生地。

10.Life is like a story. What matters is not how long it is but______. A. how good it is 【答案】A 【解析】


B. how good is it

C. what good it is

第二节 词语填空 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。

Thanksgiving was just around the corner. The menuhad been set. The shopping list was (菜谱)made. ___11___ seemed perfect. I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes(火鸡和土豆泥). Pictures of different pies, fruit and vegetables came into my mind. I couldn’t ___12___! The day before Thanksgiving my dad called a family meeting. He said we needed to practice being ___13___. “We are going to ___14___ at a homeless shelteron Thanksgiving Day.” (收容所)I couldn’t believe this was happening. So we wouldn’t cook our own Thanksgiving dinner? The holiday wouldn’t be the same. I thought the day would be ruined(糟蹋).

The next morning, we got up ___15___. I followed my father to the shelter with my sleepy eyes. I had no great expectations and felt ___16___ all the way. As soon as we arrived, we got to work. There was so much to be done. But all I could think about was the dinner I couldn’t enjoy.

However, those thoughts soon ___17___. Over the next few hours, I watched hundreds of people come through the shelter. For some, this was the only hot meal they would eat that week. For others, it was the first time to eat a Thanksgiving meal. The shelter was filled with ___18___. Through this experience, I learned that Thanksgiving is a time to think about your blessings(祝福)and look for ways to bless others. When I gave up what I had wanted, I discovered how much I have. It is much better to ___19___ than to receive. In the end, that Thanksgiving became an ___20___ experience. 11. A. Something 12. A. wait 13. A. creative 14. A. rush out 15. A. early 16. A. excited 17. A. appeared 18. A. stress 19. A. give

20. A. uncomfortable

B. Everything B. care B. nervous B. help out B. late B. good B. disappeared B. joy B. take B. unreasonable

C. Nothing C. understand C. thankful C. check out C. suddenly C. down C. rose C. fear C. waste C. unforgettable

【答案】11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. C 【解析】

短文大意:作者介绍了践行感恩的一次难忘经历。在感恩节那天,爸爸带着他到当地的一家收容所帮忙,作者对于在收容所原本所讨厌的饭食却成了有些无家可归的人唯一能吃的热饭,思想也发生了改变,情感得到了升华,感悟到爱的真谛。 【11题详解】

句意:一切似乎都很完美。A. Something某事,某物;B. Everything每件事,所有事物;C. Nothing没有什么,没有一件东西。根据后面句子“I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes(火鸡和土豆泥). Pictures of different pies, fruit and vegetables came into my mind.”可知,作者可以品尝到火鸡和土豆泥。各种馅饼、水果和蔬菜的照片也浮现在脑海中。圣诞节前夕一

切准备就绪,看起来都很完美,故答案为B。 【12题详解】

句意:我有点迫不及待了。A. wait等待;B. care照顾;C. understand理解。can’t wait迫不及待。看到准备好的圣诞大餐,作者有点迫不及待地想吃了,答案为A。 【13题详解】

句意:他说我们需要实践感恩。A. creative创造性的;B. nervous紧张的;C. thankful感激的。根据后面的句子“We are going to ___4___ at a homeless shelter(收容所)on Thanksgiving Day.”可知,去收容所提供帮助是献爱心的一种行为。故答案选C。 【14题详解】

句意:我们将在感恩节在收容所提供帮助。A. rush out冲出去;B. help out解决难题,帮助C. check out核实。(……)分担工作;根据下文中的句子As soon as we arrived, we got to work. There was so much to be done.可知,作者他们是去收容所为那些无家可归的人提供所谓的“感恩节大餐”,去帮助他们,故答案为B。 【15题详解】

句意:第二天早上,我们起得很早。A. early早的;B. late晚的;C. suddenly突然。结合后面的句子“I followed my father to the shelter with my sleepy eyes.”我睡眼朦胧地跟着父亲来到收容所。由此可知他们一大早就起来了,故答案为A。 【16题详解】

A. excited兴奋的;B. good好的;C. down句意:我没有太高的期望,一路上感觉精神不太好。沮丧的。feel down感觉情绪低落。根据前面的句子“I couldn’t believe this was happening. So we wouldn’t cook our own Thanksgiving dinner? The holiday wouldn’t be the same. I thought the day would be ruined(糟蹋).”可知,作者对爸爸提议这次感恩节去收容所并不开心。故答案为C。 【17题详解】

句意:然而,这些想法很快就消失了。A. appeared出现;B. disappeared消失;C. rose升高。根据后面的句子“Over the next few hours, I watched hundreds of people come through the shelter. For some, this was the only hot meal they would eat that week. For others, it was the first time to eat a Thanksgiving meal.”在接下来的几个小时里,我看到数百人从庇护所里经过。对一些人来说,这是他们那周唯一能吃的热饭。对其他人来说,这是第一次吃感恩节大餐。作者对于在收容所原本所讨厌的饭食却成了有些无家可归的人唯一能吃的热饭,思想也发生了改变,故